leftovers. 2. see KOREK 3. see KURET.\n

kotamara parapet.\n kotangen kotangens Math. cotangent.\n kotbah see KHOTBAH.\n kotek 1. 1 tail feather. 2 tail plumed with a tuftlike end e.g. of a comet. 2. a cackle of a hen.\n koteka penis sheath of Irian.\n koteng ter-koteng-koteng alone, friendless.\n koterek see KOTREK.\n kotes bits of thread or lint.\n kotipa [Kolera, Tipes, Paratipes] immunization against cholera, typhoid, and paratyphoid.\n kotok 1. kotok-ayam having defective vision, i.e. nearsighted or suffering from night blindness. 2. short of pants legs.\n kotong cut off, amputated.\n kotor 1 dirty, soiled, filthy. 2 dirty, vile, filthy words, etc.. 3 gross of income, profits.\n kotoran 1 feces, dung, manure. 2 muck, waste. 3 impurity.\n kotrek corkscrew.\n kotum quota.\n kover kafer, kofer .\n kowad [Korps Wanita Angkatan Darat] Army Women\s Corps.\n kowak ber-kowak-kowak 1 jabber, chatter. 2 shout of drunkards, people wild with joy or excitement.\n kowal [Korps Wanita Angkatan Laut] Navy Women\s Corps.\n kowe Coll., Derog., Java, Jakarta you.\n kowek see KUWEK.\n kower see KOAR.\n kowil [Komando Wilayah Police Subregion Command.\n kowilhan [Komando Wilayah Pertahanan] Defence Territorial Command.\n kowiltabes [Komando Wilayah Kota Besar] Metropolitan Police Command.\n koyak 1 torn, ripped. 2 lacerated of the hand, etc.. koyak-koyak in rags or tatters. koyak-an tear, rip, rent.\n koyakan tear, rip, rent.\n koyan measurement of weight or capacity 27-40 piculs.\n koye see KOHIR.\n koyer Sport pitcher in games where a ball is thrown to be batted back.\n koyo koyok 1. nonsense. 2. China salve put in a medical plaster. 3 stray dog.\n kozyn see KOSEN 1.\n kpd. [kepada] to.\n kpm [Koninkliske Paketvaart Maatschappij] The Royal Mail Packet Lines of the colonial era.\n kr- seealso entries with ker-.\n krah see KERAH 2.\n krama see KROMO.\n kraman rebellion.\n kramat see KERAMAT.\n kran see KERAN 1.\n kranggang k.o. red ant.\n krans funerary wreathe.\n krasan Coll. feel at home, like a place o. is new at.\n krat crate, case of 24 bottles.\n kraton see KERATON.\n kre see KERAI.\n kreasi creation.\n kreatif creative.\n kreativitas creativity.\n kreator creator.\n krecek buffalo skin processed for eating.\n kreda see KRIDA.\n kredap ber-kredap-an glitter, shine, flicker.\n kredep scintillate.\n kredibilitas Fin. credibility.\n kredit credit.\n kreditir kreditor creditor.\n kredo Rel. credo, creed.\n krei see KERAI.\n krem 1 cream of milk. 2 skin-care salve. 3 cream colored, light-yellow.\n kremasi cremation.\n krematorium crematorium.\n kremes k.o. cake made of cassava and palm sugar.\n kremi see KEREMI.\n krempeng see KEREMPANG.\n kremus chew a.t. crispy into small pieces.\n kreolin creolin, a preparation of creosol and resin soap used as a deodorant and disinfecrant.\n kreosot creosote.\n krep crepe paper.\n krepyak blinds.\n kreseh-peseh see KARESEH-PESEH.\n kresek 1. see KERESEK. 2. thin plastic bag with handle.\n kresna central figure of the Mahabharata.\n kresten see KRISTEN.\n kretek 1. k.o. cigarette containing choped cloves. 2. Java horse-drawn cart.\n kri [Kapal Republik Indonesia] an Indonesian Flagship.\n kriat-kriut see KERIANG-KERIUT.\n kricika od. Scorpio.\n krida activity, physical activity as opposed to office, school work.\n kridit see KREDIT.\n kriditor pupil who must repeat many school subjects.\n kriir create.\n krim seeKREM.\n kriminal kriminil criminal law, ast, etc..\n kriminalitas kriminalitet criminality.\n kriminologi criminology.\n kring 1. cell, small group of believers who work together e.g. Catholics, etc.. 2. see KERING 2.\n kripik see KERIPIK.\n krisis crisis.\n kristal crystal.\n kristalisasi crystallization.\n kristalisir crystallize.\n kristen 1 Christian. 2 Protestan.\n kristenisasi kristianisasi Christianization.\n kristus Christ.\n kriteria criteria.\n kriterium criterion.\n kritik 1 criticism. 2 critical.\n kritikal critical.\n kritikus critic.\n kritis critical, serious of patient, situation.\n kritisi see KRITIKUS.\n kriuk-kriuk see KERIUK.\n kriwil see PRIWIL.\n kriya skill.\n kriyawan male salesclerk.\n kriyawati female slaesclerk.\n kroco 1. k.o. small snail. 2 of little value, of no great importance. 3 loest economic class.\n kroket croquettes.\n krokot purslane.\n krol see KERUL.\n kromo 1 the polite form of Java used to and among upper-class people. 2 the common people.\n kromosom chromosome.\n krompyang 1 sound of s.t. crashing to the floor. 2 sound of tin cans.\n kron see KERON.\n kroncong see KERONCONG 1.\n krong see KERONG.\n kronik chronicle.\n kronologi chronology.\n kronologis chronological.\n kropok 1 empty, without concent. 2 soft, weak. 3 moldy.\n krosak see KEROSAK.\n krosboi Coll. delinquent youth.\n krosgirl Coll. female delinquent.\n krosmama Coll. a woman who goes after young men.\n krosok see KEROSOK 1.\n krospapa a man who goes after young women.\n kroto red ant eggs fed to birds.\n krtikawan literary critic.\n kruis crotch.\n kruk crutches.\n krukas crankcase.\n krul see KERUL.\n kruntel Java rolled up, curled.\n krupuk see KERUPUK.\n krupukan confused, doing s.t. hastily.\n krus see KERUS, KURS.\n krutuk bombard.\n ks [Kepala Staf] Chief of Staff.\n ksatria see KESATRIA.\n ktp [Kartu Tanda PendudukPengenal] residence indentification card.\n ktt [Konperensi Tingkat Tinggi] Summit Conference.\n ku see KUE.\n ku- first person agent marker of passive verb.\n kuaci see KWACI.\n kuade seat at which couples sit in wedding ceremony.\n kuadran quadrant.\n kuadrat quadrate.\n kuah gravy, broth, thin sauce, thin dressing.\n kuak 1. low of buffalo, croak of frogs. 2. part in the hair.\n kuala estuary, river mouth, confluence.\n kualahan see KEWALAHAN.\n kualat 1 accursed, damned. 2 struck down by a calamity.\n kuali 1 wide-mouthed clay pot for cooking. 2 in some regions only iron wok.\n kualifikasi 1 qualification, limitation. 2 qualification, fitness, eligibility\n kualitas quality.\n kualitatif qualitative.\n kualitet quality.\n kualon step-relation. ibu-kualon stepmother.\n kuangwung k.o. beetle in coconut trees.\n 336 kuantitatif quantitative.\n kuantum quantum.\n kuap a yawn.\n kuar meng-kuar loosen or undo with a stick.\n kuarsa quartz.\n kuarsit quartzite.\n kuartal a period of three months. kuartal-an 1 quarterly examination. 2 s.t. to mark the beginning of a threemonth period.\n kuartir quarters.\n kuas 1. 1 small brush for painting, writing. 2 shaving brush. 3 applicator. 2. k.o. lemonade.\n kuas-kais scratch the ground of a chicken, etc..\n kuasa 1 power, might. 2 authority given to s.o. 3 capable, able, powerful.1 dominate. 2 take charge, be in command. 3 master a language, a raging fire, etc.. 4 have control over o.\s feelings.\n kuat 1 strong, powerful. 2 sturdy. 3 forceful personality, fervent believer, etc.. 4 be able to. 5 loud of voice, noise.\n kuatir afraid, apprehensive about.\n kuau k.o. pheasant.\n kuaya gall, bile.\n kuayah k.o. climbing plant.\n kuba Cuba. mengk-kuba Coll. hijack a plane.\n kubah 1 dome, vault, cupola. 2 Mil. turret.\n kubak meng-kubak 1 peel 9potatoes, etc.. 2 strip bark from a tree.\n kubang mudhole, mudpuddle.\n kubat arch.\n kubek Jakarta, Java 1 turn s.t. around. 2 stir.\n kubik 1. meng-kubik peel with the fingernails. 2 cubic.\n kubil Jakarta swollen of eyes.\n kubin k.o. flying lizard.\n kubis cabbage.\n kubit tiny bit.\n kubra 1 unsuccessful, afailure. 2 left undone.\n kubti Coptic.\n kubu 1 fortification, fortress, stockade. 2 bunker, entrenchment.\n kubung 1. flying lemur. 2. box for raising mushrooms.\n kubur grave, tomb.\n kubus cube.\n kucai 1. k.o. leek or green onion. 2. be isolated from o.\s friends.\n kucak see KOCAK 2.\n kucam pale, wan, drained of energy or vitality.\n kucar-kacir 1 in disorder, in a mess. 2 disorganized, inadequately supervised.\n kucek 1 rub. 2 do the laundry. 3 crush, grind, mash.\n kucel crumpeled, creased.\n kucica k.o. small bird.\n kucil 1 expel from family, clan, relationship, political party, etc., ostracize, excommunicate. 2 squeeze out toothpaste, glue, etc..\n kucindan see KECANDAN.\n kucing cat, a feline.\n kucing-kucingan 1 calf of leg. 2 biceps, muscle of leg or arm. 3 toy litten. 4 play tag.\n kucir 1 cowlick. 2 tuft of hair left on top of a child\s shaved head. 3 tassel. 4 pigtail.\n kuco village chief in Japanese times.\n kucung see KOCONG.\n kucup 1. be closed of s.t. that folds up. 2. see KECUP.\n kucur 1 gushing, pouring forth. 2. k.o. fried cake of rice flour.\n kucut see KECUT 1.\n kuda 1 horse. 2 Che. knight. 3 a vaulting horse for gymnastics. 4 timbering for a roof.\n kudai 1 small, rattan basket. 2 round silver betel leaf holder.\n kudang Java coo, talk babytalk.\n kudangan wish or request by fianceee that her future husband must fulfill.\n kudap kudap-kudap snack, tidbit.\n kudeta coup d\etat. meng-kudeta carry out a coup d\etat.\n kudi 1. k.o. machete. 2. see KODI.\n kudian see KEMUDIAN.\n kudil kudis scabies.\n kudrat see KODRAT.\n kudrati see ADI.\n kudu 1. flower. 2. Java must, have to. 3. k.o. red dye.\n kuduk 1. nape of the neck. 2. see NASI.\n kudung 1. crippled, maimed. 2. veil.\n kudus holy, sacred, sacrosanct.\n kue kueh cooky, cake.\n kue kueh cooky, cake.\n kuek noise, ado, commotion.\n kufu see KUPU, KUPUAN.\n kufur infidel, atheist, unbeliever.\n kuhap [Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Acara Pidana] Criminal Code.\n kuhd [Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Dagang] code of business law.\n kuhp 1. [Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Pidana] Criminal Code. 2. [Kasih Uang Habis Perkara] Coll. Give me money and that is that.\n kui 1. goldsmith\s crucible. 2. genuflect.\n kuih see KUE.\n kuil temple or shrine currently used by practicing Indian Hindus.\n kuin Crd. queen.\n kuini k.o. mango.\n kuintal measure of 100 kilograms.\n kuintet quintet.\n kuir weeding sickle.\n kuis 1. meng-kuiskan 1 kick s.t. aside. 2 scratch the earth of a chicken, etc.. 3 stir up a fire. 2. quiz.\n kuit kuit-gamit beckon s.o to approach.\n kuitansi see KWITANSI.\n kuiz see KUIS 2.\n kujang cleaver, chopping knife.\n kujur 1. spear for catching fish. 2. stiff, rigid. se-kujur the entire body.\n kujut ber-kujut hang strangle or choke o.s.\n kuk 1 yoke. 2 collar, harness.\n kukai k.o. fish.\n kukang 1. see KUNGKANG 2. 2. see KOKANG.\n kukila 1 mynah bird. 2 Java bird in general.\n kuku 1 fingernail, toenail. 2 claw, s.t. like a claw. 3 hoof.\n kukuh 1 sturdy, strong house, etc., hefty. 2 firm, tenacious.\n kukuk see KOKOK.\n kukukbeluk k.o. owl.\n kukukkeruyuk cock-a-doodle-doo.\n kukul 1. acne, pimple. 2. see KOKOL 2.\n kukup alluvium, silt.\n kukur 1. cooing of a dove. 2. grater.\n kukuruyak see KUKUKERUYUK.\n kukus 1. marten. 2. steam, vapor. kukus-an rice steamer.\n kukut adopted.\n kul see KOL 2.\n kulah 1. a small basin us. build into the bathroom for bathing and other purposes. 2. k.o. mango.\n kulai drooping, hanging down.\n kulak 1. a cubic measture for rice, etc. 2. buy goods for resale. kulak-an wholesale.\n kulan k.o. tree of forest that furnishes guttapercha.\n kulansing see BATU.\n kulasi see OKULASI.\n kulat toadstool, mushroom, fungus.\n kuldi see BUAH.\n kuli coolie, laborer, porter.\n kuliah university lecture.\n kulik scream of a bird. ber-kulik cry out, scream of birds of prey.\n kulikat disposition, character.\n kulim k.o. hardwood.\n kulintang see KOLINTANG.\n kulipat 1 successor. 2 deputy.\n kulir trowel.\n kulit 1 skin. 2 hide, leather. 3 tree bark. 4 peel, husk, shell, crust. 5 cover of a magazine.\n kulkas refrigerator, icebox.\n kulliah see KULIAH.\n kulminasi culmination.\n kulon Java west.\n kulonuwun 1 Java what is called out to announce o.\s arival at s.o.\s house, ask to come in. 2 Coll. ask for an OK to proceed.\n kultivir cultive.\n kultur culture.\n kultural kulturil cultural.\n kultus cult.\n kulub 1. heart as seat of emotions. 2. boil or steam vegetables.\n kuluk Java a man\s court headdress shaped like a fez.\n kulum-kulum millipede.\n kulup 1 foreskin. 2 appellation for boys. ber-kulup not circumcised.\n kulur k.o. breadfruit with many seeds.\n kulut k.o. hardwood similar to the lansium.\n kuluyak China sweet and sour cooking.\n kulzum see LAUT.\n kuma-kuma see KOMA-KOMA.\n kumai notch.\n kumal 1 rumpled, disheveled of clothes. 2 dingy of a room. 3 dog-eared of magazines.\n kumala see GEMALA.\n kuman germ, microbe.\n kumandang echo, reverberation.\n kumanga kumango see BARANG 1.\n kumat have a relapse.\n kumat-kamit see KOMAT-KAMIT.\n kumba 1 basin, bowl. 2 the protuberance on the forehead of an elephant.\n kumbah 1 wash, do the laundry. 2 rinse.\n kumbang 1 bumblebee. 2 beetle. 3 black color of animal. meng-kumbang buzz.\n kumbar k.o. thorny, stemless palm resembling the Salacca.\n kumbara see EMBARA.\n kumbik the candlenut tree and its fruit.\n kumbu narrow-mouthed basket for holding freshly caught fish.\n kumico head of a quarter during the Japanese occupation.\n kumidi see KOMIDI.\n kumilap see KELAP.\n