Literal Idioms Categories of Idioms

42 idioms because using an idiom of similar meaning and form can only occasionally be achieved Baker, 2011. Excerpt [12] There are seven idioms which are translated using idioms of similar meaning and form. One example of idioms which is translated using this strategy is forever in your debt as shown in Excerpt [12] . This idiom is translated into selamanya dalam hutang budi kalian . Table 4.4 Form and Meaning: Similar Meaning and Form SL Idiom TL Idiom Idiom forever in your debt selamanya dalam hutang budi kalian Form idiomatic expression idiomatic expression similar lexical items Meaning to express gratitude to express gratitude Referring to Table 4.4, the SL idiom yields the same meaning with the translation in TL. The translation of the SL idiom is an idiom in the TL. Both SL and TL idioms mean to feel grateful to somebody for their help and kindness. The lexical items of both idioms are similar. Forever means selamanya , in means dalam , your debt means hutang budi kalian . This similarity in lexical items does not make the translation less accurate or less natural. The translation still maintains the meaning of its SL idiom and is easily understood. This idiom appeared when Jules and her interns were in a pub. Jules told her interns that she was so grateful because of what they had done. Jules asked her interns to steal her English Subtitles Indonesian Subtitles 01:17:27,945  01:17:37,320 I am gonna go. But I am forever in your debt, gentlemen. Another word which is never used anymore. 01:17:28,023  01:17:34,829 Aku akan pergi. Tapi aku selamanya dalam hutang budi kalian, bapak- bapak. A107 43 mother‟s computer because she accidentally sent a wrong message to her. Luckily, Jules‟s interns were willing to do it and successful in accomplishing that mission. Excerpt [13] Another example of an idiom which is translated using an idiom of similar meaning and form is shown in Excerpt [13]. The idiom a billion times is translated into milyaran kali . Both source language and target language idioms represent the same meaning which is to do something many times. The words billion and milyaran indicate the exaggeration of something or hyperbole. This idiom was used by Jason when he had a conversation with Ben. Jason told Ben that he had texted his crush for so many times but got no response. Jason emphasized how hard his effort to get his crush‟s attention by using this idiom. A billion times and milyaran kali also have similar form of lexical items. Even though the translation uses similar form of lexical items, it does not change any information of the idiom. Therefore, the meaning is accurately transferred. Besides, it is naturally used in the target language.

2. Using an Idiom of Simiar Meaning but Dissimilar Form

Baker 2011 points out that this strategy uses TL idioms which have the same meaning with SL idioms but different lexical items or words. In other English Subtitles Indonesian Subtitles 00:22:29,684  00:22:35,354

I, like, texted her a billion times. She didnt answer, so then I e-mailed her.

00:22:29,762  00:22:35,432 Aku suka mengirimi dia pesan milyaran kali. Dia tak menjawab, lalu aku e-mail dia. A30 44 words, the translator picks an idiom with different form and lexis in the TL, but it has the same meaning with the SL idiom. Excerpt [14] Based on the findings, the researcher finds three idioms translated using idioms of similar meaning but dissimilar form. One example of the idioms is presented in Excerpt [14]. The idiom bust my ass is translated into membanting tulang . Table 4.5 Form and Meaning: Similar Meaning Dissimilar Form SL Idiom TL Idiom Idiom bust my ass membanting tulang Form idiomatic expression idiomatic expression dissimilar lexical items Meaning make a great effort make a great effort Reffering to Table 4.5, if bust my ass is translated literally into mematahkan pantatku, it will be less natural and have no meaning in the TL. In the Indonesian subtitles, this idiom is translated into membanting tulang. According to Chaer 1986, membanting tulang means bekerja keras. Thus, both idioms have the same meaning which is to make huge and real effort to do something. In the subtitles, Becky told Ben that she always worked hard and did everything that Jules asked to do. In the other side, Jules never paid attention to her. To convey the meaning, the idiom bust my ass is translated using different English Subtitles Indonesian Subtitles 01:02:02,488  01:02:08,525 I mean, I bust my ass for her 14 hours a day, and she never notices. 01:02:02,566  01:02:08,603 Maksudku, aku membanting tulang untuk dia 14 jam sehari, dan dia tak pernah mengetahuinya. A78