k.o. shrub yielding fragrant oil, patchouli. 2. see BATU. 3. see

cap twenty. no-ceng 2,000.\n noban see NO.\n nobat royal drum used at installation ceremonies.\n nocap,noceng see NO.\n noda 1 stain, spot of dirt. 2 shame, disgrace.\n nodul nodule Med. nodule.\n nojos Jakarta perforate, pierce.\n nok see DENOK.\n noktah 1 dot, poiunt. 2 period of punctuation\n nol nought, zero.\n nomade nomaden nomad, nomadic.\n nombor see NOMER.\n nomenklatur nomenclature.\n nomer 1 number. 2 issue of a periodical. 3 number in a musical show.\n nominal nominal in statistics, research, mathematics.\n nomor see NOMER.\n nompang see TUMPANG.\n nomplok Coll. be s.w. in large quantities.\n non 1. Pol. noncooperative. 2. nun. 3. seeNONI.\n non-aliansi nonalliance.\n non-eksakta Acad. pertaining to humanities and social sciences rather than exact sciences\n non-formal non-formil 1 outside the regular system, irregular. 2 Coll. informal.\n nona 1 miss, unmarried European, China, or Westernized well-to-do Indonesian girl in Western dress. 2 term of address for such women. 3 Ambon unmarried woman.\n nonaktif inactive, laid-off.\n none Jakarta see NONA.\n nongkrong 1 Coll. squat. 2 Coll. sit around doing nothing , hang out. 3 idle, not in use.\n nongol Jakarta stick the head out, appear, be conspicious.\n noni nonik Coll. 1 young girl, esp. European or in European clothes. 2 affectionate term of address for such a girl, esp as nik or non.\n nonius Tech. vernier.\n nonok Jakarta, Vulg. vagina.\n nonpribumi of foreign descent, nonnative esp. referring to ethnic Chinese.\n nonsen nonsene, ridiculous.\n nonton see TONTON.\n nonya see NYONYA.\n noot not see NOT.\n nopember November.\n nopol [nomor polisi] vehicle registration number.\n nora norak Jakarta tacky, in bad taste, vulgar, lower than normal.\n norit general term for carbon-based medicine for stomach problems.\n normal normal.\n normalisasi normalization.\n norotos sound of firecrackers.\n norwegia Norway.\n nostalgi nostalgia nostalgia.\n nostalgis nostalgic.\n not musical note.\n nota 1 note. 2 statement of account, bill. 3 memorandum.\n nota-bene nota bene.\n notariat office of notary.\n notariil notarial.\n notaris notary public.\n notasi notation.\n notes small notebook, notepad.\n notifikasi notification.\n notilen minute, notes of a meeting.\n notok 1. Java to the very end. 2. see TUTUK.\n notulen see NOTILEN.\n notulis recorder of the minutes of a meeting.\n novel novel.\n novela novella.\n novelis novelist.\n novis novice.\n novisiat novitiate.\n nr. [nomor] number.\n nri [Negara Republik Indonesia] Republic of Indonesia.\n nrimo see NERIMO.\n nrp [Nomer Registrasi Pokok] soldier\s registration number.\n ntar Coll. see SEBENTAR.\n ntb [Nusa Tenggara Barat] Western Lesser Sundas.\n ntr [Nikah, Talak, Rujuk] be married, divorced, and recorciled.\n ntt [Nusa Tenggara Timur] East Lesser Sundas.\n nu [Nahdlatul Ulama] Association of Muslim Scholars, a Muslim political party of the 1970s.\n nuansa nuance.\n nubuat Rel., Islam prophecy, divine revelation.\n nudis nudist.\n nudisme nudism.\n nuduh see TUDUH.\n nuftah Biol. germ, sperm.\n nugat nougat.\n nugini see PAPUA NUGINI.\n