plate for betel. 2. Lit. title or deferential term of address for a woman. 3. see KELAPA.\n

pulasan 1. 1 outward appearance. 2 s.t smeared on. 2. k.o. rambutan whit short nubbles as if the hair had been tweaked off.\n pulasari liana with yellow flowers.\n pulau island.\n pulauisme insularity.\n pule see PULAI.\n pulen see PULAN.\n pules see PULAS 1.\n puli 1. o. of the parts of the automobile chassis. 2. rice cracker.\n pulih 1 recovered from an illness. 2 restored, repaired.\n pulisi see POLISI.\n pulkanisir see VULKANISIR.\n pulpen fountain pen.\n pulsa beat, throb, pulse.\n puluh counter for a multiple of 10. puluh-an 1 tens, decades. 2 10-rupiah note.\n pulun 1 rise of smoke. 2 rise like smoke of thoughts.\n pulung 1. pellet. 2. Java flash of light which gives o. power enabling him to be legitimized as ruler.\n pulungan s.t. rolled into pellets.\n pulur see EMPULUR.\n pulut 1 glutinous rice. 2 birdlime.\n pumigasi see FUMIGASI.\n pumpun flock together.\n pumpunan 1 meeting place, 2 center.\n pun 1 Lit. then, subsequently. 2 also. 3 even. 4 who, where, what, etc. ever it might be, everywhere, everyone, everything, etc.\n punah extinct.\n punai pigeon.\n punakawan Java servants of royalty in wayang.\n punat Med. core of a boil.\n punca 1 flap, tail, end. 2 beginning, introduction, elementary. 3 initial cause.\n puncak 1 top, summit. 2 peak, mount. 3 acme, zenith.\n pundak 1 shoulder. 2 neck.\n punden Java holy place graves of ancestors, sacred trees, etc..\n pundi 1 earthen jar to hold water. 2 crockery piggy-bank. pundi-pundi purse, bag.\n punding knot.\n pungak-pinguk be or look embarrassed.\n punggah load, cargo.\n punggahan place for loading cargo.\n punggal mem-punggal break off the point of s.t.\n 574 pungguk k.o. owl.\n punggung back.\n punggur tree trunk.\n pungkah piece, lump.\n pungkasan final, end.\n pungki see PENGKI.\n pungkir seeMUNGKIR.\n pungkur 1 rear end, posterior. 2 residue.\n pungli [pungutan liar] toll or tariff collected without proper legal authority.\n pungliwan o. who extracts illegal tolls.\n pungsi see FUNGSI.\n pungut adopted.\n pungutan 1 pickings, harvest. 2 quotation. 3 tax levied. 4 amount collected, collection in church.\n punjul Java a bit over in amount.\n punjung trellis, bower.\n punjut tie together.\n punktuasi pungtuasi punctuation.\n punokawan see PUNAKAWAN.\n punsu [China] able, talented.\n punt pent 1 that is the end of it, period. 2 period, point.\n puntal 1 winding round. 2 in balls.\n puntalan 1 bobbin spool. 2 ball of wool.\n punten Sunda excuse me.\n punti see BUAH.\n puntianak k.o. vampire or blood-sucking supernatural being.\n puntil-susu nipple.\n puntir mem-puntir wind, twist firmly.\n puntiran 1 torsion. 2 s.t. twisted.\n puntng-panting see PONTANG-PANTING.\n puntul dull, blunt.\n puntung 1 blunt. 2 butt, stub, stump. 3 maimed. crippled, mutilated.\n punuk see PONOK.\n punya 1 Coll. have, possess. 2 belonging. 3 Coll. a possessive marker. 4 after, with.\n pupu degree of consanguinity.\n pupuh 1. ber-pupuh fight. mem-pupuh beat. 2. strophe.\n pupuk 1. manure, fertilizer. 2.Java put traditional medicines on a wound.\n pupun collect e.g. rubber.\n pupunan gathering of rubber.\n pupur face powder.\n 1. budding leaf, leaf that has just come out. 2. 1 wiped out, 575 puput whistle, flute, blow.\n puputan 1 pair of bellows. 2 blowing of the wind.\n pur- complete, post-in formal words or titles.\n pura 1. 1 bag. 2 fund. 2. Balinese temple, shrine.\n pura-pura 1 pretend. 2 pseudo, mock.\n purata Math. mean.\n purba old, ancient, antique.\n purbakala olden times.\n purbakalawan archaeologist.\n purbasangka prejudice.\n pure puree.\n purek [pembantu rektor] assistant to the rector.\n purel [Public Relations] public relations.\n puri 1 castle, royal palace. 2 town. 3 Balinese house of worship.\n purifikasi purification.\n purik go home for sympathy out of anger.\n puring see PUDING 1.\n purn. [purnawirawan, purnakaryawan] retired, emeritus.\n purnakaryawan retired civil servant.\n purnakata what is said in conclusion.\n purnama full moon.\n purnaswasta o. retired in private sector.\n purnawirawan retired armed services officer.\n puru sore, boil, ulcer.\n puruk hide s.t. inside.\n purun k.o. rush used for basket weaving.\n purus diarrhea.\n purut rough-skinned. jeruk-purut k.o. nubbled lime used as condiment.\n purwa see WAYANG.\n purwaka in the beginning, formerly.\n purwakanti Ling. assonance, alliteration.\n purwoceng k.o. aphrodisiac.\n pusa 1 momentum. 2 desire to do s.t.\n pusaka heirloom.\n pusar navel.\n pusara 1. 1 cemetery. 2 grave. 2. reins.\n pusaran 1 rotation. 2 handle, crank. 3 vortex.\n pusat 1 navel. 2 center. 3 center, central, main.\n puser Java navel.\n pusing 1 whirling, dizzy. 2 be puzzled, confused, worried. pusing-an rotation.\n puskesmas [Pusat Kesehatan Masyarakat] local gvt. clinic.\n puso parched, dried up.\n 576 puspen [Pusat Penerangan] information center.\n puspita Lit. flower.\n pustaka 1 book. 2 divining manual.\n pustakawan librarian.\n pusu 1. M troop, band. 2. anthill.\n pusung dreamer, dullard.\n pusut awl.\n putao China rice wine.\n putar turning.\n putaran 1 circle. 2 crank, windlass. 3 wheel. 4 showing.\n puter 1. k.o. dove. 2. Java see PUTAR.\n putera 1 prince. 2 son, child of o. who is respected. 3 a son of o. from a certain place. 4. male.\n puteri 1 princess. 2 daughter, girl of o. who is respected. 3 female.\n putih 1 white. 2 pale, fair skinned. 3 pure.\n putik Biol. 1 bud, pistil. 2 ovary. ber-putik beginning to bear fruit.\n puting 1 handle, hilt. 2 stalk.\n puting-beliung whirlwind, waterspout.\n putra see PUTERA.\n putri see PUTERI.\n putu steamed cake. putu-mayang k.o. cake made of rice noodles fashioned into a wreath.\n putus 1 broken off, served. 2 break. 3 finish. 4 break a promise. 5 sever s.t.\n puyan body dirt.\n puyang see LEMPUYANG.\n puyeng 1 headache. 2 confused, dizzy.\n puyuh 1. quail. 2. see ANGIN.\n puyunghai see FUYONGHAI.\n pwi [Persatuan Wartawan Indonesia] Journalists\ Association of Indonesia.\n pym [Paduka Yang Mulia] Your Excellency.\n pyuh-pyuh expression of surprise.\n q the 17 th letter of the alphabet.\n q- almost all words with q may also be written with k. For entries with q- seek-.\n qabil Islam Cain, Abel\s brother.\n qari Islam receiter of the Koran.\n qariah Islam female reciter of the Koran.\n quran see KORAN.\n r the 18 letter of the alphabet.\n r. [Raden] Java masculine noble title.\n r.m. [Raden Mas] Java title of minor male nobility.\n ra. [radiallahu anhu ] Islam an exclamation uttered after mention of o. of Muh.\s companions or the prophets: May God bless him \n raad see RAD.\n rab [Rencana Anggaran Belanja] 1 budget plan. 2 draft budge.\n raba 1 feel s.t. 2 grope often with sexual implications. 3 guess.\n rabaan 1 touch. 2 groping with the hand. 3 guess, estimate.\n rabah shrike.\n rabak 1 large tear, rip. 2 in tatters\n raban 1 jabber, babble. 2 rave, be delirious.\n rabas M drizzle.\n rabat rebate, quantity discount.\n rabbi Bib. Lord.\n rabiul-akhir Islam 4th month of Arabic calendar.\n rabiul-awal Islam 3d month of Arabic calendar.\n rabies rabies.\n rabik rabit torn, tattered at the edges.\n rabu 1.M lungs. 2. size, carry off loot, etc.. 3. Wednesday.\n rabuk 1 fertilizer. 2 tinderwood.\n rabun 1 hazy, dim. 2 near sighted .\n rabung ridge of a house.\n rabut see CABUT.\n racau delirious.\n racek Jakarta pockmarked.\n racik 1. bird snare. 2. 1 cut into thin slices. 2 blend various proper ingredients into food, etc. 3 eat foods already mixed rice with vegetables, etc.. 4 make the necessary preparations prior to a main endeavor.\n racuk tease, entice s.o.\n racun poison.\n rad council.\n rada Java, Jakarta rather, somewhat.\n radak 1 a stab with a spear. 2 an attact.\n radang 1 inflamed, hot. 2 fly into a rage.\n raden 1 title of Java nobility. 2 form of address, esp. as den.\n rader rolling pin.\n rades radish.\n radiallahu-anhu Islam May God bless him, exclamation uttered after the mention of o. of Muh.\s companions or the prophets.\n radiasi radiation.\n radiator radiator.\n radikal Pol. radical. radicalism.\n radikalisasi radicalization.\n radikalisir radicalize.\n radikalisme radicalism.\n radio radio.\n radioaktif radioactive.\n radioaktifitas radioactivity.\n radiogram radiogram.\n radiologi radiology.\n radiowan radioman.\n radius circle, radius.\n radmolen ferris wheel.\n rafia 1 raffia fibre. 2 k.o. twine made of thin strips of plastic similar to raffia fibre.\n raflesia k.o. endotropic parasitic plant, the Rafflesia.\n raga 1. 1 Lit. boast, show off. 2 hold an exhibition. 2. 1 k.o. simple rattan basket. 2 ball plaited from rattan. 3. Lit. body.\n ragam 1 melody, tune. 2 manner, kind. 3 caprice, whim. 4 Ling. register, style.\n ragangan 1 scaffolding, laths. 2 kite frame. 3 handlebars.\n ragas 1 pull out Hir, grass, etc.. 2 cut, tear.\n ragawi physical.\n ragbol 1 dust mop, esp. for ceilings. 2 moplike tool for cleaning toiled bowl.\n ragi 1. yeast, fermentation agent. 2. design, formulation.\n ragib absorbed in an activity.\n ragil Java youngest child.\n ragu hesitant. ragu-ragu 1 be wary, uncertain. 2 hesitate to do s.t.\n ragum Lit. vise, clamp.\n raguman joint membership, etc..\n ragut see RENGGUT.\n rahab see RAHAP1.\n rahang jaw. rahang-atas upper jaw. rahang-bawah lower jaw.\n rahap 1. shroud. 2. 1 alight. 2kneel down next to. 3 throw o.s. face down.\n raharja Java well-being prosperty.\n rahasia secret.\n rahat see ISTIRAHAT.\n rahayat see RAKYAT.\n rahayu 1 well-being. 2 greeting, esp. used by adherents of Java folk religion.\n rahib 1 monk. 2 nun.\n rahim 1. womb, uterus. 2. Islam merciful of God.\n rahimi Islam merciful of God.\n rahman rahmani Islam compassionate of God.\n rahmat Islam God\s mercy.\n rahmatullah Islam mercy of God.\n rahsia see RAHASIA.\n rahuh sigh of relief.\n rai-gedek Java shameless.\n raib see GAIB.\n raih 1 reach for. 2 sweep up, take in toward o.s. 3 achieve, manage to obtain.\n rais 1. sweep off. 2. president or chairman, formerly used by the Islam party.\n rait screeching sound.\n raja 1 king. 2 tycoon. 3 o. who excels at s.t. 4 Che. king.\n rajab Islam 7th month of Arabic calendar.\n rajabrana Java treasure, riches.\n rajah 1. 1 Lit. figure or design with mystical properties. 2 tattoo. 3 lines in the palm. 2. see RAJA.\n rajakula dynasty.\n rajalela violent and arbitrary.\n rajalele prized variety of rice.\n rajam me-rajam stone to death.\n rajaman stoning.\n rajang cut into small pieces, mince vegetables, etc.. rajang-an cut tobacco.\n rajawali k.o. large black hawk.\n rajet Coll. broken into small pieces.\n rajin 1 industrious, diligent. 2 frequently.\n rajuk pout, sulk.\n rajungan k.o. small crab.\n rajut net.\n rak 1. cracking sound. 2 shelf, rack.\n raka 1 Lit. elder brother. 2 senior male university student.\n rakaat Islam essential unit of prayer ritual, consisting of bows and prostrations performed a prescribed number of times.\n rakam 1 stamping, printing. 2 embroidering.\n rakaman 1 notes, recorded materials. 2 recording of music, etc..\n rakan see REKAN.\n rakanita senior female university student.\n rakat see REKAT.\n rakawati see RAKANITA.\n raker [rapat kerja] meeting at which work is accomplished.\n rakerda [rapat kerja daerah] regional working meeting.\n rakernas [rapat kerja nasional] national working meeting.\n raket 1. Sport racket. 2. see ROKET.\n rakhman rakhmani see RAHMAN, RAHMANI.\n rakhmat see RAHMAT.\n rakit raft.\n rakna see RATNA.\n raksamala see RASAMALA.\n raksasa 1 mythical gigantic demon. 2 giant.\n raksasi see RASEKSI.\n raksi 1. perfume. 2 see RASI 1.\n rakuk nick, notch, indentation.\n rakus greedy, voracious.\n rakut 1 spin a web, lay a snare. 2 deceive.\n rakyat populace, citizenry.\n ralat error, mistake, esp. typographical.\n ralip me-ralip doze off. pe-ralip o. who is always sleepy.\n raliwan Sport participant in sports rally.\n rally reli Sport rally.\n ram [Republik Arab Mesir] Egyptian Arab Republic.\n rama see ROMO.\n rama-rama butterfly, us. large.\n ramadan Ramadhan, Ramadlan Islam 9th month of the Arabic calendar, fasting month.\n ramah friendly, easy to talk with. ramah-tamah hospitable and friendly.\n ramai 1 crowded, busy. 2 bustling, lively, festive. 3 noisy, loud. 4 interesting.\n ramal tell fortunes.1 predict. 2 portend.\n ramalan 1 prognosis,, fortune-teller.\n ramanda Java, repsectful 1 father respectful. 2 uncle.\n ramas 1. 1 press, knead. 2. see RAMES.\n ramayana great Hindu epic from which many themes of Indonesian literature and public life are drawn.\n rambah clear away, cut down.\n rambai 1. k.o. tree bearing edible but undomesticated fruit. 2. 1 fringe. 2 tuft of hair.\n rambak edible portion of beef or pork skin, often fried as chips or used in sauces.\n ramban Jakarta collect grass or leaves for food.\n rambang 1. broad, wide, extensive. 2.seeREMBANG.\n rambas me-rambas crush s.t.\n rambat spreading, creeping.\n rambatan propagation.\n rambate-rata-hayo Java heave-ho, phrase uttered in unison by group carrying s.t. heavy.\n rambia seeRUMBIA.\n rambo rembo the movie character Rambo.\n rambu 1. fringe, tassel. 2. Naut. short pillar on quay for tying up ships, buoy. rambu-lalulintas traffic sign.\n rambun tangled undergrowth.\n 1 hair of the head. 2 Coll. body hair. 3 mane. 4 Coll. thread. 5 rambutan k.o. Nephelium tree bearing fruit similar to lychee, the rambutan. rambutan-rapiah highly priced k.o. rambutan of Jakarta.\n rame see RAMAI.\n ramelan see RAMADAN.\n rames 1 mix by kneading. 2 provide with a misture.\n rami hemp, jute.\n ramin basket making.\n rampai various.\n rampai-rampai mixed, jumble.\n rampak 1. thick, dense of foliage, crowd. 2. completely dressed up. 3. seeREMPAK.\n rampas seize, carry away.\n rampasan loot.\n rampat swing, brandish.\n ramping 1. slender, slightly built. 2. side by side, next to. 3. 1 disfigured, multilated. 2 pierced of ears.\n rampok rob, plunder .\n rampung Java finished, settled, completed.\n rampus indecent of language.\n ramsum see RANGSUM.\n ramu gather, collect.\n ramuan ingredients, concoction.\n ramus superfluous hair.\n rana 1. long-suffering. 2. see RATNA.\n ranah 1 meadow, low-lying valley. 2 domain.\n ranai rizzle, trickle.\n ranap still, quiet.\n rancah scaffolding.\n rancak 1. M handsome, beautiful. 2. a set.\n rancakan stand for a set of small gongs.\n rancang stake, post.\n rancangan plan, program.\n rancap 1. pointed. 2 masturbation.\n rancu confused.\n rancung pointed, acute.\n randa widow, widower in some areas of Indonesia.\n randai 1. traditional Minangkabau theather. 2. traverse on foot.\n randang see RENDANG.\n randau 1 eat food that has been mixed together or seasoned. 2 make food tasty by mixing several things together.\n randek Jakarta stop.\n randu silk-cotton tree.\n randung violet, step on, infringe.\n 582