Idiomatic Translation Theoretical Description

20 pertahankan dagu ke atas, it will be meaningless. It could be paraphrased tetap semangat which is the meaning of the idiom keep your chin up itself. The fifth strategy is omission. This strategy is employed when the SL idiom has no close match in the TL, its meaning cannot be easily paraphrased, or for stylistic reasons. It may also be used because of the culture. For example, the idiom son of a bitch is omitted because it is considered impolite and harsh if it is translated into Indonesian.

B. Theoretical Framework

This part provides the theories used in this study. The focus of the study is idiom translation in The Intern movie. The researcher formulates two research questions. The first research question is about the categories of idioms and the second research question is about the strategies for translating idioms. The researcher selects some theories which are related to idioms. The researcher notes some theories Jackson 1988, Newmark 1988, Fernando 1996, O‟Dell and McCarthy 2010, and Wales 2011. From those experts, it can be concluded that idioms carry metaphorical meaning. Some of idioms are invariant, some others allow lexical variations. Besides, the researcher obtains information about types of idioms and figures of speech from some experts Hockett 1950, Carter 2004, Knowles and Moon 2006, Wren and Martin 2010, Yule 2010, and Wales 2011. In addition, the researcher reads some literature which are related to translation Nida 1964, Larson 1984, Newmark 1988, Bassnett 2008, Pym 2010, and Munday 2016. 21 To answer the first research question which is about the categories of idioms, the researcher uses some theories. To categorize the idioms, the researcher uses Fernando‟s 1996 theory. The idioms are categorized into pure idioms, semi-idioms, and literal idioms. Besides, the researcher classifies the type of semi- idioms using figures of speech. The theories of figures of speech are Hockett 1950, Carter 2004, Knowles and Moon 2006, Wren and Martin 2010, Yule 2010, and Wales 2011. To answer the second research question which is about the strategies or translating idioms, the researcher uses Baker‟s 2011 theory. The strategies are using an idiom of similar meaning and form, using an idiom of similar meaning but dissimilar form, borowing, translation by paraphrase, and omission. 22


This chapter presents the methodology used in the research to answer the research questions. The researcher describes the procedure in gathering and analyzing the data. There are three parts of this chapter, namely research method, instruments and data gathering technique, and data analysis technique.

A. Research Method

The researcher analyzed the categories of idioms and the strategies to translate the idioms in The Intern movie. The analysis was based on the English and Indonesian subtitles of The Intern movie. In order to analyze the idioms in the subtitles of the movie, the researcher employed qualitative research. Bogdan and Biklen 2007 argue that in qualitative research, the data collected takes the form of words or pictures. In this research, the collected data were the English idioms of The Intern movie and their Indonesian translation. The presented numbers and percentage were meant to make the discussion more compelling Latief, 1999. According to Ary, Jacobs, Razavieh, and Sorensen 2010, there are different types of qualitative research. One of them is document or content analysis. To answer the research questions which are what categories of idioms and strategies for translating idioms in The Intern movie, document or content analysis was employed. Ary, et al. 2010 state that content analysis‟ source data can be public records, textbooks, letters, films, tapes, diaries, themes, reports, or