sucking fish, the remora. 2. see KEMIH.\n k.o. earthenware jug. 2. see KEPIT.\n

2 agree, approve of, endorse. memper-kenan-kan permit, allow.\n kenang be reminded of, think of.\n kenang - kenangan 1 souvenir, keepsake, memento. 2 remembrances, fond memories. 3 ideals of the past.\n kenanga the ylang-ylang or cananga, a shrub the flowers of which produce oils for perfume.\n kenap small table.\n kenapa 1 whay. 2 what happened to.\n kenari 1. the canari tree and its nuts. kenari- Belanda almond. 2. canary.\n kencan 1 date, appointment. 2 date.\n kencana Lit. gold.\n kencang 1 fast, quick, speedy. 2 taut, tight. 3 selling well.\n kencang-kencung clanking sound.\n kencar ter-kencar-kencar 1 nervous, agitated. 2 in haste, hastily.\n kenceng 1. bow drill. 2. frying pan.\n kencerang-kencering sound of jingling coins or metal ornaments.\n kencing 1 urine. 2 urinate. kencing-batu kidney stone. kencing-darah blood in the urine. kencing-gulamanis diabetes. kencing-nanah gonorrhea.\n kenco Japanese regent.\n kencong 1. crooked, askew, awry. 2. pitcher plant.\n kencung see KENCANG-KENCUNG.\n kencur greater galingale, a root crop resembling ginger, used as spice and medicine. masih bau-kencur still a virginstill young and inexperience.\n kendaga 1 cowries, shell money. 2 a chest or oblong box adorned with shell, glass, etc.\n kendak lover, mistress. ber-kendak have an affair with. kendak-an paramour.\n kendakan paramour.\n kendala constraint, obstacle.\n kendali reins.\n kendang 1. k.o. small drum covered with leather at each end. ber-kendangan play a kendang. kendang-an membrane in ear. 2. ream of paper 480 sheets.\n kendara ber-kendara ride in or on s.t..\n kendaraan 1 vehicle. 2 mount.\n kendat,kendatan interruption.\n kendati kendati pun 1 although. 2 not to mention, much less.\n kendeka see KAYU 1.\n kendi k.o. earthware flask with a neck and spout 9us for drinking water.\n kendil Java pot for cooking rice.\n kendiri Coll. see SENDIRI.\n kendit 1 cloth belt, sash. 2 girdle.\n kendo Java soft, slow tone. ke`ndo martial arts with Japanese staffs.\n kendong meng- carry s.t. in a cloth.\n kenduduk 1. see UBI. 2. see SENDUDUK.\n kendur 1 slack of rope, business. 2 loose. 3 flabby, not trim of body. 4 lifeless, weak, without pep. 5 Ling. lax. 6 slacken.\n kenduri Islam ritual meal.\n kenek assistent to a driver.\n kenekadan determination.\n keneker marbles. ber-keneker play marbles.\n kenes 1 coquettish. 2 affected of female.\n keng bark, yelp of dogs.\n kengkang see KANGKANG 2.\n kengkeng meng-kengkeng-kengkeng 1 yelp, howl of a dog. 2 whimper, whine.\n kenidai name given to several k.o. bushes or trees.\n kenikir the cosmos, an ornamental flower with edible leaves.\n kenikmatan 1 bliss, enjoyment. 2 comfort, amenity 3.the privilege of benefiting from s.t.\n kening 1 brow, forehead. 2 eyebrow.\n kenini see KININE.\n kenisah Bib. the temple in Jerusalem.\n kenohong leprosy.\n kenong Java k.o. small gong of the gamelan.\n kenop 1. 1 knob, button. 2 button of shirt, etc.. 2. see KNOP.\n kenpeitai see KEMPEITAI.\n kensel kena-kensel experience a cancellation us. of a trip.\n kental 1 thick of syrup. 2 strong of coffee. 3 close of friendships.\n kentang potato.\n kentar unit of weight for gold.\n kentara 1 visible. 2 discernible, apparent, evident.\n kentel see KENTAL.\n kenteng see GENTENG.\n kentit Java, Jakarta meng-kentit 1 steal s.t. 2 hide s.t.\n kentong kentung 1 sound of a gong. 2 gong.\n kentongan 1 drum made from bamboo or wood which is struck to sound an alarm. 2 alarm sounded by this drum.\n kentrang-kentring kentrang-kentrung sound of strumming, strings being plucked.\n kentut 1 flatus, stomach gas. 2 break wind, fart.\n kenung 1 sound of gong. 2 a horizontal gong in the gamelan.\n kenup 1. truncheon, bludgeon, billy club. 2. see KENOP.\n kenyal 1 tough, rubbery of meat, etc.. 2 elastic of fibers, etc..\n kenyam meng-kenyam 1 taste, sample food 2 savor s.t. 3 experience, sample.\n kenyamanan 1 freshness, fit feeling. 2 pleasure.\n kenyang 1 satisfied, sated. 2 saturated.\n kenyat-kenyit kenyat-kenyut pulsate, throb.\n 285 kenyi kenyih 1 sickly. 2 susceptible to disease.\n kenyinyiran talkativeness, loquacity.\n kenyir crave food.\n kenyit meng-kenyit wink. meng-kenyit-kan wrinkle the brows.\n kenyot,kenyut meng-kenyot suck a nipple, etc..\n kenyot,kenyut - an 1 nipple for baby\s bottle. 2 candy to suck on.\n keok 1. defeated, beaten in sports. 2. cackle, cluck.\n keonaran 1 confusion, boisterousness. 2 sensation. 3 disturbance.\n keong 1 snail. 2 shape of snail\s shell, coil, or spiral.\n kep 1. cap, detonator, blasting cap. 2. Coll. form of address to a kapten. 3. cowlick, tuft or similar configuration of hair on animals.\n kep. 1. [keputusan] decision, decree. 2. [kepulauan] archipelago.\n kepabrikan industrialization.\n kepada see PADA 1.\n kepah k.o. mollusk.\n kepahlawanan heroism.\n kepai see KAPAI.\n kepak 1. wing of bird, fowl. 2. see PAK. ke`pak1. meng-kepak carry on the hip. ke`pak 2. meng-ke`pak-ke`pak flutter.\n kepaksa Coll. see PAKSA 1.\n kepal 1 lump, clod. 2 fist. se-kepal a handful or fistful.\n kepala 1 head. 2 head, brain. 3 leader, head, chief executive. 4 the uppermost or foremost, principal part. 5 person, per head.\n kepalang insufficient, inadequate.\n kepam 1 musty, stale. 2 faded.\n kepandaian cleverness, skill.\n kepang k.o. tree, the rotten xylem of which yields fragrant material.\n kepanggung see PANGGUNG.\n kepaniteraan secretariat.\n kepanjangan 1 too long. 2 lenght. 3 duration. 4 continuation.\n kepar k.o. perchlike fish. ke`par twilled cloth.\n keparat 1. Vulg. 1 dammit , damned, accursed. 2 rogue. 3 infidel, heathen. 2. atonement through good deeds, sacrifice, etc.\n kepasifan passivity, inaction.\n kepastian 1 certainty. 2 assurance. 3 for sure.\n kepatang M yesterday.\n kepawangan the field of animal training.\n kepaya see PAPAYA.\n kepayang k.o. large tree which produces the spice keluwak.\n kepecong fall asleep of leg or arm.\n kepek 1. Java notes for cheating on a test. 2. see KEMPEK.\n kepekaan sensitivity.\n kepekatan 1 thickness, concentration, density. 2 darkness.\n kepelbagaian diversity.\n kepenak see ENAK.\n kepencong fruit of the kepayang tree used as spice.\n kepencut Java fall in love, be attracted to.\n kependekan 1 abbreviation. 2 shortness. 3 too short.\n kependetaan clergy, ministry.\n kependudukan demography , see DUDUK.\n kepeng coin with square hole in center formerly worth 18 of a cent in the colonial era.\n kepengacaraan matters dealing with lawyers.\n kepenghuluan territory of a penghulu.\n kepengin see KEPINGIN.\n kepengurusan management, leadership of an organization.\n kepentingan 1 importance. 2 self- interest.\n kepepet see PEPET.\n kepepet see PEPET.\n keper 1.see KEPAR. 2. see KIPER.\n keperagawatian modeling.\n keperawanan 1 spinsterhood, maidenhood. 2 virginity.\n kepergian 1 departure. 2 trip, journey. 3 going, passing, death.\n kepergok see PERGOK.\n keperosok sink in, slip into.\n keperwiraan heroism.\n kepesatan speed, momentum.\n kepet mengkepet-kepetkan shake, manipulate s.t. ke`pe`t 1. Jakarta fin of a fish. 2. fail to clean o.s. after defecating or fail to bathe. ng- kepet Vulg. be a shit ass. 3. ng-kepet magically turn into an animal.\n kepetang see KEPATANG.\n kepetangan secret agent.\n kepialu migraine headache.\n kepiat dried coconut husk.\n kepiatuan orphaned.\n kepik 1. dented of fender, etc.. 2. k.o. insect harmful to agriculture.\n kepil near, close or next to, alongside of a ship.\n kepiluan 1 sadness. 2 emotion, being moved.\n kepincangan 1 lameness. 2 defect. 3 imbalance.\n kepincut Java attracted, drawn to.\n kepinding bedbug.\n keping 1 chip, fragment. 2 splinter, sliver, shard. 3 counter for flat thin objects.\n kepingan fragment.\n kepingin desire, want strongly. kepingin-tahu curious, eager to know.\n kepinis ironwood.\n kepinjal flea.\n 287