OUTPUT ANALISIS MULTIVARIAT Logistic Regression Block 0: Beginning Block Case Processing Sum mary 172 100.0 .0 172 100.0 .0 172 100.0 Unweighted Cases a Included in Analysis Missing Cases Total Selected Cases Unselected Cases Total N Percent If weight is in effect, see classification table for the total number of cases. a. Dependent Variable Encoding 1 Original Value Kontrol Kasus Internal Value Classification Table


86 .0 86 100.0 50.0 Observed Kontrol Kasus Kejadian DBD Overall Percentage Step 0 Kontrol Kasus Kejadian DBD Percentage Correct Predicted Constant is included in the model. a. The cut value is .500 b. Variables in the Equation .000 .152 .000 1 1.000 1.000 Constant Step 0 B S.E. Wald df Sig. ExpB Lampiran 8 Block 1: Method = Enter V ariables not in the Equation 4.842 1 .028 15.126 1 .000 24.905 1 .000 2.584 1 .108 6.035 1 .014 7.461 1 .006 10.426 1 .001 6.878 1 .009 4.531 1 .033 51.736 9 .000 Jentik Tata NTPA Kasa Tbhn Brsh Gntng Tdr Anti Variables Overall Statistics Step Score df Sig. Om nibus Tests of Model Coefficients 59.696 9 .000 59.696 9 .000 59.696 9 .000 Step Block Model Step 1 Chi-square df Sig. Model Summ ary 178.747 a .293 .391 Step 1 -2 Log likelihood Cox Snell R Square Nagelkerke R Square Estimation terminated at iteration number 5 because parameter estimates changed by less than .001. a. Classification Table a 58 28 67.4 19 67 77.9 72.7 Observed Kontrol Kasus Kejadian DBD Overall Percentage Step 1 Kontrol Kasus Kejadian DBD Percentage Correct Predicted The cut value is .500 a. Logistic Regression Variables in the Equation -.370 .649 .324 1 .569 .691 .194 2.465 .633 .573 1.220 1 .269 1.883 .613 5.786 1.676 .404 17.253 1 .000 5.344 2.423 11.786 .758 .536 1.998 1 .157 2.133 .746 6.100 .828 .385 4.613 1 .032 2.288 1.075 4.870 .973 .531 3.359 1 .067 2.647 .935 7.494 .435 .508 .734 1 .392 1.545 .571 4.184 1.032 .396 6.795 1 .009 2.808 1.292 6.101 1.471 .547 7.236 1 .007 4.355 1.491 12.721 -3.939 .739 28.394 1 .000 .019 Jentik Tata NTPA Kasa Tbhn Brsh Gntng Tdr Anti Constant Step 1 a B S.E. Wald df Sig. ExpB Lower Upper 95.0 C.I.for EXPB Variables entered on step 1: Jentik, Tata, NTPA, Kasa, Tbhn, Brsh, Gntng, Tdr, Anti. a. Case Processing Sum mary 172 100.0 .0 172 100.0 .0 172 100.0 Unweighted Cases a Included in Analysis Missing Cases Total Selected Cases Unselected Cases Total N Percent If weight is in effect, see classification table for the total number of cases. a. Dependent Variable Encoding 1 Original Value Kontrol Kasus Internal Value Block 0: Beginning Block Block 1: Method = Enter Classification Table