The Evaluation and Revision of Unit 3

background. Task 15 The task was about practicing dialogue and stating true or false. The task was revised into practicing board game. Task 16 The word “task” in the explanation begins with capital letter, and some articles, prepositions, and suffixes were missing. The beginning of the word “task” in the explanation was revised into “Task”, and some articles, prepositions, and suffixes were added. The task was the explanation about simple past tense. The task was revised into making a dialogue in pairs based on the model provided. Task 17 The instruction was not closed with closing mark. The closing mark was added. The task was about practicing board game. The task was revised into finding a job advertisement from newspaper or the internet in a group of four, make a dialogue based on the job advertisement, and practice it in front of the class. Task 18 The task was make a dialogue in pairs based on the model provided and practice it in front of the classroom. The task was deleted. Task 19 The task was finding a job advertisement in a group of four, make a dialogue based on the advertisement, and practice it in front of the classroom. The task was deleted.

B. Discussion

The aims of teaching English in the vocational school are to prepare the students with communicative competence and to prepare the students to be able to communicate in English in their daily life. This research was focused on developing an English speaking material for the students of automotive engineering in vocational school. Therefore, the English for Specific Purposes ESP approach was applied in this research. The first step of this research was needs analysis in which the purpose of this step was to specify why the learners need to learn English Hutchinson and Waters, 1987. The process of needs analysis was divided into two; those were target needs, which belong to what the learners need to do in the target situation, and learning needs, which belong to the knowledge and abilities that learners will require in order to be able to perform to the required degree of competence in the target situation. The results of needs analysis which had been conducted in SMK Sanjaya Ngawen showed that the students’ purpose of learning English was to get the job based on the vocational program which is automotive engineering, such as understanding how to operate and maintenance vehicles. After the students have graduated from the school, they want to work abroad. In addition, their weakness in speaking skill was the lack of vocabulary, especially the one which is related to their vocational program. Therefore, the topic of the speaking material which was designed was related to automotive engineering. After the needs analysis had been conducted, the next step was formulating a course grid and writes the first draft of the speaking material. The speaking material contains of three units. There were 16 to 19 tasks in each unit in the material. Each unit consists six sections; those were Lead – In, Lesson Proper, Evaluation, Homework, Reflection, and Summary. After the material had been written, the next step was expert judgment process. Here, the material which had been developed was assessed by the material and content expert. The criteria for expert judgment were based on the BSNP standard. Based on the results of expert judgment, the content, the language, the materials presentation, and the materials layout were appropriate but in the first draft, the material was not focused on one language functions, and there were many grammatical mistakes which need to be revised. Therefore, the revision was needed to improve the quality of the material in order to make it more appropriate for the students of automotive engineering in SMK Sanjaya Ngawen.


In this last chapter, the target needs, the learning needs, and the appropriate characteristics and design of English speaking materials were presented in the conclusion. Also, the suggestions to the English teacher and other researcher will be presented in this chapter.

A. Conclusions

1. The Target Needs

The target of this research was the second grade students of automotive engineering in SMK Sanjaya, Ngawen. From the results of needs analysis, the students’ purpose of learning English was to get the job based on their vocational program. Therefore, they need a learning topic which was relevant to their vocational program that is automotive engineering. After they have graduated from the school, they wanted to work abroad, so they need to learn English intensively, especially to develop their speaking skill.

2. The Learning Needs

Based on the results of needs analysis, the length of the learning input which was needed by the students to learn speaking was 150 to 200 words. The form of the input which was needed to learn speaking was short dialogues. Furthermore, the activities which were needed by the students to learn speaking were role – play and games. The type for role – play activity which was needed by the students was scripted role – play, and the type of game which was needed was matching games. Those two activities were applied to the English speaking material which had been written.

3. The Appropriate English Speaking Materials:

To understand whether the English speaking material was appropriate or not, there were two criteria which can be used to see it; those were the characteristics and the design of the material itself. The appropriate characteristics of an English speaking material are: a. The English speaking material was developed based on the standard of competence and the basic of competence and also based on the students’ learning needs. b. The English speaking material was developed by exploring texts which were related to the students’ daily life. c. The English speaking material helped the students to learn language functions effectively. d. The content of the English speaking material were taken from the newest sources. e. The language which was used in the English speaking material was appropriate to the students’ language skills and cognitive development. f. The language which was used in the English speaking material was clear, easy to understand, and accurate. g. The ideas of the material were good and unite. Meanwhile, the appropriate designs of an English speaking material are:

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