k.o. polecat. 2. see SINGGUNG.\n

sila 1. 1 cross-legged. 2 such a sitting posture. 2. moral principle, esp. of the Pancasila.\n silabus syllabus.\n silaf see SILAP 1.\n silah 1. see SILAP 1. 2 see MEMPERSILAKAN.\n silam 1. 1 set of the sun. 2 ago, of the past. 2. see SELAM 1.\n silam 1. 1 set of the sun. 2 ago, of the past. 2. see SELAM 1.\n silancar see LANCAR.\n silang crosswise, intersecting.\n silang crosswise, intersecting.\n silap 1. wrong, false, mistaken. 2. see SULAP 1.\n silap 1. wrong, false, mistaken. 2. see SULAP 1.\n silat traditional self-defence arts.\n silat traditional self-defence arts.\n silaturahim silaturahmi friendship, good relationship.\n silau dazzled, temporarily blinded by the glare.\n silet razor blade.\n silet razor blade.\n silhuet silhouette.\n silih-berganti alternately, in turns.\n silih-berganti alternately, in turns.\n silih-berganti alternately, in turns.\n silikat silicate.\n silikon silicon.\n silikon silicon.\n silinder cylinder.\n silinderkop Auto. cylinder head.\n silir 1. soft breeze. 2. Biol. membrane.\n siliran the blowing of a breeze.\n siliwer see SELIWER.\n silo see SILA 1.\n silsilah genealogy, family tree.\n silu 1 twinge felt on hearing a grating sound e.g. chalk drawn across a blackboard. 2 timid, modest.\n siluman 1 a human who has taken the appearance of an animal for nefarious purposes. 2 invisible.\n silungkang k.o. woven cloth made in Silungkang, West Sumatra.\n sim [Surat Izin Mengemudi] driver\s license.\n simaharajalela see MAHARAJALELA.\n simak-an 1. s.t. scrutinized. 2. gathering.\n simak-an 1. s.t. scrutinized. 2. gathering.\n simalu k.o. weed, sensitive plant Mimosa pudica.\n simalu k.o. weed, sensitive plant Mimosa pudica.\n simbang k.o. children\s game.\n simbok Java see MBOK 2.\n simbol symbol.\n simbol symbol.\n simbolik simbolis symbolic.\n simbolisasi symbolization.\n simbul see SIMBOL.\n simbul see SIMBOL.\n simetris symmetrical.\n simfony symphony.\n simpai 1. fastening which encircles. 2. k.o. monkey.\n simpanan 1 savings, goods laid away. 2 storage place. 3 mistress.\n simpanan 1 savings, goods laid away. 2 storage place. 3 mistress.\n simpang branch of road, etc., deviation.\n simpang branch of road, etc., deviation.\n simpangan 1 branching off. 2 byway, side route. 3 crossroads. 4 Math. deviation.\n simpanse chimpanzee.\n simpati sympathy.\n simpati sympathy.\n simpatik congenial, likeable.\n simpatisan sympathizer of a party, cause, etc..\n simpatisan sympathizer of a party, cause, etc..\n simpel Coll. simple, modest, small in amount.\n simping k.o. mollusc with a flat shell.\n simplifikasi simplification.\n simpoa see SEMPOA.\n simponi see SIMFONI.\n simposium simposion symposium.\n simposium simposion symposium.\n simpul 1. knot, node. 2. see SENYUM.\n simpulan 1 knot, node. 2 act of buttoning.\n simsalabim sim-sala-bim magical formula, abracadabra.\n simultan simultaneous.\n sinaga k.o. scute viral disease affecting the skin, shingles.\n sinagoga synagogue.\n sinambung continuous.\n sinambung continuous.\n sinar 1 ray, beam. 2 gleam.\n sinau sparkle, shine.\n sincia China lunar New Year.\n sincunkionghi China Happy Lunar New Year.\n sindap dandruff.\n sinden see PESINDEN.\n sindikat syndicate.\n sindir s.t. said by allusion in order to tease.\n sindiran 1 teasing allusion. 2 satire.\n sindiran 1 teasing allusion. 2 satire.\n sindroma syndrome.\n sinduk see SENDOK.\n sineas film-maker.\n sinematek film library.\n sinematografi cinematography.\n sinematografis cinematographic.\n siner see OPSINDER.\n sinerap Tech. absorbate.\n sing sound of buzzing.\n singa 1 lion. singa-laut walrus. 2 Zod. Leo.\n singapura Singapore.\n singelar Sport single player.\n singga see SEHINGGA.\n singgah stop by, stop in.\n singgah stop by, stop in.\n singgah stop by, stop in.\n singgang k.o. culinary method for cooking meats in coconut milk.\n singgasana throne.\n singgatan partition.\n singgatan partition.\n singgul see SENGGOL.\n singgul see SENGGOL.\n singit 1. Java sacred, no trespassing. 2. see SENGET.\n singkapan 1 s.t. folded back or drawn. 2 exposure.\n singkapan 1 s.t. folded back or drawn. 2 exposure.\n singkapan 1 s.t. folded back or drawn. 2 exposure.\n singkapan 1 s.t. folded back or drawn. 2 exposure.\n singkat 1 brief, concise. 2 short in length. 3 short in time.\n singkatan 1 abbreviation. 2 abstract, resume.\n singkeh singkek Derog. a China immigrant that is still very China in his ways.\n singkeh singkek Derog. a China immigrant that is still very China in his ways.\n singkong cassava.\n singkron see SINKRON.\n singkup shovel.\n singkup shovel.\n singlet sleeveles undershirt.\n singsat tight.\n singse see SINSE.\n singset see SINGSAT.\n singshe see SINSE.\n singshe see SINSE.\n sini 1 here. 2 there, where the recipient is in letters only. 3 Coll. I, we.\n sinis 1 sarcastic, scornful. 2 cynical.\n sinis 1 sarcastic, scornful. 2 cynical.\n sinisme 1 sarcasm, scorn. 2 cynicism.\n sinkretisme syncretism.\n sinkron synchronous.\n sinkronisasi synchronization.\n sinode Rel. synod.\n sinom ypung tamarind leaves.\n sinonim synonym.\n sinonim synonym.\n sinopsis synopsis.\n sinoptik synoptics.\n sinse sinshe, sinsye China physician, purveyor of China herbal medicines. sinse-guamiakuamia China fortune-teller. sinse-kuritan China kung fu master.\n sinse sinshe, sinsye China physician, purveyor of China herbal medicines. sinse-guamiakuamia China fortune-teller. sinse-kuritan China kung fu master.\n sintak see SENTAK 2.\n sintaksis syntax.\n sintal well-fed, full, well rounded, having an attractive figure.\n sintang 1 short. 2 weird, eccentric.\n sinterklas Coll. Santa Claus.\n sintese synthesis.\n sintetis synthetic.\n sinting rather crazy.\n sinting rather crazy.\n sintir 1 dice. 2 dice game.\n sintok see SINTUK 1,2.\n sintuh see SENTUH.\n sintuk 1. k.o. cinnamon tree the bark of which is used as a medicine. 2. Lit. ber-sintuk rub o.s. with s.t.\n sintuk 1. k.o. cinnamon tree the bark of which is used as a medicine. 2. Lit. ber-sintuk rub o.s. with s.t.\n sinu nerve.\n sinuhun Java, Sunda term of address for a sovereign.\n sinus sine.\n sinyal 1 signal. 2 railway crossing light.\n sinyalemen 1 indication. 2 assumption, suspicion.\n sinyalemen 1 indication. 2 assumption, suspicion.\n sinyo 1 Coll. term of address and reference for European or Westernized youth. 2 term of address used by servant to master\s son.\n sinyoklas Sinyokolas Coll. Father Christmas.\n sio 1. Ambon Alas . 2. see SHIO.\n siocia China term of address and reference for unmarried woman.\n siocu k.o. distilled alcoholic beverage.\n sioh see SHIO.\n siomai China k.o. steamed ravioli filled with meat and open on the top.\n siomai China k.o. steamed ravioli filled with meat and open on the top.\n sip Coll. 1 OK. 2 great, admirable.\n sipai see SEPOI 1.\n sipaku-gelang M k.o. traditional bangle worn by brides.\n sipat 1.mascara. 2. see SIFAT.\n sipat-datar device to ascertain whether s.t. is level.\n sipat-kuping Java helter-skelter, frantically fast.\n sipedas M ginger.\n sipek see SI 2.\n sipenmaru [seleksi penerimaan mahasiswa baru] entrance test to the state university system.\n sipi be just off the mark, a little off center, glancing blow.\n sipil 1 civil. 2 civilian.\n sipilis syphilis.\n sipir jailer.\n sipit 1. slanting of the eyes. 2. see SEMPIT.\n sipit 1. slanting of the eyes. 2. see SEMPIT.\n sipolan see POLAN.\n sipon see SIFON.\n siponggang echo.\n siponggang echo.\n sipulut see PULUT.\n siput snail.\n sipva [Surat Izin Pembelian Valuta Asing] permit for purchase of foreign exchange.\n sir

1. Lit. mystical. 2. Coll. 1 like s.t. or s.o., lust after. 2 fall in

love with s.o. 3 aim, what o. is after. 3. sound of hissing.\n sir-siran fall in love.\n sirafa see JERAPAH.\n sirah see SERAH.\n sirak see SERAK.\n siraman 1 a splash of water. 2 Java ceremony of bathing a bride prior to the wedding.\n 1 a splash of water. 2 Java ceremony of bathing a bride prior to the sirap 1. slightly raised. 2. shingle. 3. see SIREP.\n sirap 1. slightly raised. 2. shingle. 3. see SIREP.\n sirat mesh, network.\n siratan 1 s.t. knotted or knitted. 2 implication.\n siratan 1 s.t. knotted or knitted. 2 implication.\n siratulmustakim Islam path for believers on the Last Day.\n sirene siren.\n sirep 1 Java quiet, silent. 2 Java fallen of temperature. 3 magic formula to induce sleep.\n sirep 1 Java quiet, silent. 2 Java fallen of temperature. 3 magic formula to induce sleep.\n siri siri` Sulawesi suffer humiliation.\n siri siri` Sulawesi suffer humiliation.\n siria see SURIAH.\n sirih 1. k.o. plant, betel vine. 2 a quid us. consisting of betel leaf, areca nut, and lime often with other ingredients, e.g. gambier, tobacco, etc..\n sirik 1. envious. 2. see SYRIK.\n siring 1. k.o. shrimp net. 2. hem of cloth. 3. gutter, drain, ditch.\n siring 1. k.o. shrimp net. 2. hem of cloth. 3. gutter, drain, ditch.\n sirip fish fin.\n sirkam k.o. small ornamental comb.\n sirkaya see SERIKAYA 1.\n sirkel circle.\n sirkit sirkuit circuit.\n sirkol sauerkraut\n sirkulasi circulation.\n sirkuler circular.\n sirkus circus.\n sirlak varnish.\n sirna disappeared.\n sirna disappeared.\n sirop see SIRUP.\n sirsak k.o. fruit, soursop.\n sirup fruit sirup concentrate for drinks.\n sis sound of hissing.\n sis sound of hissing.\n sisa 1 residue, remainder. 2 remnant.\n sisa 1 residue, remainder. 2 remnant.\n sisal sisal hemp.\n sisal sisal hemp.\n sisi side, flank.\n sisi side, flank.\n sisihan Java spouse.\n sisik 1 scales of fish, reptile, etc. 2 turtle shell, esp. as article of commerce.\n sisik 1 scales of fish, reptile, etc. 2 turtle shell, esp. as article of commerce.\n sisik 1 scales of fish, reptile, etc. 2 turtle shell, esp. as article of commerce.\n sisik 1 scales of fish, reptile, etc. 2 turtle shell, esp. as article of commerce.\n sisik 1 scales of fish, reptile, etc. 2 turtle shell, esp. as article of commerce.\n sisik 1 scales of fish, reptile, etc. 2 turtle shell, esp. as article of commerce.\n sisipan 1 s.t. inserted. 2 s.t. implied. 3 Ling. infix.\n sisipan 1 s.t. inserted. 2 s.t. implied. 3 Ling. infix.\n sisir 1. 1 comb. 2 harrow. 3 bunch of bananas. 2. see SUSUR 1.\n sisir 1. 1 comb. 2 harrow. 3 bunch of bananas. 2. see SUSUR 1.\n siskamling [Sistem Keamanan Lingkungan] 1 neightborhood security system. 2 participate in this system.\n sispan see SESPAN.\n sispan see SESPAN.\n sistem system.\n sistematik 1 systematic. 2 systematics.\n sistematik 1 systematic. 2 systematics.\n sistematis systematic.\n sistematisasi systematization.\n sistematisasi systematization.\n sister see SUSTER.\n sistim see SISTEM.\n sistol Med. systole.\n sisurut see SURUT.\n siswa 1 student at secondary school. 2 student at academies, training institutes, but not at universities. 3 male student at such institutions.\n siswi female student at a secondary school or nonuniversity institutions of tertiary education.\n sit master sheet for mimeographing.\n sit master sheet for mimeographing.\n sit master sheet for mimeographing.\n sita seizure, confiscation.\n sitaan confiscated goods.\n sitaan confiscated goods.\n sitar see SITER.\n sitar see SITER.\n sitegang see TEGANG.\n