Semi-idioms Categories of Idioms

37 whole part of the body. Ass refers to a person, not only his or her ass. Therefore, the idiom s ave your ass means to help someone. The type of this semi-idiom is called metonymy as it uses a part to refer the whole. In the movie, Davis, one of the workers in the About the Fit, told Ben that he had moved in to his cousin‟s house in Philadelphia. However, it took much time from his cousin‟s house to the company. Therefore, Ben offered him a help. Davis could live in Ben ‟s house for a while. d Hyperbole Wales 2011 suggests hyperbole means exagerration or overstatement. It is used to show strong emphasis on something by making it sounds more than what it actually is. There are three semi-idioms which are identified as hyperbole. Excerpt [8] One of semi-idioms in the subtitles is my blood pressure was through the roof. The phrase my blood pressure still maintains its literal meaning whereas the roof has lost its literal meaning. The roof does not mean the structure that covers the top of a building or vehicle. It shows that something is high. In this context, the roof implies to be beyond the normal state or condition. Therefore, the meaning of my blood pressure was through the roof is not to show that my blood pressure goes to the top of a building or vehicle , but to show that someone is under pressure because of doing something that pumps adrenaline. Ben said this Excerpt from 01:14:50,722  01:14:52,555 Ben : Im sure my blood pressure was through the roof. But it was worth it. Good times 38 idiom because he had just committed a crime which was stealing his boss‟s mother‟s computer. This idiom also exaggerates Ben‟s feeling by using the words through the roof . Thus, the type of this semi-idiom is hyperbole. Excerpt [9] Another semi-idiom which is considered as hyperbole is a billion times. This idiom contains one word with literal meaning and one word with non-literal meaning. The literal word is times, whereas the non-literal word is billion. Billion is included as numerical quantifiers which can be used to form a hyperbole. Saying a billion times does not mean that Jason really did text his crush a billion times. Jason used this idiom to give emphasis that he had done a huge effort to approach his crush by texting her so many times.

3. Literal Idioms

Referring to Fernando 1996, a literal idiom is less complex than pure and semi-idioms. The variation of a literal idiom is also little or none at all. This makes literal idioms different with literal phrases. Based on the findings, there are thirty nine idioms which are considered as literal idioms. Excerpt from 00:22:27,081  00:22:32,419 Ben : What did you do, send her a tweet? Jason : No, of course not. I, like, texted her a billion times. B6 39 Excerpt [10] One of the examples of literal idioms in the subtitles is first of all. It is included as a literal idiom because it has no variation and the meaning is easier to comprehend from its elements. If it is translated word for word, the idiom becomes pertama dari semuanya. Actually, the idiom yields two meanings. First, it means at the beginning. Second, it means the most important thing. The idiom matches with the second meaning. The translator chose the more natural translation which is terutama. Jules told her reason why she minded about having an old intern. Excerpt [11] Referring to Excerpt [11], the idiom all right is considered to be a literal idiom because the meaning of the elements is transparent. First, all right can be interpreted as an adjective which means acceptable, safe, and good. Second, all right can be an exclamation which means to show agreement, attention, and greeting. In this context, the idiom all right means to show agreement. Ben agreed with what the woman said that he was not young anymore. This idiom is translated into baiklah. Therefore, baiklah is appropriate as the translation of the SL idiom. Excerpt from 00:04:30,906  00:04:32,940 Ben‟s girlfriend: Youre not getting any younger. Ben : I know, I know, I know. All right. Excerpt from 00:11:58,520  00:12:00,721 Jules : First of all, Im not great with older people. You know how I am with my parents. This could be... Why do I have to have one? Cameron: Because you have to set the tone. A21 40 To sum up, idioms can be classified into three categories, namely pure idioms, semi-idioms, and literal idioms. Based on the findings, pure idioms are constructed from two or more words which have lost their literal meaning. Semi- idioms consist of one or more literal elements and at least one non-literal element. The non-literal meaning of the words can be traced by figuring the figures of speech of those words. This makes the figures of speech in semi-idioms tracable. In this research, semi-idioms are classified into simile, metaphor, metonymy, and hyperbole. Literal idioms have very little variation or none at all. Even though literal idioms are invariant, the components are easy to comprehend.

B. Strategies for Translating Idioms

This part presents the translation strategies of idioms in The Intern movie. The data were analyzed using Baker‟s 2011 theory. The strategies for translating idioms which are proposed by Baker 2011 are using an idiom of similar meaning and form, using an idiom of similar meaning but dissimilar form, borrowing the source language idiom, paraphrase, and omission. Nevertheless, there are some idioms which are translated using another strategy, namely literal translation. Literal translation is proposed by Larson 1984. The findings of the strategies for translating idioms are shown in Table 4.3. 41 Table 4.3 Percentage of Each Strategy for Translating Idioms No Strategies Frequency Percentage 1. Similar meaning and form 7 5.4 2. Similar meaning but dissimilar form 4 3.1 3. Borrowing 2 1.5 4. Paraphrase 105 80.8 5. Omission 3 2.3 6. Literal translation 9 6.9 Total 130 100 The researcher discovers 130 idioms in The Intern movie subtitles. Based on the findings, paraphrase is the most frequent strategy used to translate the idioms. There are 105 idioms 80.8 which are translated using this strategy. The second most adopted strategy is literal translation. This strategy is not proposed by Baker. However, it is used to translate 9 idioms 6.9 of the total idioms in the movie. The next strategy is using an idiom of similar meaning and form. There are 7 idioms 5.4 translated using this strategy. The third most applied strategy is using an idiom of similar meaning but dissimilar form which is employed to translate 4 idioms 3.1. The next strategy is omission which is applied to translate 3 idioms 2.3. The least used strategy is borrowing which accounts for 1.5 of the total idioms in the movie.

1. Using an Idiom of Similar Meaning and Form

Baker 2011 states that this strategy translates an idiom in the SL with an idiom in the TL which has the same meaning. Besides, both SL and TL idioms have the equivalent lexical items. This strategy is employed to translate seven 42 idioms because using an idiom of similar meaning and form can only occasionally be achieved Baker, 2011. Excerpt [12] There are seven idioms which are translated using idioms of similar meaning and form. One example of idioms which is translated using this strategy is forever in your debt as shown in Excerpt [12] . This idiom is translated into selamanya dalam hutang budi kalian . Table 4.4 Form and Meaning: Similar Meaning and Form SL Idiom TL Idiom Idiom forever in your debt selamanya dalam hutang budi kalian Form idiomatic expression idiomatic expression similar lexical items Meaning to express gratitude to express gratitude Referring to Table 4.4, the SL idiom yields the same meaning with the translation in TL. The translation of the SL idiom is an idiom in the TL. Both SL and TL idioms mean to feel grateful to somebody for their help and kindness. The lexical items of both idioms are similar. Forever means selamanya , in means dalam , your debt means hutang budi kalian . This similarity in lexical items does not make the translation less accurate or less natural. The translation still maintains the meaning of its SL idiom and is easily understood. This idiom appeared when Jules and her interns were in a pub. Jules told her interns that she was so grateful because of what they had done. Jules asked her interns to steal her English Subtitles Indonesian Subtitles 01:17:27,945  01:17:37,320 I am gonna go. But I am forever in your debt, gentlemen. Another word which is never used anymore. 01:17:28,023  01:17:34,829 Aku akan pergi. Tapi aku selamanya dalam hutang budi kalian, bapak- bapak. A107