Data Gathering Techniques RESEARCH METHODOLOGY


2. Data Analysis Technique on the Preliminary Field Testing

The researcher also distributed the questionnaire to five lecturers of English Language Education Study Program in order to obtain their feedback, suggestions, and evaluation. For the questionnaire, there are two parts. In the first part, the participants were asked to express their opinion towards the designed materials which were helped by some statements. In this research, the researcher used the Likert’s scale to evaluate the designed materials. The Likert scale was a scale with a number of points, usually five, that represent a set of related responses, one for each point Sprinthal et. al., 1991, pp. 114-115. In this research, the researcher used five options of agreement based on Likert’s scale in the questionnaire and the participants chose one of the points of agreement. There were five points of agreement in this research. They were 1 Strongly Disagree, 2 Disagree, 3 Doubt, 4 Agree, and 5 Strongly Agree. The second part is in the form of open question, so that the lecturers can give more feedback and evaluation on the designed materials. The table below describes the participants’ evaluation and feedback. Table 3.2 the Participants’ Evaluation of the Designed Materials No. Participants’ Opinion Frequency of the points of Agreement Central Tendency 1 2 3 4 5 N M 35 After the data were gathered in the table, the researcher summarized and analyzed them. The type of descriptive statistics was used to summarize and describe the data on central tendency. The central tendency used in this part was mean Mn. Mean Mn is the average of all points in a distribution. The following pattern is the pattern to calculate the mean Mn: Σx x = N N : Total participants x : Mean Σx : The sum of the score

F. Research Procedure

There were five research procedures used in this research. The first step was research and information collecting step. In this step, the researcher identified the problem exist where there was no English speaking materials based on Ignatian Pedagogy for the students of Theology Study Program of Sanata Dharma University. Moreover, the researcher also gave limitation to the area of the research and started to formulate the research objectives of the research. After gathering the data, the researcher reviewed some theories related to the research. The theories would be used as the guidelines for the researcher to do the research.