Sport home base. 2. earthen pipe for drainage. 3. see

humbalang see HEMBALANG.\n humor joke.\n humoris humorist.\n humoristis humorous.\n hun China unit of measure for weight 110 tael or lenght 112 inch.\n huncue China tobacco pipe.\n huni occupy, dwell or reside in.\n hunjam stuck, inserted.\n hunjuk see UNJUK.\n hunkwe k.o. gelatin made from mung bean flour.\n hunus unsheathed sword, dagger.\n hunyi see HUNI.\n hup-hup exclamation to encourage o. to jump.\n hura Hooray exclamation of pleasure, delight. ber-hura shout hurrah.\n hura-hura Sl. not to be taken seriously.\n huriah Sumatra district.\n huru-hara 1 disturbance. 2 hurly-burly. 3 riot.\n huruf letter, characters.\n hurufuah see HARFIAH.\n hurung see URUNG.\n hurup see HURUF.\n hus hush be quiet \n husap see USAP.\n husaren-sla k.o. vegetable and fruit salad with mayonnaise and sometimes bits of cold meats.\n huse Hurrah \n hussain Islam grandson of Muh. martyred in religious war. Hussain\s and his brother Hassan\s deaths are commemorated on asyura.\n hustis see HOSTES.\n husuk see KHUSYU.\n husus see KHUSUS.\n husy see HUS.\n hut Zod. Pisces.\n hutan woods, forest.\n hutang debt, obligation.\n hutangan having a debt.\n huyung ter-huyung-huyung stagger, falter.\n hvs [houstvrij schrijfpapier] bond paper of 60-100 gram thickness lit., bondpaper free of wood.\n hwa-hwe China popular game of numbers for gambling.\n hwee Cina association.\n hyang tittle of authochthonous or Hindu deity. Wisnu Vishnu.\n 212 hygiene see HIGIENE.\n hygienis see HIGIENIS.\n hyperbolis hyperbolic.\n hypertensi see HIPERTENSI.\n hypnotisir see HIPNOTISIR.\n i i, the 9th letter of the alphabet.\n igris. [Inggeris] England, English.\n ia 1. Lit. he, she, it. 2. yes.\n iain [Insitut Agama Islam Negeri] Gvt. Institute for Islam Studies.\n ialah is, are in formal statements of equivalence.\n iau see NGIAU.\n ib [Irian Barat] Irian Jaya Indonesian New Guinea.\n iba 1 pity, compassion. 2 moved, touched, compassionate.\n ibadah,ibadat 1 act of devotion. 2 religious service.\n ibah see HIBAH.\n ibarat 1 like. 2 simile, metaphor.\n ibing Sunda meng-ibing dance a traditional dance with a woman who is a professional entertainer. peng-ibing female entertainer who dance with men in the audience.\n iblis devil, Satan.\n ibni,ibnu see BIN.\n ibrani Lit. Hebrew.\n ibrit see NGIBRIT.\n ibtida Lit. beginning.\n ibtidaiyah Islam primary school.\n ibu 1 mother. 2 form of address to older woman or o. in higher position, i.e. teacher, employer, etc., esp. as bu. 3 lady, woman of high standing. 4 most important or main part of s.t. feminine, motherly. per-ibu-an matriarchal.\n ibuk see SIBUK.\n ibul k.o. large thornless palm that yields poisonous fruit.\n ibunda Lit. mother used in letters.\n ibus k.o. palm whose leaves are used for plaiting mats, etc.\n icak-cole defaulter on payments.\n icak-icak 1 pretend, act as if. 2 fake, spurious.\n icip icip-icip food sample. meng-icipi taste, try.\n id Islam holiday in the names of certain celebrations.\n ida Bali title of nobility.\n idah 1. gift to establish ties of love between men and women, love token. meng-idah-kan a gift as an introduction to courtship. 2. see IDDAH.\n idam 1 craving. 2 craving of pregnant woman for special foods. 3 desire, aspiration.\n idang see HIDANG.\n idayat see HIDAYAH.\n iddah Islam 100-day waiting period before a widow or divorced woman may remarry.\n ide idea.\n ideal ideal.\n idealis idealist.\n idealisasi idealization.\n idealisir meng-idealisir idealize.\n idealisme idealism.\n idealistis idealistic.\n idem idem, same as what went before.\n identifikasi identification.\n identifisir meng-identifisir identify.\n identik identical.\n identitas 1 identity. 2 identification.\n ideologi ideology.\n ideologis ideological.\n idep eyelash.\n idep-idep better to do so-and-so than...\n idi [Ikatan Dokter Indonesia] Indonesian Physicians Association.\n idih,idii ugh , exclamation expressing distaste.\n idil see IDUL.\n idin see IZIN.\n idiom idiom.\n idiomatis idiomatic.\n idola popular idol.\n idul Islam idul Adhakorban feast of the sacrifice, the day that commemorates the sacrifice of Ismail by Ibrahim, a holy day associated with the pilgrimage to Mecca. idul-Fitri feast celebrating the end of fasting period.\n idung see HIDUNG.\n idup see HIDUP.\n idzin see IZIN.\n ied see ID.\n ifaf,iffah Islam sexual abstinence.\n ifitah Islam opening prayer.\n ifrit evil spirit.\n iftar Islam ending of fast.\n iga Java rib.\n igal dancing.\n igama see AGAMA.\n igau meng-igau 1 talk in o.\s sleep. 2 be delirious, rave.\n igel see IGAL.\n ih ugh, exclamation showing disgust.\n ihram Islam consecration for use in the pilgrimage to Mecca.\n ihsan 1 good deeds. 2 charity.\n ihtiar see IKHTIAR.\n ihtilam nocturnal emission.\n ihtimal meng-ihtimal-kan 1 order s.o. to do. 2 assign a task to.\n ihwal see HAL 1.\n ii see HII.\n ijab 1 final offer. 2 agreement, consent. 3 answerto prayer.\n ijabah,ijabat approval.\n ijajah see IJASAH.\n ijajil devil.\n ijasah,ijazah 1 diploma. 2 certificate to practice a profession. ber-ijazah licensed, certified.\n ijen,ijin see IZIN.\n ijma,ijmak 1 Islam consensus of opinion among scholars. 2 unanimous agreement or approval.\n ijmal resume, summary.\n ijo 1. 1 buy rice from a farmer by paying for in long before the harvest. 2 give a scholarship to o. who promises to work for the donor after graduation. 2. see HIJAU.\n ijon 1. 1 buy rice from a farmer by paying for in long before the harvest. 2 give a scholarship to o. who promises to work for the donor after graduation.\n ijtihad 1 individual interpretation and judgment. 2 personal examination of s.t. 3 diligence, effort.\n ijtima astral conjunction.\n ijuk 1. palm fiber from the sugar palm. meng-ijuk bristly of mustache. 2. ter-ijuk embarrassed, abashed, ashamed.\n ik Coll. I.\n ika see EKA.\n ikal 1 curl, lock. 2 curly, wavy.\n ikamat Islam final call to prayer.\n ikan 1 fish. ikan-asin salted fish. ikan-buntal puffer fish. ikan-cuik steamed, salted fish. ikan-hiu shark. ikan-lele freshwater catfish ikan-lumba-lumab dolphin. ikan-mas goldfish, carp. ikan-julung- julung garfish. ikan-salamsalem salmon. 2 meat.\n ikat 1 string, cord to tie. 2 bunch, bundle, sheaf. 3 band. 4 method of tie- dying material being woven.\n ikel see IKAL.\n iket see IKAT.\n ikhlas sincere, with all o.\s heart and soul.\n ikhtiar 1 initiative. 2 free choice, decision. 3 course, means of action.\n ikhtiari optional.\n ikhtilaf 1 difference, divergence, discrepancy. 2 deviation.\n ikhtirafan recognition.\n ikhtisariah succinct, brief.\n ikhwal see HAL 1.\n ikhwan 1 brother, comrade. 2 fraternal, brotherly.\n ikip [Institut Keguruan Ilmu Pendidikan] Teachers\ Training College.\n ikke Coll. I, me, my.\n iklan advertisement.\n iklanisasi commerialization of publications. per-iklanisasi-an advertising.\n iklas see IKHLAS.\n iklim 1 climate. 2 climate political, etc..\n iklimatisasi acclimatization.\n ikonis iconic.\n ikonografi iconography.\n ikrab see AKRAB.\n ikrar promise, pledge, declaration of intent.\n iktibar see ITIBAR.\n iktidal Islam proper standing posture when performing prayer ritual.\n iktikad see ITIKAD.\n iktikal religious retreat.\n iktisab legal profit.\n iktisad Lit. economy, economic matters.\n ikut 1 follow, go along. 2 participate, join in, also do. 3 stay with s.o. in his or her house. 4 be a follower or servant of s.o.\n ilah a god. ber-ilah athheistic, godless. meng-ilah-kan deify. ke-ilah-an divinity, godliness.\n ilahi Islam God in set expression.\n ilahiat godliness, divineness.\n ilai meng-ilai-ilai 1 neigh. 2 laugh uproariously.\n ilalang see ALANG-ALANG.\n ilam-ilam hazy, vague, barely visible.\n ilang seeHILANG.\n ilanun see LANUN.\n ilar see ILER.\n ilas meng-ilas squash, crush, or mash underfoot.\n ilas-ilas k.o. small tuber.\n ilat physically handicapped, physical defect.\n ilat-ilat k.o. sole or flounder.\n iler slobber, spittle. iler-an drool.\n iles see ILAS.\n iles-iles see ILAS-ILAS.\n ilham 1 divine inspiration. 2 inspiration, brainstorm.\n ilir see HILIR.\n illustratif illustrative.\n ilmiah scientific.\n ilmiyah see ILMIAH.\n ilmiyawan see ILMIAWAN.\n ilmu 1 knowledge. 2 science, branch of science. 3 esoteric knowledge. ber-ilmu learned, erudite, scholarly.\n ilmuwan see ILMIAWAN.\n ilusi illusion. ber-ilusi have illusions.\n ilustrasi illustration.\n image see IMAJ.\n imaginatif imaginative.\n imaj imej image.\n imajinasi imagination.\n imajinatif see IMAGINATIF.\n imajiner imaginary.\n imak meng-imak-imak-i mock, parrot s.o.\n imam 1 Islam leader of communal prayer. 2 title of chief of an Islam state. 3 Catholic priest.\n imamat 1 leadership. 2 priesthood.\n iman 1 faith, belief, creed. 2 confidence, belief in s.t. ber-iman faithful, believing.\n imanen immanent.\n imani imaniah religious, pious.\n imbak meng-imbak-imbak image, dream of.\n imbal 1 lopsided, askew, awry. 2 unbalanced, off balance. imbal-an repayment for s.t. good.\n imbang 1 balance. 2 match, equal.\n imbas 1 air current. 2 Phys. electrical current. se-imbas at first glance, superficially.\n imbau appeal.\n imbo built in.\n imbuh 1 supplement. 2 extra, small addition given in the bargain to please a customer. imbuh-an s.t. extra given. 2 Ling. affix.\n imej see IMAJ.\n imigran immigrant.\n imigrasi 1 immigration. 2 Bureau of immigration.\n iming meng-iming-iming tantalize, entice. meng-iming-kan use s.t. to entice.\n imitasi imitation.\n imka [Ikatan Masehi Kepemudaan Am] YMCA.\n imla imlah, imlak dictation.\n imlek 1 China calendar. 2 China New Year.\n imobilitas immobility.\n imoral,imoril immoral.\n impak impek impact.\n impas 1. impase, deadlock. 2. 1 paid off of debt. 2 squeare, equal.\n 217 imperalis imperialist.\n imperatif imperative.\n imperialisme imperialism.\n imperialistis imperialistic.\n imperium empire.\n impersonalitas impersonality, impersonal character.\n impi meng-impi dream, hope. meng-impi-kan dream of. impi-an dream, vision, wish.\n impit see HIMPIT.\n implemen implement, tool.\n implementasi implementation.\n implikasi implication.\n implisir meng-implisir 1 implicate. 2 imply.\n implisit implicit.\n impor import. meng-impor import, bring in. peng-impor importer.\n importir importer.\n impoten impotent.\n impotensi impotence.\n imprealisme see IMPERIALISME.\n impregnasi impregnation.\n impresaris impresario.\n impresi impression.\n impresif impressive.\n impresionis Impressionist.\n imprialis see IMPERIALIS.\n improvisasi improvisation. ber-improvisasi improvise.\n improvisator improviser.\n impuls impulse.\n impulsif impulsive.\n impun see HIMPUN.\n imrovisir meng-improvisir improvise.\n imsak Islam predawn, time that the fast must begin.\n imsakiah Islam fasting calendar.\n imun Med immune.\n imunisasi Med immunization.\n imunitas Med. immunity.\n imunologi Med. immunology.\n in-absentia in absensia in absentia.\n inai 1 henna. 2 red nail polish. ber-inai have o.\s nails stained with henna in preparation for marriage ceremony. meng-inai apply henna to the fingernails.\n inang 1 wet nurse, nursemaid. 2 M female trader. inang-inang 1 mistress. 2 North Sumatra female pedler of smuggled goods.\n 218 inas carbuncle on nape of neck.\n inaugurasi inauguration.\n inayah,inayat help, aid, assistance.\n incang meng-incang 1 aim at. 2 peek.\n incang-incut 1 zigzag. 2 askew, not of equal length of things that are supposed to be equal, e.g. chair legs.\n incar drill, borer.\n incaran 1 aim of gun, etc.. 2 target, thing aimed at.\n incek tread on s.t.\n inci inch.\n incir see INCAR.\n incit be off go away \n incrit-incrit dole out.\n incut 1. lame, crippled. 2. see INCANG-INCUT.\n indah 1. meng-indah-kan heed, pay attention to. per-indah-an appreciation, interest. 2. 1 beautiful, attractive, handsome. 2 precious, valuable. mem-er-indah 1 beautify. 2 embelish. ke-indah-an beauty.\n indang meng-indang winnow rice.\n indap see ENDAP 1,2.\n indar see HINDAR.\n indarus Sport cock that has been defeated and forfeited to the winner.\n indayang coconut palm frond.\n indehoi indehoy have sex or pet heavily. ber-indehoi engage in sexual activity. indehoi-an be on a heavy date, be making out with e.o.\n indek see INDEKS.\n indekos rent room and board. have s.o. rent a room s.w.\n indeks 1 index. 2 Econ. price increase.\n indeksasi Econ. indexing.\n inden 1. pivot. 2. partially prepaid.\n indentifikasi see IDENTIFIKASI.\n indentitas see IDENTITAS.\n indentor 1 o. who orders s.t. prepaid. 2 depositor.\n independen independent.\n indera

1. 1 the god Indra. 2 the gods. ke-indera-an Lit. the heavens,

abode of the gods. 2. o. of the five senses. peng-indera-an sensation, sensory perception.\n inderaloka Lit. the abode of the gods.\n inderia o. of the five senses. sensation.\n index see INDEKS.\n indian American Indian.\n indik meng-indik approach crawling or bent over.\n indikasi 1 indication. 2 suspicion that s.o. is a communist.\n indikator indicator.\n inding meng-inding 1 listen attentively for s.t. 2 be on the lookout for, lie in individu an individual.\n individual individual.\n individualisasi individualization.\n individualisir meng-individualisir individualize.\n individualisme individualism.\n individualistis individualistic.\n individualitas individuality.\n individuil see INDIVIDUAL.\n indo a Eurasian. Indo Belanda o. who is of Dutch and Indonesian parentage.\n indoktrinasi indoctrination.\n indoktrinator indoctrinator.\n indoktrinir meng-indoktrinir indoctrinate.\n indologi Indonesian Studies.\n indonesia 1 Indonesia, Indonesian. 2 Indonesian language.\n indonesianisasi Indonesianization.\n indonesianisme Indonesianism.\n indra see INDERA 1.\n indrawi sensory.\n indria see INDERIA.\n induk 1 mother us. only for animals. 2 chief, main, prime. 3 s.t. that can be regarded as a mother, thing from which s.t. else descends, the essence of a substance from which a large amount develops. per- induk-an brood, family.\n induksi induction. induce.\n induktif inductive.\n indulgensi indulgence.\n indung 1 mother of animals. 2 the thing from which s.t. else springs.\n indusemen inducement.\n industri industry. industry, industrial affairs.\n industrialis industrialist.\n industrialisasi industrialization.\n industrialisir meng-industrialisir industrialize.\n industriawan industrialist.\n industriil industrial.\n industriwan see INDUSTRIAWAN.\n inefisiensi inefficiency.\n inep see INAP.\n inersi,inertia inersia inertia.\n infanteri infantry.\n infark,infarkt Med. infarct.\n infeksi infection.\n infertil Med. infertile.\n infiltran infiltrator.\n infiltrasi infiltration. ber-infiltrasi infiltrate, carry out infiltration.\n infiltrir meng-intfiltrir infiltrate s.t.\n infinitif Ling. infinitive.\n inflasi Econ. inflation.suffer from inflation.\n inflatoir Econ. inflatwar inflationary.\n infleksi Ling. inflection.\n influensa influenza.\n info see INFORMASI.\n informan informant, source.\n informasi information. meng-informasi inform s.o.\n informatif informative.\n informil informal. ke-informil-an informality.\n infrastruktur infrastructure.\n infus Med. meng-infus give an infusion or intravenous feeding.\n infusi infusion.\n inga ter-inga-inga 1 dazed, lost in thought. 2 surprised.\n ingar see HINGAR.\n ingat 1 remember, recall. 2 attentive, careful. 3 plan, intend.\n ingatan 1 memory, remembrance. 2 thought, idea, notion, purpose.\n ingau see IGAU.\n inggang-inggung stagger, totter.\n inggeris England, English. ke-nggeris-inggeris-an Anglicized.\n inggih Java yes to s.o. of higher position.\n inggris see INGGERIS.\n inggu 1. asafetida. 2. k.o. coral fish.\n inggung see INGGANG-INGGUNG.\n ingin wish, desire. ke-ingin-tahuan curiosity.\n ingkar 1 reluctant. 2 refuse, fail to keep o.\s word.\n ingkel meng-ingkel-ingkel 1 tease, pester. 2 oppress, maltreat, torture.\n ingko see ENGKO.\n ingsut ber-ingsut shift, move slowly.\n ingus nasal mucus, snot.\n ingusan 1 runny-nosed. 2 inexperienced.\n inhalasi inhalation.\n inheren inherent.\n inhibisi inhibition.\n ini 1 this, these. 2 now. 3 this coming period of time. 4 here in introductions. 5 hesitation word when o. does not wish to plunge directly into s.t.\n inisial 1 initial. 2 initials.\n inisiasi inisiation. meng-inisiasi-kan inisiate.\n inisiatif initiative.\n