k.o. batik pattern. 2. see GERISING.\n 1 Jakarta k.o. bamboo cupboard for food storage. 2 Lit. large

gerutuan complain, gripe.\n gerutup,gerutus sound of rattling explosion of machine gun, firecrackers, etc..\n geruyak meng-geruyak shake, make s.t. turbulent.\n gesa ber-, bergesa-gesa in a hurry, in haste.\n gesek rub, scrape.\n gesekan 1 rubbing, friction. 2 stringed instrument.\n gesel,geser Ling. fricative.\n gesit 1 nimble, adroit, agile. 2 skillful.\n gesper clasp, buckle. meng-gesper-kan buckle belt, etc..\n gestapu [Gerakan September Tiga Puluh] September 30th Movement, the 1965 attemp to seize control of the gvt.\n getah 1 sap, latex, resin. 2 Biol. gland secretion.\n getak-getuk sound of knocking or pounding e.g. butcher\s cleaver on cutting block.\n getang cover of rthin material paper, cloth, skin tightly drawn over an opening.\n getap 1. broken. meng-getap grate, crunch. 2. getap ,getapan 1 quick- tempereted. 2 easily shocked.\n getar 1 tremble. 2 Ling. trill.\n getaran 1 vibration, quiver, shiver. 2 Ling. trill. 3 Med. pulsation. 4 frequency.\n getas 1. 1 brittle of wood, etc.. 2 easily heartbroken, oversensitive. 2. Jakarta clear, distinct change, etc..\n getek 1. Jakarta small raft. 2. see GITIK.\n getik meng-getik 1 tap lightly, flick with finger. 2 nip between o,\s fingers. getik-an a pinch, a nip.\n getil se-getil a pinch of s.t.\n getir 1. bitter. 2. see GETIL.\n getis 1 brittle. 2 frail of health.\n getok sound of pounding.\n getokan stick to hit with.\n getol diligent, industrious, harworking.\n getrok sound of flailing e.g. palm fronds. meng-getrok strike repeatedly to remove contenst of can, jar, etc..\n getu meng-getu crush with fingernail.\n getuk

1. Java k.o. sweet steamed loaf of pounded cassava. 2. see

GETOK.\n getun ke-getun-an surprise, astonishment.\n geulis gelis see GELIS.\n gewang 1. mother-of-pearl. 2. see GIWANG.\n geyong Jakarta large-buttocked.\n geyong-geyong Java dangle.\n gh- seealso entries with g-.\n ghaib see SEMBAHYANG, GAIB.\n gia [Garuda Indonesian Airways] the Indonesian national airline.\n giam k.o. hardwood tree.\n giat energetic, active.\n gibas 1. see KIBAS. 2. see KAMBING.\n gidig,gidik ber-gidig shudder, shiver e.g. due to gruesome situation.\n gigau see IGAU.\n gigi 1 tooth. 2. toothlike object. 3 cog, gear. 4 edge or extremity.\n gigih 1. persevering. 2. half-cooked rice. 3. see GIGIL.\n gigil,gigir meng-gigir shiver, tremble.\n gigir-gunung Java mountain ridge, range of hills.\n gigis Java see KIKIS.\n gigit bite s.t.\n gila 1. 1 insane, crazy. 2 obsessed, infatuated. 2. meng-i, meng-kan M look after, take care for s.o.\n gila - gilaan 1 foolhardy, foolish. 2 frantic, like mad. 3 exessive, beyond reason.\n gilang-cemerlang glittering and bright.\n gilang-gemilang bright and brilliant.\n gilap meng-gilap lustrous, shining of s.t. polished.\n gilas meng-gilas 1 crush, pulverize. 2 run over. 3 overrun, cross over.\n giles see GILAS.\n gili M meng-gili-gili 1 tickle. 2 incite, egg on, needle.\n gili-gili 1 bund, earthen dike. 2 sidewalk.\n gilik 1. meng-gilik roll over s.t. to crush it. 2. see GILI.\n giling meng-giling 1 roll cigarette, steel. 2 mill, grind wheat, coffee, pepper, etc.. 3 flatten s.t. with a roller.\n gilir 1 alternate, pass through cycles. 2 take turns.\n giliran 1 turn, shift. 2 serve in tennis.\n gim 1. gold thread. 2. 1 the gymnasium of colonial period offering Latin and Greek courses. 2 attend such a school. 3. see GAME. Coll..\n gimana Coll. see BAGAIMANA.\n gimnastik gymnastics.\n gimpal locket, pendant.\n gin gin.\n ginang-ginang sticky rice sweetmeat.\n gincu lipstick.\n ginekolog gynecologist.\n ginekologi gynecology.\n gingsir see GELINGSIR.\n gini Coll. see BEGINI. se-gini this much.\n ginjal,ginjel kidney.\n giok China0 jade.\n gips 1 gypsum. 2 plaster cast on sprain or fracture.\n