k.o. tree bearing small sour fruits. 2. see BUNYI.\n

butak 1. see BOTAK. 2. see BUTEK.\n butas Buton Asphalt popular k.o. asphalt.\n butek 1 turbid, thick, muddy. 2 Coll. troubled.\n butik boutique.\n butir 1 grain, granule, pellet. 2 numeral classifier for round objects. 3 small object. 4 item in a list.\n butsi Badan Urusan Tenaga Sukarela Indonesia coordinating body for volunteers, foreign and domestic, in Indonesia.\n butsir mem-butsir model objects from clay or wax.\n butuh 1. need, necessity. 2 Coll. penis.\n butut worn out.\n buwes see REBEWES.\n buya Islam title for respected religious experts and leaders..\n buyar 1 run like ink on blotting paper, spread. 2 scrattered, dispersed, blown about. 3 scatterbrained, unable to concentrate.\n buyung 1. narrow-necked, big-bellied earthenware or metal jar. 2. form of address to young boy.\n buyur see GUYUR.\n buyut 1 term of reference for great-grandparent or great-grandchild. 2 Java ancestral and sacred of places, such as cemeteries.\n byar Java on of lights.\n byur Java splashing noise when s.t. falls or is thrown into water.\n c c, the 3d letter of the alphabet.\n c. Celsius.\n ca Ch stir-fried dish.\n cabai red pepper, chili.\n cabak k.o. night bird.\n cabang 1 branch, bough , prong. 2 branch office, department, academic field, etc.. 3 fork in the road, river. 4 chapter, affiliate of club, association, etc..\n cabar cabar-hati 1 cowardly, fear-striken, timorous. 2 discouraged, dejected, downhearted. 3 careless, unheeding.\n cabe see CABAI.\n cabik 1 torn, ripped, snagged. 2 strip, piece.\n cabir long rip or tear. ber-cabir-an in tatters, in shreds.\n cabo China prostitute, whore.\n cabuh in an uproar.\n cabuk 1. 1 carbuncle. 2 foul-smelling ulceration. 2. k.o. fish, wolf herring. 3. see CAMBUK.\n cabul 1. 1 indecent, obscene. 2 pornographic. 2. see CEBOL.\n cabur ke-cabur-an disturbance, commotion, tumult.\n cabut 1 yang out, withdraw. 2 Coll. take off, leave.\n cacad see CACAT.\n cacadan Java whiffletree, pole to connect the yoke to the plow.\n cacak 1. vertikal, upright, perpendicular. 2. 1 pinch. 2 steal, swipe. 3. Java 1 elder brother. 2 form of address to elder man. 3 comrade, buddy esp. to pedicab drivers in Surabaya, as cak.\n cacap 1. hair remedy to ensure growth. 2. men-cacap-i flood, inundate.\n cacar 1 pustular skin eruption. 2 smallpox.\n cacat 1 physical defect, deformity. 2 flawed.\n cacau fickle, inconstant, capricious, changeable.\n caci abuse verbally.\n cacing worm, maggot.\n cadang suku-cadang spare parts.\n cadangan 1 reseve, back up, spare. 2 a proposal. 3 plan, long-range project. 4 a vote.\n cadar veil worn by Islam women, bride, etc..\n cadas Geol. 1 sedimentary rock formation such as sandstone or tuff. 2 rocky ground or area.\n cadel see CEDAL.\n cadik

1. Naut. 1 leeboard. 2 outrigger. 2. Coll. ny- addicted. 3. see

CERDIK.\n cadok nearsighted, myopic.\n cadong share, portion.\n caela expression of exasperation.\n caem ca\em Sl. cute.\n cafetaria canteen, small restaurant not necessarily self-selvice attached to school or office.\n cagak 1. 1 a forking branch. 2 crossing. 2. Java pole, post used for support.\n cagar 1 security, guarantee, pledge. 2 advence payment.\n cagu caguh whitlow.\n cagut men- peck, bite.\n cah 1. hah exclamation of disagreement. 2. see BOCAH.\n cahar loose of feces.\n cahari see CARI.\n cahaya 1 radiance, brilliance, glow. 2 light. 3 ray.\n cailah Lord exclamation of surprise.\n caing-caing in shreds, in tatters.\n cair 1 liquid, fluid. 2 thin, weak, diluted.\n cais reins.\n caisim k.o. China vegetable, mustard greens.\n cak 1. smack of the lips. 2. cak-padang sparrow. 3. see CACAK 3.\n cakah at an obtuse angle.\n cakal-bakal Java founder of a village, pioneer.\n cakalang E. Indonesia k.o. tuna, skipjack.\n cakalele war dance in the Moluccas and Minahasa.\n 1. 1 able, capable. 2 adroid, clever, skillful. 3 good-looking. 2. 100 cakar 1 claw, talon of birds. 2 paw. 3 scratch. 4 rasp, file.\n cakatan see CEKATAN.\n cakau see CEKAU.\n cakep see CAKAP 1.\n cakera see CAKRA.\n cakeram see CAKRAM.\n cakil 1 noble shadow-play character with protruding lower jaw. 2 prognathous.\n caklat see CIAKLAT.\n cakra Vishnu\s mythical weapon.\n cakrabirawa presidential palace guards in Sukano era.\n cakrak Java well-formed body, good-looking of humans, animals.\n cakram 1 disk. 2 Sport discus.\n cakrawala 1 firmament, heavens, sky. 2 rotation of heavenly bodies.\n cakrawati rule, sway.\n cakruk Java small market.\n cakue see CAKWE.\n cakup 1. men-cakup 1 catch with the mouth, snap at. 2 arrest, round up prostitutes, illegal vendors, tramps. 3 embrace, entail, include. 2. Java scoop, ladle out.\n cakwe China k.o. fried cake, fritter of twisted dough.\n cala see COLA-CALA.\n calabikang k.o. multicolored cake made from rice.\n calak 1. superimposed of o. color on another. 2. M sharp-tongued, glib. 3. Java o. who perfoms traditional circumcision.\n calang 1 bare, almost leafles. 2 unadorned of furniture, etc..\n calar laceration, scratch on skin.\n calincing k.o. weed.\n caling 1. tusk, canine tooth. 2. seeCOLANG-CALING.\n calipso see CALYPSO.\n calit smear, stain, spot.\n calo 1 passenger recruiter for public vehicles. 2 ticket scalper.\n caloisme a mentality and system characterized by using the power of o.\s position for personal gain i.e., by farning out projects, etc..\n calon 1 candidate, aspirant. 2 applicant. 3 recruit.\n caluk see ASAM.\n calung 1. 1 bamboo water scoop. 2 cup for latex. 2. k.o. bamboo xylophone.\n calypso kalipso 1 k.o. Latin American dance. 2 pomaded, brushed-back hair style 1950s.\n cam

1. interest, attention us. only in negative constructions. 2. see

KECAM.\n cama 1. have a large appetite. 2. calon mahasiswa freshman, new university student during hazing.\n