Strategies for Translating Idioms



This chapter presents the methodology used in the research to answer the research questions. The researcher describes the procedure in gathering and analyzing the data. There are three parts of this chapter, namely research method, instruments and data gathering technique, and data analysis technique.

A. Research Method

The researcher analyzed the categories of idioms and the strategies to translate the idioms in The Intern movie. The analysis was based on the English and Indonesian subtitles of The Intern movie. In order to analyze the idioms in the subtitles of the movie, the researcher employed qualitative research. Bogdan and Biklen 2007 argue that in qualitative research, the data collected takes the form of words or pictures. In this research, the collected data were the English idioms of The Intern movie and their Indonesian translation. The presented numbers and percentage were meant to make the discussion more compelling Latief, 1999. According to Ary, Jacobs, Razavieh, and Sorensen 2010, there are different types of qualitative research. One of them is document or content analysis. To answer the research questions which are what categories of idioms and strategies for translating idioms in The Intern movie, document or content analysis was employed. Ary, et al. 2010 state that content analysis‟ source data can be public records, textbooks, letters, films, tapes, diaries, themes, reports, or 23 other documents. Fraenkel, Wallen, and Hyun 2011 suggest that the contents of virtually any type of communication can be analyzed. In this case, the researcher used the English and Indonesian subtitles of The Intern movie which were retrieved from as the source data. Fraenkel, et al. 2011 also imply that content analysis enables the researcher to understand human behavior in an indirect way. The researcher identified the idioms used by the characters in the movie as a part of everyday life.

B. Instruments and Data Gathering Technique

There were two instruments used in the research. They were human instrument and the English and Indonesian subtitles of The Intern movie.

1. Human Instrument

According to Creswell 2007, researcher is the key instrument in qualitative research . The researcher chooses the topic, decides the instrument, collects the data, analyzes the data, and draws conclusion. In addition, the researcher makes the interpretation of the data as qualitative research is fundamentally interpretive.

2. The English and Indonesian Subtitles of

The Intern Movie The researcher analyzed the English and Indonesian subtitles of The Intern movie. The subtitles were retrieved on November 25, 2016 from 24 . The translator of the subtitles is Robbinsan. In this research, English was the source language and Indonesian was the target language. In gathering the data, the researcher employed some steps. First, the researcher watched the movie with the English subtitles. At the same time, the researcher collected the idioms which appeared in the movie. Second, the researcher consulted the dictionary and the theory of idioms to make sure that what the researcher collected were all idioms. Third, to encounter the translation strategy, the researcher compared the English source language idioms and the Indonesian target language translation by reading the Indonesian subtitles. Fourth, the researcher made tables which consisted of idioms, the translation of the idioms, categories, and strategies. Fifth, the researcher put the idioms into the appropriate categories and analyzed the translation strategies. Particularly for semi-idioms, the researcher provided another table which consisted of idioms and types of idioms.

C. Data Analysis Technique

Bogdan and Biklen 2007 explain data analysis as searching and arranging the materials systematically so that it leads the researcher to the findings. The researcher adapted and adjusted Creswell‟s 2014 theory of qualitative data analysis technique. Creswell 2014 proposes six steps of data analysis technique whereas the researcher modified it into four steps. The steps were organizing and preparing the data, coding all of the data, presenting the data, and making interpretation of the data.