1 bamboo cylinder used as container. 2 tubing. 2. see

buras 1. chitchat, smal talk. 2. k.o. rice cake made with coconut cream wrapped in banana leaves. 3. erased, wiped out, eradicated.\n burat see BOREH.\n bureng hazy, unclear, dim of glasses, etc..\n bures see BURAS 1,2,3.\n burik 1 dotted, speckled of feathers, skin. 2 pockmarked.\n burit posterior, rear, behiind.\n burjasmani Tech. elliptical.\n burjussunbulat Zod. Virgo.\n burjuasi see BORJUASI.\n burjuis see BORJUIS.\n burjulhamal Zod. Aries.\n burkuk see BERGUK.\n buro see BIRO.\n burokrasi see BIROKRASI.\n buron, buronan fugitive from justice, s.o. wanted.\n bursa stock exchange.\n bursuasi see BORJUASI.\n buru buru-buru, ter-buru-buru hurried, in a rush.\n buruan 1 prey 2 fugitive from justice , hunted person .\n buruh worker, laborer.\n buruk 1 old, worn out, dilapidated. 2 decayed of teeth, rotten of wood, etc.. 3 bad, foul, nasty.\n burung 1 bird. 2 Coll. penis.\n burut hernia.\n burwater see BORWATER.\n bus see BIS 1,2.\n busa 1. 1 foam, lather. 2 scum, suds. 2. mem-busa 1 gasp, pant. 2 blow.\n busana clothing, esp. in fashion circles.\n busar see BUSUR 1.\n buset Hell exlamation of disapproval.\n busi sparkplug.\n buster Auto. booster.\n busuk 1 putrid, rotten, spoiled, decomposed, putrefied. 2 low, depraved, corupt, vile.\n busung 1. 1 bloated, distended. 2 Med. edema. 3 bulging, packed, stuffed of pocket, chest, breast. 2. 1 elevated land. 2 sandbank, shoal.\n busur 1. 1 archer\s bow. 2 arch, arc. 2. cotton gin.\n busut 1 small mound. 2 anthill, termite nest in the ground.\n busyet see BUSET.\n but-but seeEMBUT.\n 1 blind, sightless, unseeing. 2 blank. 3 forgetful. 4 butak 1. see BOTAK. 2. see BUTEK.\n butas Buton Asphalt popular k.o. asphalt.\n butek 1 turbid, thick, muddy. 2 Coll. troubled.\n butik boutique.\n butir 1 grain, granule, pellet. 2 numeral classifier for round objects. 3 small object. 4 item in a list.\n butsi Badan Urusan Tenaga Sukarela Indonesia coordinating body for volunteers, foreign and domestic, in Indonesia.\n butsir mem-butsir model objects from clay or wax.\n butuh 1. need, necessity. 2 Coll. penis.\n butut worn out.\n buwes see REBEWES.\n buya Islam title for respected religious experts and leaders..\n buyar 1 run like ink on blotting paper, spread. 2 scrattered, dispersed, blown about. 3 scatterbrained, unable to concentrate.\n buyung 1. narrow-necked, big-bellied earthenware or metal jar. 2. form of address to young boy.\n buyur see GUYUR.\n buyut 1 term of reference for great-grandparent or great-grandchild. 2 Java ancestral and sacred of places, such as cemeteries.\n byar Java on of lights.\n byur Java splashing noise when s.t. falls or is thrown into water.\n c c, the 3d letter of the alphabet.\n c. Celsius.\n ca Ch stir-fried dish.\n cabai red pepper, chili.\n cabak k.o. night bird.\n cabang 1 branch, bough , prong. 2 branch office, department, academic field, etc.. 3 fork in the road, river. 4 chapter, affiliate of club, association, etc..\n cabar cabar-hati 1 cowardly, fear-striken, timorous. 2 discouraged, dejected, downhearted. 3 careless, unheeding.\n cabe see CABAI.\n cabik 1 torn, ripped, snagged. 2 strip, piece.\n cabir long rip or tear. ber-cabir-an in tatters, in shreds.\n cabo China prostitute, whore.\n cabuh in an uproar.\n cabuk 1. 1 carbuncle. 2 foul-smelling ulceration. 2. k.o. fish, wolf herring. 3. see CAMBUK.\n cabul 1. 1 indecent, obscene. 2 pornographic. 2. see CEBOL.\n cabur ke-cabur-an disturbance, commotion, tumult.\n cabut 1 yang out, withdraw. 2 Coll. take off, leave.\n cacad see CACAT.\n cacadan Java whiffletree, pole to connect the yoke to the plow.\n