owned by an absentee landlord. 2. see GONTAI.\n

ancestry to Muh.\n habil Bib. Abel, o. of Adam\s sons.\n habis 1 finished, used up. 2 completed, through, concluded.\n hablur crystal.\n habsyi 1 Ethiopia, Byssinia. 2 African.\n hacih hacing, haciu, hacu Atchoo sound of a sneeze.\n had boundary, limit.\n hadang see ADANG.\n hadap 1 across the street. 2 side. 3 facing in a certain direction.\n hadapan 1 front. 2 future. 3 presence.\n hadas Islam ritual impurity.\n hadat see ADAT 1.\n hadiah 1 prize. 2 reward. 3 gift. with a gift. present s.t., donate.\n hadir be present.\n hadirat 1 Rel. presence of God. 2 female members of the audience.\n hadirin those present, audience.\n hadis Islam traditional collection of stories relating words or deeds of Muhammad the chief source of guidance for understanding religious questions.\n hadlir see HADIR.\n hadlirat see HADIRAT.\n hadlirin see HADIRIN.\n hadrah 1 Islam communal gathering, us. mystical, sometimes including group chanting with tambourine accompaniment. 2 tambourine.\n hadrat 1 Islam religious gathering. 2 presence.\n hafal 1 know by heart, memories. 2 know s.t. very well.\n hafalan material to be memorized.\n hah see HA 2.\n haha sound of loughter.\n hai 1 Hey exclamation to call s.o.\s attention. 2 What exclamation of surprise.\n hai-alai see HAILAI.\n haid menstruation.\n haik Charge exclamation shouted when attacking.\n hailai Sport jai alai.\n hairan see HERAN.\n haisom China k.o. dish made of sea cucumber.\n haiwan see HEWAN.\n haiyaa China 1 Greetings 2 exclamation of disapproval.\n haj Islam pilgrimage to Mecca.\n hajar meng-hajar beat up, thrash soundly. hajar-an beating, thrashing.\n hajat 1 wish, desire. 2 intent, intention. 3 Euphemism urination or defecation.\n haji Islam 1 o. who has made the pilgrimage to Mecca. 2 title and term of address for such a pilgrim.\n hajjah see HAJJAH.\n hak 1.1 right. 2 rightful authority. 2. heel of shoe. 3. knit.\n hakekat,hakikat 1 truth, reality. 2 essence.\n hakiki true, real, authentic.\n hakim judge. meng-hakim-i pass judgment on, judge s.t. Departmen- kehakiman Ministry of justice.\n hakjing see HACIH.\n hakul-yakin Lit. be truly convinced of s.t.\n hal 1. 1 matter, thing. 2 case. 3 concerning. 2. galvanized sheet iron.\n hal. [halaman] page of book.\n hala direction.\n halai-balai 1 ignored, neglected. 2 in confusion.\n halal 1 Islam allowed, permitted. 2. rightfull, legal.\n halal-bihalal,halal-bilhalal 1 Islam ask and give forgiveness at the end of the fasting period. 2 a gathering of social group workers at same office, people of same ethnic origin, etc. soon after Islam fasting month for such a purpose.\n halaman 1 yard of a house. 2 premises. 3 page of book.\n halang 1. ber-halang-an be hindered, handicapped. 2. see ALANG 1.\n halangan hindrance, obstacle.\n halat 1. see HELAH. 2. see ALAT 2.\n halau expel s.o.\n halia ginger.\n halilintar 1 flash of lightning. 2 thunderbolt.\n halimbubu whirlwind.\n halimun mist, fog.\n halintar see HALILINTAR.\n halipan see LIPAN.\n halkum Adam\s apple.\n halma Chinese checkers.\n halo hello.\n halsduk neck scarf.\n halte stopping place for public vehicles.\n halter dumbbell, bar bell.\n haluan 1 Naut. bow, prow. 2 direction. 3 foremost section. se-haluan of the same course.\n halus 1 refined, cultured, sensitive. 2 soft, delicate, smooth of skin, cloth, etc. 3 unseen of spirits. 4 small. 5 finely pounded or granulated of flour, etc..\n halusinasi hallucination.\n halwa fruits preserved in sugar.\n ham ham.\n hama 1 plant disease, pest. 2 infection. 3 pest, scourge. meng-hama-kan contaminate.\n