Anshun Huangla Comparison of 1990s data with 1950s data

518 5. Comparison of 1990s data with 1950s data Each occurrence of [e] in the 1950s data was recorded in our research as [ D]: English 1950 1990 English 1950 1990 ‘mosquito’ mdM20 mDM2 ‘tooth’ gdt24 gDt24 ‘feces’ fd42 fD31 ‘towel gourd’ jud22 jvD22 ‘money’ bdm20 bhDm20 ‘strength’ ydM20 pDM20 ‘to hang’ udm22 uDm22 ‘to carry with hand’ ydt24 pht24 ‘to hurt’ sbds24 sbDs24 ‘to smile’ ydt22 phDt22 The difference in the tone values transcribed in the 1950s data and the tones recorded in our data is not great. The tone values as reported in the 1950s data and our data is given below. 1950 data Tone 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Pitch 22 20 24 42 13 00 24 00 Example m`22 m`20 m`24 m`42 ju`13 s`00 y`o24, yCo24 j`o00, jCo00 Gloss thick field face mother’s older brother to cross river to carry with shoulder pole, small pig basket to press between, to catch 1990 data Tone 1 2 3 4 5 6 7, 9 8, 10 Average pitch 33 41 45 52 24 13 45 22

5.2. Anshun Huangla

With regard to initials, some words transcribed with a [v] initial in BYDCBG were recorded with a [w] initial. For example: English 1950 1990 English 1950 1990 ‘mistfog’ ut44 vT24 ‘rain’ uLm00 v=m22 ‘poor’ un44 vn24 ‘to mend’ utM00 vt=M02 Most words transcribed with a [z] initial in BYDCBG survey were recorded in our survey with [ p]. English 1950 1990 English 1950 1990 ‘wind’ yLl20 p=l20 ‘water’ yl42 p`l31 ‘stone’ yLl00X p=:m13 ‘sand’ yd13 phD24 ‘road’ ym20 p`:m20 ‘room’ y`m20 p`:m20 5. Comparison of 1990s data with 1950s data 519 Some of the words transcribed with the initial [s] in BYDCBG were recorded with a [ S] or [b]. Many of these words also were recorded with different nuclei. Examples: English 1950 1990 English 1950 1990 ‘four’ rh13 ShDh24 ‘intestines’ r`h00 S`nh33 ‘male’ r`h00 S`:h13 ‘left’ rth42 StDh31 ‘clean’ rh00 S`:h13 ‘to be’ rh00 bhDh02 The [ L] nucleus transcribed in BYDCBG was recorded as [=] in our data. Examples: English 1950 1990 English 1950 1990 ‘sky’ faLm00 fa=m13 ‘wind’ yLl20 p=l20 ‘rain’ uLm00 v=m22 ‘stone’ yLl00 p=:m13 ‘duck’ oLs13 o=s24 ‘wing’ Fls22 F=s22 ‘feather’ oLm22 o=m13 ‘tongue’ kLm42 k=m31 The nucleus [u] transcribed in BYDCBG was sometimes recorded as other nuclei in our data. Examples: English 1950 1990 English 1950 1990 ‘rainbow’ stM20 stnM20 ‘pants’ srtM00 sbtnM13 ‘goat’ itM20 itnM20 ‘pig’ lt00 ltnt02 ‘to boil’ ytM00 ptnM13 ‘brain’ ftj13 fT=j13 ‘door’ st00 stnt12 ‘blood’ kts22 kt=s22 ‘earthworm’ fctm00 fcT=m13 ‘to drink’ fcts13 St=s22 ‘salt’ jt00 jvnt13 ‘drum’ jt`M00 jv`M102 ‘to ride’ jth22 jvDh22 ‘nine’ jt44 jvnt33 ‘to cut grass’ jt`m20 jv`m20 ‘to rest’ it13m`h13 ih33m`:h3 520 5. Comparison of 1990s data with 1950s data The nucleus [i] transcribed in BYDCBG was recorded in our data as various other nuclei. Examples: English 1950 1990 English 1950 1990 ‘star’ fc`h13 fch13 fc:t22 fchdh20 ‘fan’ oh20 ohDh30 ‘year’ oh00 ohdh12 ‘tail’ yhM00 ph=M13 ‘one’ fhs13 fihDs24 ‘Bouyei people’ ot31fh42 ot20 fidh31 ‘hungry’ fhj13 fi=f24 ‘fat’ oh20 ohDh31 ‘grass’ ¯h44 ¯dh33 ‘money’ sbh`m20 sbDm30 ‘scissors’ sbh`t20 sb`t30 ‘to smile’ yht42 pht33 ‘to stretch out’ fhs13 fiDs23 ‘to have’ kh42 khdh31 Below is a summary of the tonal pitch values of Anshun Huangla from BYDCBG and from our data. 1950 data Tone 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Pitch 00 20 44 42 13 22 13 22 Example m`00 m`20 m`44 m`13 ju`13 s`22 y`o13, yo13 j`o22, jo22 Gloss thick field face mother’s older brother to cross river to carry with shoulder pole, small pig basket to press between, to catch 1990 data Category 1 2 3 4 5 6 7, 9 8, 10 Pitch value 13 31 44 42 24 33 24 33

5.3. Ceheng Huarong