me-limbur flood, inundate. 2. see SABUR.\n

lintang 1. 1 across. 2 Geog. latitude. 2. Java star. lintang-kemukur comet.\n lintangan 1 deterrent. 2 hindrance, obstacle, barrier.\n lintas move quickly across.\n lintasan 1 flash of light, etc.. 2 line. 3 Sport track, course. 4 orbit, trajectory.\n lintibang M centipede.\n linting roll a cigarette.\n lintingan hand-rolled cigarette.\n lintir roll.\n lintuh M weak, soft.\n lintup see LINGKUP.\n linu 1. 1 shooting pain of teeth, nerves, etc.. 2 rheumatic pain. 2. earthquake.\n linyak M presed flat.\n linyap see LENYAP.\n linyar Coll. ruler.\n lio China brick kiln.\n liong China dragon.\n liontin medallion, locket, pendant.\n lipan centipede.\n lipas cockroach.\n lipat fold, crease.\n lipen,lipenstip lipstick.\n liperi see RIFRI.\n lipi [Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia] The Indonesian Academy of Sciences.\n lipir see LEPER.\n lipit hem s.t.\n liplap 1 in thin of various colors. 2 Derog. Eurasians.\n lipstik lipstick.\n lipur comfort, consolation, solace.\n liput cover an event.\n liputan cover.\n lir winch.\n lirih low, sweet-sounding, gentle, soft of voice.\n lirik 1. 1 sharp glance. 2 a glance to left or right. 2. pierce, perforate, bore through. 3. lyrics.\n liris k.o. batik pattern consisting of decorated parallel lines.\n lis see LES 2. LES 3, LES 4.\n lisa louse egg, nit.\n lisah see GELISAH.\n lisan oral, spoken.\n lisensi 1 license, permit. 2 franchise.\n lisong cigar.\n listrik electricity, electric.\n listris electrical, by means of electricity.\n lisut 1 withered, wizened, atrophied. 2 wilted, faded.\n litak see LETAK.\n litani litany.\n litbang [Penelitian dan Pengembangan] Research and Development.\n litenan see LETNAN.\n liter liter.\n literator man of letters.\n literatur literature.\n literer literary.\n litnan see LETNAN.\n litografi lithography.\n litup see LINGKUP.\n liturgi liturgia liturgy.\n liturgis liturgical.\n liuk wriggle.\n liuk-liuk whistle made of a rice stalk.\n liung-liung k.o. sea fish.\n liur saliva, drool.\n liut leathery, tough.\n liwaath liwa:t Lit. sodomy.\n liwat 1. liwa:t Lit. sodomy. 2. see LEWAT.\n liwet Java nasi-liwet boilet rice. me-liwet boil rice.\n liyer-liyer Java doze.\n lk. [lebih kurang] approximately, ca.\n lkmd [Lembaga Ketahanan Masyarakat Desa] village social activities group.\n ln 1. [Luar Negeri] abroad, foreign. 2. [Lembaran Negara] national statues.\n lo see LHO.\n loak barang-loak seconhand things. pasar-loak flea market. put s.t. used up for sale, resell.\n loba greedy, avaricious, selfish.covet, crave.\n lobak radish. lobak-merah beet.\n loban see LUBAN.\n lobang see LUBANG.\n loberci spangles.\n lobi 1. lobby, foyer. 2 Pol. s.o. who intervenes at political meetings to argue informally for a certain cause\n lobi-lobi tree with edible fruit used in fruit salads.\n lobiing go around to various people to persuade them to do s.t.\n loco Coll. me-, nge-loco masturbate.\n 368 locot 1. chafed, blistered of hand, foot. 2. see LUCUT 1.\n loda [lotto daerah] legalized lottery restricted to a certain region.\n lodan whale.\n lodeh k.o. vegetable dish cooked with coconut milk.\n lodoh 1. Java, Jakarta stripped threads of screw, etc.. 2. soften s.t. by sticking it in water.\n lodong covered glass jar.\n logam metal.\n logaritma logarithm.\n logat 1 Lit. word, wordlist. 2 dialect. 3 way of speaking, accent.\n loge see LOSE.\n logika logic.\n logis logical, reasonable.\n logistik logistics.\n logo logogram.\n loh 1. writing tablet. 2. see LHO.\n loha see DOHA.\n lohjinawi Java 1 lush, luxuriant, fertile. 2 wellpopulated.\n lohor 1 Islam midday prayer, o. of the five obligatory prayer rituals. 2 midday, noontime.\n loji 1 Lit. warehouse of a colonial trading company. 2 Coll. large, colonial style house.\n lojot writhin in pain.\n lok see LOKO.\n lok-lok pearl.\n loka Lit. place, shop.\n lokah see LUKAH.\n lokakarya workshop, seminar.\n lokal 1 local. 2 place.\n lokalisasi 1 prostituation complex organized in order to confine prostitution to only o. area. 2 confinement of prostitution to o. area. 3 complex for confining poor, sick, etc.\n lokalisir me-lokalisir localize.\n lokalitas locality.\n lokan k.o. edible bivalve. lokan-laut conch.\n lokasi site. ber-lokasi located.\n lokcan,lokchuan China silk crepe.\n lokek stingy, miserly.\n loket counter of post offices, immigration office, etc., ticket window.\n lokio China chives.\n lokir Che. exchange position of s.t. with the rook.\n loko lokomotif locomotive.\n lokro loose, slack. ng-lokro despondent.\n loktong prostitute.\n lola [lonte lanang] Sl. male prostitute. lola me-lola manage, run s.t.\n lolak-lolok Coll. look around uncertain about what to do.\n loleng China paper lantern.\n loli, lolipop lollipop.\n loloh 1. me-loloh overfeed s.o. 2. loose, slack of clothes.\n lolong howling.\n lolos 1 slip off of a ring, etc.. 2 slip away, bolt from jail, etc.. 3 be allowed to get through or out.\n lomba a race, contest.\n lombar me-lombar 1 pay out rope. 2 follow an urge to.\n lombok chili.\n lombong 1 mine, quarry. 2 crater.\n lomi China k.o. viscous noodle dish.\n lomot Jakarta nge-lomot suck in.\n lompat a leap, jump. lompat-galah pole vault. lompat-jauh long jump. lompat-katak leapfrog.\n lompong me-lompong empty, bare.\n lompongsagu k.o. sweet made of boiled sago filled with coconut and palm sugar.\n lomprot be sloppy.\n loncat 1. leap, jump esp. high or from a height. 2. frog.\n lonceng 1 bell, chime. 2 wall clock.\n loncer loose of a screw.\n loncong see LUNCUNG.\n loncos tapering.\n londang buffalo wallow.\n londar locus.\n londo Java white person.\n londong 1 wash away. 2 destroy, wipe out.\n londot stripped of the threads of a screw, etc..\n loneng Java 1 balustrade, railing. 2 low wall before house.\n long

1. k.o. large firecracker. 2. Lit. k.o. bottomless coffin. 3. see

SULUNG.\n longak-longok Coll. look around unsure of what to do.\n longgar 1 loose of rope, clothes, screw, etc.. 2 fax in discipline. 3 not binding of contract, friendship.\n longgok heap, pile, stack.\n longgor grow tall.\n longkop peel of paint.\n longkopan flake of peeling paint.\n longo 1 gawk. 2 be open-mouthed from surprise., bewildered.\n longok take a peek.\n longong agape, open-mouthed.\n longsongan shell of spent bullet.\n longsor slide of embankments, hills, etc..\n longsoran 1 landslide. 2 soil erosion.\n longtorso strapless bra combined with corset to cover the torso.\n lonjak jump.\n lonjakan 1 leap, jump. 2 bump in plane flight.\n lonjong 1 tapering, pointed. 2 oval, egg-shaped esp. of faces.\n lonjor 1. stalk, stick. 2 classifier for soap.\n lonsong see LONGSONG.\n lontang-lantung 1 go about with no purpose or destination. 2 neglected, ignored.\n lontar 1. 1 palmyra palm the leaves of which may be written on. 2 manuscript of such palm leaves. 2. lonta-martil Sport hammer throw.\n lonte Java prostitute.\n lontok squat of a bottle.\n lontong food consisting of rice steamed in a banana leaf.\n lontos smooth and cylindrical of a pillar.\n loop lop gun barrel.\n lopak-lopak Jakarta woven pouch for tobacco.\n lopakan Jakarta puddle.\n lopek k.o. small boat.\n loper 1 messenger, errand boy. 2 delivery man.\n lopis k.o. cake of glutinous rice steamed in banana leaves.\n lopong see LOMPONG.\n lor Java north.\n lorek striped.\n loreng stripe.\n lori R.R. flatcar us. to transport sugarcane.\n lornyet lorgnette.\n lorong 1 path, lane, trail. 2 alleyway. 3 hallway, corridor.\n lorot 1. me-lorot decline, drop of prices, etc..lower, decrease s.t. 2. me- lorot remove wax fom batik between dyeings.\n los 1. Naut. pilot. 2. shed without interior walls, hangar. 3. Coll. 1 free, loose. 2 slack, not taut. 3 not restrictive, unrestricted.\n lose 1. box seats, first-class seats in a movie house. 2. house guest.\n losin see LUSIN.\n losmen inn, cheap hotel.\n losong-kosong completely empty.\n lot see LOTERE.\n lotek k.o. raw vegetable salad served with spicy sause.\n loteng 1 upper story, upstairs. 2 top floor, attic. 3 cerling.\n lotere 1. lottery, raffle, pool. 2 lottery ticket. me-lotere gamble, participate in lottery.\n lotok nge-lotok chip off.\n 371 lotot staring of wide of eyes, bulge out 9of eyes, when angry, etc..\n lotre see LOTERE.\n lotto k.o. lottery 1960s.\n loudspeaker lotspiker Coll. loudspeaker.\n lowak see LOAK.\n lowong empty, vacan, unfilled.\n lowongan 1 vacancy, job opening. 2 gap, vacum.\n loyal loyal.\n loyalitas loyalty.\n loyang 1 brass. 2 large tray. 3 casserole dish, baking pan.\n loyar extravagant, wasteful.\n loyo 1. weak, faint. 2 exhausted.\n loyong me-loyong stagger, totter.\n loyor 1 Jakarta slither. 2 Coll. leave without saying goodbye.\n lp 1. [Lembaga Pemasyarakatan] correctional institution, jail. 2. [long- play] long-play album.\n lsd [Lembaga Sosial Desa] village social activity group.\n lt. 1. [lantai] story, floor. 2. [letnan] lieutenent.\n ltd. [letnan dua] 2d lieutenant.\n lts. [letnan satu] first lieutenant.\n lu Jakarta, China, Coll. you.\n luah sickening, nauseating.\n luak 1. Java k.o. civer cat. 2. a dug well 3. decrease, reduce s.t. 4 seeLOAK. 5. see LUHAK. 6. see LUAH.\n luang empty, vacant, free.\n luap 1 overflow of a river. 2 boil over of water. 3 flare up.\n luar 1 outside, outer part. 2 beyond.\n luas 1 wide, broad. 2 extensive, vast forests, etc.. 3 capacious, commodious trunk, room. 4 far-ranging discussion.\n luasnya 1 width. 2 area, extent, scope.\n luat see LUAH.\n luban incense.\n lubang 1 hole, orifice. 2. cavity, hollow. 3 burrow, pit.\n luber me-luber overflow, run over. overflowing of water, etc..\n lubuk deep pool in a stream.\n lucu 1 funny, amusing. 2 cute.\n lucup see LUCUT 2.\n lucut 1. me-lucut slip off of a ring, bold, etc..\n ludah sal;iva, spittle.\n ludang k.o. dugout canoe.\n ludas ludes 1 finished, allgone of money, etc.. 2 completely destroyed. 3 extinguished of a flame.\n luding Spanish mackerel.\n 372