see SEGALA.\n kamus ID EN

gamping limestone.\n gamuh k.o. water jar.\n gan see JURAGAN.\n gana-gini see GONO-GINI.\n ganang see GUNUNG.\n ganas savage, ferocious, vicious. 2 malignant tumor.\n gancang quick, spray, alert.\n gancaran Java prose.\n ganco, gancu 1 pole with a hook e.g. to pluck fruit from trees. 2 boat hook. 3 pickax.\n ganda 1. fold. 2. 1 opponent of unequal strength. 2 Sport handicap.\n gandal gandal-an, peng-gandal obstache, hindrance.\n gandapita k.o. cake.\n gandapura k.o. tree whose fragrant leaves are used for medicinal purposes and whose seeds smell like musk.\n gandar 1. 1 lever, arm of scales. 2 axle of wheel. 3 carrying pole. 2. drive a vehicle.\n gandaria,gandariah ko. tree bearing edible fruit, used for medicinal purposes.\n gandarukam k.o. tree that provides resin used for caulking, soap, etc.\n gandarusa various k.o. small trees the leaves of which are used for medicinal purposes.\n gandaruwa see GENDRUWO.\n gandasuli k.o. medicinal herb.\n gandel clapper bell.\n ganden see GANDIN.\n gandeng ber-gandeng 1 side by side, arm in arm. 2 coupled.\n ganderuwo see GENDRUWO.\n gandes Java graceful, charming, elegant.\n gandik 1 golden ornament worn on forehead by bride. 2 ornament on top of a kris. 3 milling stone.\n gandin large mallet.\n ganding see GANDENG.\n gandol see GANDUL.\n gandos k.o. cookie made of rice flour and coconut.\n gandrung 1 infatuated, in love, crazy about. 2 devoted to a cause.\n gandu k.o. flat black seed as marble.\n ganduh ber-, meng- barter, exchange by providing s.t. extra in the exchance.\n gandul ber-gandul-an hang down of several things.\n gandum 1 wheat. 2 wheat flour.\n gandung outrigger.\n gandungan see GADUNGAN.\n ganesa Ganesha, Hindu elephant god.\n gang 1. 1 alley, narrow street. 2 corridor, passageway. 2. gang of ganggang 1. algae, seaweed. 2. space between two objects. 3. ber-gangang 1 warm o.s. by a fire. 2 warm things on a fire.\n ganggu meng-ganggu 1 disturb. 2 disturb, intrude on, interfere with. 3 annoy, molest.\n ganggut meng-ganggut pull, tug.\n gangsa 1. brass. 2. k.o. meat dish. meng-gangsa fry with little oil. 3. seeANGSA.\n gangsal see GASAL.\n gangsang see GASANG.\n gangsar see GANGSIR.\n gangsing see GASING.\n gangsir Java mole cricket. meng-gangsir undermine, dig a tunnel, furrow. peng-gangsir s.t. that burrows.\n ganja 1 hemp plant. 2 hashish, marijuana. peng-ganja drug addict.\n ganjak ber-ganjak budge, move a bit.\n ganjal 1 a wedge. 2 a prop, support.\n ganjar reward.\n ganjaran 1 reward. 2 just deserts, punishment, retribution.\n ganjat 1 have a cramp in muscles, etc.. 2 tangled of thread, etc..\n ganjel see GANJAL.\n ganjen Coll. coquettish.\n ganjil 1 uneven, odd of numbers. 2 queer, odd, abnormal.\n ganjur 1. k.o. lance or pike. meng-ganjur-i spear s.t. 2. k.o. rice borer. 3. ber-ganjur withdraw, pull back.\n gantang measure of rice equivalent to 3.125 kg, around o. quart.\n gantar stake, post.\n gantel 1. Java meng-gantel-i hang from. 2. stick.\n ganteng handsome, dashing.\n gantet Java, Jakarta stick.\n ganthol seeGANTOL.\n ganti 1 substitute, replacement. 2 change name, clothes, etc.. 3 over of radio operators.\n gantol Java meng-gantol catch with a large hook. gantol-an good-sized hook to sieze with.\n gantole hang glider.\n gantung meng-gantung 1 hang a person 2 hang up clothes. 3 adjourn, suspend a legal case 4 be suspended.\n ganyah meng-ganyah 1 polish with sandpaper, etc.. 2 rub or massage vigorously, scrub. 3 strike hard with a fist.\n ganyang meng-ganyang 1 eat raw, devour. 2 smash, crush. 3 eliminate, wipe out.\n ganyar hard of uncooked tubers.\n ganyong Java, Sunda k.o. edible tuber.\n ganyut seeGANYAR.\n gaok Java 1 k.o. bird, crow. 2 cawing sound. meng-gaok caw.\n gapa,gapah 1. skillful, adroit, agile. 2. gapah seeGOPOH.\n gapai ber-an, meng-2 1 reach for, extend the hand for,grasp after. 2 wave o.\s hand to. 3 achieve, attain.\n gapak see GAPA.\n gapik see GOPOH.\n gapil meng-gapil interfere in.\n gapit pincers, tweezers, clamp.\n gaple dominoes.\n gaplek dried cassava.\n gaplok Java meng-gaplok slap s.o. on the back.\n gapmni [Gabubgab Pengusaha Makanan - Minuman] Association of Food and Drink Producers.\n gapu meng-gapu reach, extend to.\n gapura gate, gateway, portal.\n gara-gara 1 Java scene in traditional wayang depicting turbulence and war. 2 turbulence, commotion in war or of nature. 3 natural phenomenon earthquake, typhoon, etc.. regarded as an omen us, bad. 4 just be cause of.\n garage [garase] see GARASI.\n garah 1. frighten away, chase away birds, etc.. 2. garah-garah joking, jesting.\n garam 1 salt. 2 a mineral salt. 3 experience, effectiveness in idioms.\n garan Java handle.\n garandir meng-garandir guarantee.\n garang 1 fierce, cruel, ferocious. 2 vivid of colors. 3 very strong. 4 angry.\n garangan mongoose.\n garansi guarantee, warrant.\n garap meng-garap work on.\n garas 1. shin. 2. meng-garas eat, gobble up.\n garasi garage.\n garau hoarse.\n garba, garbha Biol. embryo.\n garbis Java k.o. round, yellow and black melon.\n garda guard.\n gardan Auto. differential gear.\n garden,gardin see GORDEN.\n gardu 1 guardhouse. 2 bus shelter. 3 Mil. depot, dump, magazine. 4 Tech.. relay station.\n garebek Java o. of the three major Muslim religious festivals.\n gareng Java k.o. cicada that appears at end of rainy season. Gareng son of Semar in Java shadow play.\n gari handcuffs. meng-gari handcuff, shackle, manacle.\n garib strange, peculiar, exotic.\n garing 1 dry and crispy, crunchy. 2 cool of a relationship.\n bounds.\n garisah instinct.\n garit 1. scratch. 2. meng-garit move.\n garneren,garnering [harneren,harnering] Coll.0 cake icing or decoration.\n garnisun Mil. garrison.\n garong robber.\n garpu fork.\n garu 1. harrow. 2. see GAHARU.\n garuda 1 mythical bird, mounted by god Vishnu. 2 bird in official seal of Rerpublic of Indonesia.\n garuk round up.\n garung 1. meng-garung 1 grow, roar. 2 cry or weep loudly. 2 seeGARONG.\n garut meng-garut abrade, chafe.\n garwa garwo Honorific, Java spouse.\n gas 1 gas. 2 vapor from gasoline.\n gasak 1 fight. 2 hit.\n gasal Math. uneven, odd of a number.\n gasang lustful, lecherous, lascivious.\n gasing a top. ber-gasing spin a top.\n gasket gasket.\n gasolin gasoline.\n gasung sandbar.\n gatal 1 itch. 2 eager for s.t. money, etc., but esp. sex. 1 itchiness. 2 irritation.\n gatot Java sliced dried cassava boiled with coconut milk.\n gatra phrase in a sentence or in music.\n gatuk Java match, meet, coincide.\n gatutkaca son of Bima, o. of the Pendawa brothers in the Java wayang.\n gaul ber-gaul associate.\n gaun gown, Wedding dress.\n gaung 1. echo, reverberation. 2. hole, ravine.\n gawai see GAWE.\n gawal mistake, error.\n gawang 1 gate. 2 Sport goal posts. 3 Sport hurdles. gawang-gawang-an wicket.\n gawar warning sign us. by means of ropes.\n gawat 1 critical, serious, grave. 2 dangerous, risky. 3 bad, terrible.\n gawe Jakarta, Java work.\n gawir Sunda escarpment.\n gaya 1 energy, force. 2 style, form, manner. 3 musical note, melody.\n gayal 1 elastic. 2 tough of meat.\n gayam k.o. semicultivated Inocarpus tree with pulpy fruits eaten cooked.\n 173 gayang-gayang a rack.\n gayem Java meng-gayemi chew the cud.\n gayeng Java 1 pleasant, warm, cordial attitude. 2 cheerful, interesting conversation.\n gayuh 1. hang low of fruit on tree or bush. 2. aspiration, ideal, objective. meng-gayuh achieve.\n gayung 1 water dipper, scoop. 2. attackwith sword or blow.\n gayut ber-gayut hang, swing.\n gb. gambar illustration.\n gbhn [Garis-garis Besar Haluan Negara] Pol.0 Broad Outlines of the Nation\s Direction.\n gbr. see GB.\n gebah meng-gebah chase away, chase out.\n gebang Java tall thornless jungle palm with large leaves.\n gebar see KAIN.\n geber 1. meng-geber vibrate of an engine. 2. meng-geber give too much of s.t.\n gebes meng-gebes-kan move s.t.\n geblak Java ng-geblak fall backward.\n geblas Java meng-geblas go away hurriedly.\n geblek see GOBLOK.\n geblok Java 1 bolt of cloth. 2 wad of money.\n gebok bolt of cloth.\n gebos 1. meng-gebos scold, snap at, sanarl at. 2. Java meng-gebos suddenly let off smoke.\n gebrak sound of a door slamming, board crashing to floor, etc.\n gebrakan 1 karate blow, chop. 2 blow, slap on table, etc..\n gebres Java sneeze.\n gebu meng-gebu-gebu 1 flare up of fire, revolt. 2 rage. 3 be tense and excited with enthusiasm, worked up for action.\n gebuk meng-gebuk beat a drum. meng-gebuk-i pummel, beat up.\n gebyah Java meng-gebyah-uyah consider all to be the same, make no distinction.\n gebyak Java meng-gebyak perform, stage.\n gebyar Java sparkle, shine, glitter.\n gebyur Java meng-gebyur splash a large amount of water on s.o. or s.t. gebyur-an water splashed out.\n gecak see GECEK.\n gecar trembling, fright. meng-gecar shudder, tremle from fear.\n gecek Java meng-gecek 1 crush, smash i.e. food to soften it, etc.. 2 catch, seize, grasp.\n gedabah triangle-shaped gold hair ornament.\n gedang 1. large, big. meng-gedang-kan enlarge, increase, expand. 2. Sunda papaya.\n gede Coll. big, large. ke-gede-an too big. peng-gede Sl. big shot.\n gedebak gedebak-gedebukgedebur 1 sound of s.t. heavy having fallen. 2 sound of footsteps on a floor. meng-gedebuk-kan stamp s.t. down hard.\n gedebar-gedebur sound of beating or throbbing, beat or throb.\n gedeblak-gedebluk sound of wrestling and fighting.\n gedebok 1. Java trunk of a banana plant, esp. as a place to arrange wayang puppets. 2. see GEDEBUK.\n gedebrak-gedebruk loud sound of s.t. heavy falling, very loud stamping of the feet.\n gedebuk sound of heavy footsteps. ber-gedebuk with a thud. ber-gedebuk-an make a pounding or thudding noise.\n gedebum see GEDEBUK.\n gedebung square of cloth formed into a pouch often for betel leaves and tobacco.\n gedebur see GEDEBAR-GEDEBUR.\n gedek panel of woven or plaited bamboo for house walls, etc..\n gedempak tambourine.\n gedempol fat, obese.\n gedeng Java sheaf of rice.\n gedobros Java ng- talk nonsense.\n gedok meng-gedok weave. gedok-an primitive handloom.\n gedombrongan Coll. too large of clothes.\n gedoncak ber-gedoncak beat of heart.\n gedong fancy house, mansion.\n gedongan having or living in a large, stone house.\n gedor meng-gedor 1 pound on. 2 break in to plunder.\n gedruk Java meng-gedruk stamp. gedruk-an stamping of feet.\n gedubrak Java meng-gedubrak make a sudden popping or crashing noise.\n gedubrang see GEDUBRAK.\n gedumbreng sound of jangling or clanking e.g. of cans banging against e.o.. gedubrang-an keep making this sound.\n gedumel see KEDUMEL.\n gedung building us. of brick concrete, edifice. gedung-bertingkat multistoried building. gedung-instansi 1 public building. 2 building owned by a firm.\n geduyut ber-geduyut droop, bend from heavy branches, etc..\n gegabah rash, reckless, hasty.\n gegak see GEGAP 1.\n gegaman hand weapon.\n gegaokan Java caw.\n gegap gegap-gempita uproarious, noisy, clamorous.\n gegar shaking, swaying. ber-gegar-an tremble, shake, rumble plurally.\n gegares stuff, gorge o.s.\n gegas lots of movement and activity. ber-gegas-an hurry.\n gegat 1. k.o. insect, silverfish. 2 see KEGAT.\n gegau ter-gegau starled, wake up with a start.\n gegep pliers, tweezers.\n