see KUINTAL. kintel bullfrog.\n

kitab 1. Lit. 1 book. 2 holy book. 2. partition in a cow\s stomach.\n kitabi possessing the scriptures of the Christians and Jews.\n kitang kitang-kitang k.o. small sea ish with venomous dorsal spines.\n kitar memper-kan, meng-kan shove or push s.o. aside.\n kitaran orbit.\n kitik meng-kitik-kitik tickle s.o.\n kiting a bit, a little.\n kitiran 1 propeller, windmill.\n kiu billiard cue.\n kiuk dominoes.\n kiut see KICUT.\n kiwir-kiwir float in the wind.\n kizib Lit. lie, falsehood.\n kjri [Konsulat Jenderal Republik Indonesia] Indonesian Consulate General.\n kk [Kepala Keluarga] head of family, households.\n kkn [KuliahKerja Nyata] obligatory rural social action internship for advanced university students.\n kko [Korp Komando ] Marine Corps.\n kl- see also entries with kl-.\n kl. 1. [kelas] class. 2. [kurang lebih] more or less, approximately.\n klabet see KELABAT.\n klabmalam nightclub.\n klaim claim.\n klak-klak sound of clicking, clickety-clack e.g. of shoes.\n klakep see CEP 1.\n klakson Auto. horn.\n klan clan.\n klar see KELAR 1.\n klaras Java dry banana leaf.\n klarifikasi clarification.\n klarinet clarinet.\n klas see KELAS 1.\n klasemen classification.\n klash kles military clash.\n klasi see KELASI 1.\n klasifikasi classification.\n klasik klasika classic.\n klasikal classical.\n klat rough draft.\n klausa Ling. clause.\n klausul klausula Leg. clause, article Law.\n klaver Crd. clubs.\n klawar see KLAVER.\n klecam-klecem Java smile.\n kledi k.o. mouth organ from Kalimantan.\n klelep see KELELAP.\n klem 1. clamp. klem-besi iron strap. meng-klem 1 clamp together, rivet. 2 stencil s.t. 2. see KLAIM.\n klemak-klemek slow and sluggish.\n klembak 1. k.o. cigarette in which tobacco is mixed with gum benzene incense. 2. see KELEMBAK 1,2.\n klen see KLAN.\n kleneng k.o. small bell.\n klenengan concert of gamelan music.\n klenger see LENGAR.\n klenik secret mystical or magical practices of a questionable nature. klenik- klenik-an charlatanism.\n klentang sound of a bell.\n klenteng 1 China temple. 2 pagoda.\n klep valve.\n klepek Lit. student of the STOVIA.\n klepon k.o. steamed rice cake filled with palm sugar.\n kleptomani kleptomania.\n klerek see KELERAK.\n kleren-hanger Coll. clothes hanger.\n klerikal clerical.\n klerk clerk.\n klerus clergy.\n kles see KLASH.\n klesot Java meng-klesot move squatting close to the ground in a submissive attitude.\n klesotan sitting on the floor.\n kletek Java meng-kleteki peel s.t.\n klewang single-edge sabre, sword with broad, curved blade.\n kliar-klior aimless, without direction or goal.\n klien client, customer.\n klik 1 click of camera, etc.. 2. clique.\n klimaks climax.\n klimatologi climatology.\n klimis smooth, shiny, oily of hair.\n klimpungan be disoriented, confused.\n kling sound of small bells.\n klinik clinic.\n kliningan see KELENENG.\n klinis clinical.\n klio spicy dish of meat stewed with coconut milk.\n klip clip.\n kliping clipping as from a newspaper.\n klips clips.\n klir be clear, become clear.\n klirak-klirik ogle.\n kliring bank clearance, be cleared.\n klise 1 negative of photo. 2 print, picture slide of type shown in movie house. 3 photograpic illustration. 4 cut, engraving. 5 cliche.\n klisma 1 catch cold. 2 irritation. klisma-makanan stomach upset caused by food.\n kliwer,kliwir kliwer-kliwer hanger for clothes. ber-kliwir-an hang loosely.\n kliwon Java the 5th day of the five-day week.\n klm [Kapal Layar Motor] motorized sailing boat.\n klobot Java dried corn husk used as cigarette wrapper.\n klobotisme tendency toward extensive verbiage without content.\n klojotan Java shake, tremble from injury or illness.\n klok bell-shaped of skirts.\n klolodan kloloten choke from getting s.t. stuck in throat.\n klompen 1. [kelompok pendengar] fans of a certain radio program. 2. Biol. clone.\n klontang-klantung hang or go about idly or without purpose.\n klonyo see KELONYO.\n klop see KELOP.\n klorin chlorine.\n klos see KELOS.\n kloset water closet, toilet bowl.\n klosot see KLESOT.\n klotok small motorized boat ranging in size from a dugout to a small commercial boat.\n klub 1 club. 2 clubhouse.\n kluing Java millipede.\n kluntang-kluntung hang around, roam about aimlessly.\n klutuk see JAMBU.\n kluwek see KELUAK.\n kluwih Java k.o. breadfruit with many seeds.\n kluyar-kluyur hang around, roam about with no purpose.\n kluyur see KELUYUR.\n km [Kapal Motor] MS Motorship.\n km. 1. [kilometer] kilometer. 2. [kamar] room.\n kmb [Konperensi Meja Bundar] Round Table Conference.\n kmd [Koran Masuk Desa] a gvt. police by which newspapers are given wider distribution in rural areas.\n kmd. [komandan] commandant.\n 317 knil [Koninklijk Nederlandsch-Indisch Leger] Dutch colonial army and its members.\n knip [Komite Nasional Indonesia Pusat] the Central Indonesian National Committee.\n knop see KENOP 1.\n ko ko-dan non the o.\s who collaborated with the Dutch and the o.\s who did not.\n koa China k.o. card game.\n koaci see KWACI.\n koak sound of a crow, water buffalo, etc. koak-hitam k.o. bird.\n koalisi coalition.\n koar ber-koar 1 scream, shout, yell. 2 talk big, be arrogant.\n kobah large drum.\n kobak 1. a three-cornered tear in a shirt, etc.. 2. see KUBAK.\n kobakan 1 small hole in the ground into which coins are tossed in game. 2 puddle, wallow.\n kobal,kobalt cobalt.\n kobar flaming, in flames forest, etc..\n kobaran the raging.\n kober Java have the opportunity or chance. kobe`r Christian graveyard of colonial times.\n kobis see KUBIS.\n kobnsultasi 1 consultation. 2 consult.\n koboi 1 cowboy. 2 acting big.\n kobok 1. 1 group of people. 2 Pol. party. 2. finger bowl.\n kocah-kacih busy doing this and that, niggling, fussing around.\n kocai k.o. leek.\n kocak 1. 1 hilarious, amusing. 2 smart, classy, dashing. 3 proud, arrogant. 2. shaking of a liquid.\n kocar-kacir see KUCAR-KACIR.\n koceh ng-koceh talk nonsense.\n kocek pocket in clothes.\n koci see PURU.\n kocik see KOCEK.\n koclok see KOCOK.\n kocoh haste. hurriedly, in a hurry.\n kocok meng-kocok 1 shake, mix s.t. 2 mix, stir egg, dough, shuffle cards. 3 rub hard. 4 incite s.o. to do s.t.\n kocolan fry of the gabus fish used for bait.\n kocong 1 hood placed over a corpse or s.o. about to be hanget. 2 wrap- around cover with the loose ends bundled up and tied together e.g. a white cloth wrapped around a corpse in Islam rites.\n kocor see KUCUR 1.\n kodaeral [Komando Daerah Angkatan Laut] Regional Naval Command.\n kodak camera. meng-kodak take a picture.\n kodam 1. [Komando Daerah Militer] Regional Military Command. 2. [Komando Daerah Angkatan Udara] Air Force Regional Command.\n kodar see KADAR 1.\n kodau [Komando Daerah Udara] Regional Airforce Command.\n kode code. kode-etik code of ethics. kode-pos zip code.\n koden 1 in lots of 20. 2 of low quality, of the kind sold in lots of 20. 3 common, ordinary by the score.\n koderat see KODRAT.\n kodi a score the normal quantity of wholesale purchase of clothes or clothing.\n kodifikasi codification.\n kodim [Komando Distrik Militer] District Military Command.\n kodok frog.\n kodrat 1 Islam God\s omnipotence. 2 power of nature. 3 nature or character.\n kodrati see ADI.\n kodya [kota madya] municipality.\n koe see KOWE.\n koefision coefficient.\n koek quacking sound.\n koeksistensi coexistence.\n kogel-laher ballbearing.\n kognossemen see KONOSEMEN.\n koh see ENGKOH.\n kohabitasi cohabitation.\n kohanudas [Komando Pertahanan Udara Nasional] National Air Defense Command.\n koheren coheren.\n koherensi coherence\n kohesi cohesion.\n kohir tax assessment list.\n kohol k.o. eye salve.\n kohong fetid, stinking of rotten eggs, etc..\n koin Coll. coin.\n koinsidensi coincidence.\n koit Vulg. die, dead.\n koitus coitus.\n koja 1. water jar with a neck. 2. see KHOJA.\n kojoh flooded of ricefields.\n kojol ter-kojol-kojol laugh convulsively.\n kojor Vulg. drop dead.\n kok 1. 1 why ?, how come ? 2 a partical at the end of a phrase denying a presumption or statement of the interlocutor. 2. kok shuttlecock.\n koka k.o. monkey.\n kokam [kontal kambing] k.o. fried cake.\n kokang cock a rifle for firing.\n kokas coke.\n kokbrut 1 Sl. have sexual intercourse. 2 Sl., Jakarta damn you .\n koki Coll. cook, chef.\n kokila seeKUKILA.\n koko term of address or reference for o.\s elder brother.\n kokoh see KUKUH.\n kokok crowing. kokok-beluk owl.\n kokol 1. k.o. fern, bracken. 2. hunched over, doubled up sitting or lying down. ber-kokol-kokol shivering with fever.\n kokon cocoon.\n kokop see KUKUP.\n kokosan k.o. very sour lansium fruit.\n kokot 1. clamp, bent hook. 2. gnarled of hands, feet through arthritis, scar tissue, etc..\n kokpit Av. cockpit.\n koktil cocktail.\n kol 1. cabbage. kol-kembang cauliflower. 2. k.o. minibus, name given to passenger vans in general. 3. colt pistol. 4. 1 calculated, estimated. 2 collated. 5. brush of a generator. 6 Bri. call.\n kol. [kolonel] 1 colonel. 2 Navy captain.\n kolaborator collaborator.\n kolaburasi collaboration, esp. with the enemy.\n kolah see KULAH 1.\n kolak 1. sweet compote made of starchy fruits cassava, bananas, etc. stewed in coconut milk and sugar. 2. see KULAK 2.\n kolam 1 pond, pool. kolam-air water reservoir. kolam-berenang swimming pool. kolam-kaca aquarium. 2 tank.\n kolang-kaling 1. the fruit of the sugar palm. 2. to and fro, back and forth, up and down.\n kolar see KORAL.\n kole-kole Ambon dug-out canoe.\n kolega colleague.\n kolegial colleaguelike.\n kolegialitas collegiality.\n koleh-koleh 1 tapioca starch. 2 k.o. pastry made from wheat dough rolled into balls.\n kolek kolek-kolek small dinghy.\n koleksi 1 collection. 2 church collection.\n kolekte church collection.\n kolektif collective.\n kolektivisme collectivism.\n kolektor kolektur collector of the land tax.\n 320 koleng ber-koleng 1 float, bob up and down. 2 go hither.\n kolera cholera.\n kolese 1 lecture. 2 college.\n kolesom ginseng.\n kolesterol cholesterol.\n koli piece, bag, bale.\n kolibri humingbird.\n kolik 1 bacterial infection. 2 colic.\n kolintang k.o. Minahasa musical instrument similar to the marimba.\n koloid,koloida colloid.\n kolok see KULUK.\n kolokan kolo\an mollycoddled, spoiled so that o. easily cries.\n kolokasi collocation.\n kolokial colloquial.\n kolokium colloquium.\n kololit k.o. liquid shoe polish.\n kolom printed column.\n kolomnis columnist.\n kolone Mil. column.\n kolonel 1 colonel. 2 Navy Captain.\n kolong 1. 1 space underneath s.t. a house, table, sky, etc.. 2 pit as in mine. 2. kolong-kolong, kolong-an rattan ring or bracelet.\n koloni colony.\n kolonial colonial.\n kolonis colonist.\n kolonisasi colonization.\n kolonisir meng-kolonisir colonize.\n kolonjono k.o. tall grass used as fodder.\n kolonyet perfumed tissue.\n kolor 1 drawstring. 2 shorts or undershorts. ng-kolor bootlick.\n kolosal colossal.\n kolot 1 old-fashion, traditional. 2 conservative.\n kolporteur kolportir 1 peddler, hawker. 2 canvasser of subscriptions.\n kolt see KOL 2.\n kolumnis see KOLOMNIS.\n kom Coll. cereal bowl.\n koma 1. coma. 2. comma.\n koma-koma saffron.\n komak-kamik see KOMAT-KAMIT.\n komala seeGEMALA.\n komaliwan Navy eating utensils supplied on a boat.\n komandan 1 commander. 2 commandant.\n komandemen commandment.\n