1 airplain hangar. 2 sports hall. 2. see ANGGAR 2, ANGGAR

harmonik see HARMONIS.\n harmonika harmonica.\n harmonis 1 harmonious. 2 harmonic.\n harmonisasi harmonization.\n harmonium harmonium.\n harpa harp.\n harpis harpist.\n harpus resin used by violinists.\n hart Crd. heart.\n harta property, wealth.\n hartawan wealthy person, person of means.\n haru haru-biru commotion, uproar, tumult. ter-haru moved, touched, affected. ke-haru-an emotional.\n haru-biru see HARU.\n haruan k.o. freshwater fish.\n harum 1 fragnant, aromatic. 2 fragnance, aroma.\n harun Bib. Aaron. 2 Islam o. of the prophets.\n harung see ARUNG.\n harus 1 have to, must. 2 Islam permitted by religion, neither sinful nor meritorious, e.g. eating, bathing, etc.\n has 1. filet, tenderloin. 2. gauze, fine screening.\n hasa Ambon sail along the shore.\n hasad envy, spite.\n hasan good, beautiful, handsome.\n hasiat see KHASIAT.\n hasil 1 yield, crop. 2 product. 3 result, outcome, output. success\n hasrat 1 longing, desir. 2 propensity. berhasrat 1 desire, wish.\n hassan see HASAN.\n hasta cubic. meng-cubic measure in cubics.\n hastakarya 1 handicrafts. 2 Sl. petting.\n hasud see HASAD.\n hasung see ASUNG.\n hasut incite, goad, stir up.\n hasutan 1 instigation, provocation, fomentation. 2 agitation for civil rights, etc..\n hasyiah 1 edge, border. 2 marginal annotation.\n hasyis hashish.\n hati 1 liver. 2 seat of emotions. 3 Crd. heart.\n hatsil see HASIL.\n hatta Lit. then, thereupon.\n hatur see ATUR 2.\n haus 1. 1 thirsty. 2 thirst, thirstiness. 2. see AUS.\n havermut oatmeal.\n hawa 1 air. 2 climate, weather. meng-hawa evaporate.\n hawai,hawaian Hawaiian-style music.\n hawar blight.\n hawatir see KUATIR.\n hawe see AWE.\n hawiah Islam., Lit. depths of hell.\n hayal see KHAYAL.\n hayali see KHAYALI.\n hayat life.\n hayati biological, vital.\n hayo 1 Come in exhortations. 2 Behold There you have it \n hayun see AYUN.\n hb habe k.o. pencil.\n hb. [hari bulan] Lit. date.\n hbs [Hoogere Burger School] four-year secondary school for children of the elite colonial period.\n hc. [honoris causa] honorary.\n hcs [Hollandsh-Chineesche School] Dutch-medium primary school for well-to-do Ch [colonial period].\n he

1. huh interrogative particle. 2. umm hesitation particle. 3. see

HAI.\n heban Lit. hurl, throw s.t. heavy, throw with both hands.\n hebat unusually intensive excitement, attractiveness, intelligence, violence, etc..\n heboh 1 commotion, uproar. 2 fuss, row, stir. 3 sensational.\n hedonisme hedonism.\n hee Coll. uh huh, yes.\n heeh see HA 2.\n heehm see EHM 1.\n hegemoni hegemony.\n heh see HE 1.\n hei see HAI.\n heiho indigenous militia during the Japanese period.\n hejan see EJAN.\n hejrah see HIJRAH.\n hek Coll. fence around yard, etc..\n hektar hectare.\n hektoliter hectoliter.\n hela meng-hela drag, haul, pull carriage, wagon, etc..\n helah Lit. 1 trick, ruse. 2 excuse, pretext.\n helai 1 sheet of paper, etc.. 2 a counter for paper, cloth, leaf, etc. ber- helai in sheets, unbound.\n helak ber-helak be wafted or lifted back of long things, whips, etc..\n helat 1. celebration, party. 2. see HELAH.\n heleng meng-heleng turn, look.\n