seeTIDAK. 2. Coll. roof. 3. sound of s.t. exploding.\n

beat reminiscent of Hindi and Arabic music. 3 dance to such music.\n dangai k.o. cake.\n dangau 1. loom up. 2. small temporary hut in agricultural fields.\n dangir Java men-dangir i hoe before planting.\n dangkal 1 shallow. 2 superficial of knowlwdge, etc..\n dangkung k.o. leprosy.\n dangsa see DANSA.\n danguk ber-, men-, ter- sit with chin in hands and stare.\n danramil Komandan Rayon Militer commander of the army administrative unit at the level of the camat.\n dansa Western-style dance.\n dansanak M relative, kin.\n dansi see DANSA.\n danta Lit. elephant tusk, ivory.\n danu Danuh Zod. Sagittarius.\n dapat 1 can, be able. 2 may. 3 get, obtain. be obtained. 5 be found.\n daptar see DAFTAR.\n dapur 1 kitchen, galley. 2 stove, kiln. 3 firebox in furnace, locomotive. 4 Coll. place where s.t. other than food is cooked up.\n dar sound of loud crash or explosion.\n dara 1. virgin, young girl. 2. see BURUNG.\n darab Math. multiplication.\n darah blood.\n darajat see DERAJAH.\n daras men-daras 1 Islam recite the Koran. 2 study, investigate deeply.\n darat 1 land, shore. 2 upland, hinterland.\n dari 1 from. 2 coll. of. 3 out of a series. 4 starting at or from. 5 than.\n daripada 1 Lit. from. 2 than. 3 better than.\n darma Lit. 1 duty, obligation. 2 service, good deed.\n darmabakti volunteer work, service of value to the state.\n darmasiswa Lit. student scholarship, fellowship.\n darmatamu Lit. leadership grant.\n darmawisata 1 excursion, outing. 2 field trip.\n darmawisatawan excursionist.\n darsana, darsono see JAMBU.\n daru-daru k.o. tree used for commercial timber.\n darulbaka Islam The hereafter.\n darulfana Islam present transitory world.\n darun se-darun in unison.\n darurat emergency.\n darus see DARAS.\n darusalam 1 Jerusalem. 2 Lit. abode of happiness.\n darwis dervish, fakir.\n dasa Lit. inintervals of 10.\n dasadarma the 10 duties of Indonesian Boy Scouts.\n dasalomba decathlon.\n dasar 1 base, foundation. 2 basis. 3 nature. 4 so-and-so is like that because that is the way people of his or her type are. 5 background.\n dasariah basic.\n dasasila the Ten Commandments.\n dasawarsa decade, decennial.\n dasi necktie.\n daster 1 house dress, lounging grown. 2 doctor\s lab coat.\n dasun Lit.. k.o. garlic.\n daswati Daerah Swatantra Tingkat autonomous administrative region pre- 1970s.\n data data. men-data encode for processing on computer.\n datang 1 come. 2 arrive.\n datar 1 flat, level, smooth. 2 superficial.\n dati Daerah Swantantra Tingkat autonomous administrative region.\n datu in some region only title of headman.\n datuk 1 oldest male of family clan, headman. 2 grandfather in some parts of Indonesia and Malaysia. 3 honorific term of reference and address for strangers, dangerous animals. 4 term of adress to persons in high positions, us. as tuk or to.\n dauk 1 gray. 2 roan.\n daulat Lit. 1 good fortune. 2 expression of deference to nobility.\n daun 1 leaf. 2 playing card. 3 balade or other flat thing.\n daur 1 cycle of years. 2 rotation.\n dawai fine wire. dawai-dawai strings for musical instruments.\n dawat, dawet 1. ink. 2. cold drink made from rice or arrowroot flour, coconut milk and palm sugar.\n dawuh Java order, command.\n daya

1. 1 power, energy, capacity. 2 effort. 2. trick, ruse. 3. see

BARAT.\n dayah 1 foster mother. 2 wet nurse.\n dayak 1 native ethnic groups of Kalimantan. 2 Coll. American Indian.\n dayang Lit. lady-in-waiting.\n dayu men-dayu rumble like distant thunder.\n dayung 1 oar. 2 pedal bicycle.\n db drum band marching band.\n db. di bawah below, under, beneath.\n dbb daerah bebas becak area in which pedicabs are not allowed to operate.\n dbp. di bawah pimpinan under the direction of referring to bands.\n de facto, de fakto de facto.\n debak sound of thud, esp. blow hitting the mark.\n sound of heavy object falling with resonant thud such as coconut