see TIRU. 2. see NYIRU.\n

normal normal.\n normalisasi normalization.\n norotos sound of firecrackers.\n norwegia Norway.\n nostalgi nostalgia nostalgia.\n nostalgis nostalgic.\n not musical note.\n nota 1 note. 2 statement of account, bill. 3 memorandum.\n nota-bene nota bene.\n notariat office of notary.\n notariil notarial.\n notaris notary public.\n notasi notation.\n notes small notebook, notepad.\n notifikasi notification.\n notilen minute, notes of a meeting.\n notok 1. Java to the very end. 2. see TUTUK.\n notulen see NOTILEN.\n notulis recorder of the minutes of a meeting.\n novel novel.\n novela novella.\n novelis novelist.\n novis novice.\n novisiat novitiate.\n nr. [nomor] number.\n nri [Negara Republik Indonesia] Republic of Indonesia.\n nrimo see NERIMO.\n nrp [Nomer Registrasi Pokok] soldier\s registration number.\n ntar Coll. see SEBENTAR.\n ntb [Nusa Tenggara Barat] Western Lesser Sundas.\n ntr [Nikah, Talak, Rujuk] be married, divorced, and recorciled.\n ntt [Nusa Tenggara Timur] East Lesser Sundas.\n nu [Nahdlatul Ulama] Association of Muslim Scholars, a Muslim political party of the 1970s.\n nuansa nuance.\n nubuat Rel., Islam prophecy, divine revelation.\n nudis nudist.\n nudisme nudism.\n nuduh see TUDUH.\n nuftah Biol. germ, sperm.\n nugat nougat.\n nugini see PAPUA NUGINI.\n nujum fortune-telling, esp. with stars.\n nukhter objective, balanced of views, etc..\n nukil 1 quotation, quote. 2 excerpt.\n nuklir Phys. nuchlear.\n nul see NOL.\n numpang see TUMPANG.\n numplek 1 pour out, empty all at o. time. 2 be splled out, be in a huge crowd in a place.\n nun Lit. younder.\n nunak-nunuk Coll. 1slow in doing s.t. 2 snoop around.\n nuntius papal nuncio.\n nunut Java ride along with.\n nur Lit. light, ray of light.\n nuraga sympathy.\n nurani 1 lustrous, illuminated. 2 pure. 3 inner.\n nurbisa Lit. antidote, esp. charm or incantation against venom.\n nuri k.o. parrot.\n nurmala see NIRMALA.\n nus k.o. flat-headed squid.\n nusa island, esp. in island names.\n nusakambangan a penal island off the S. coast of Java.\n nusantara 1 archipelago. 2 the Indonesian Archipelago.\n nusra [Nusa Tenggara] the Lesser Sundas.\n nusrabar [Nusa Tenggara Barat] Western Lesser Sundas.\n nusrateng [Nusa Tenggara Tengah] Central Lesser Sundas.\n nusratim [Nusa Tenggara Timur] East Lesser Sundas.\n nusteng [Nusa Tenggara] the Lesser Sundas.\n nusus nusyur Islam disobedient of wives, esp. with regard to granting of conjugal rights.\n nutrisi nutrition.\n nutrisionis nutritionist.\n nuzulul-quran Islam day commemorating descent of the Koran.\n nv [Naamloze Vennootschap] Inc., Ltd.\n ny- seealso entries with s-, c-.\n ny. [Nyonya] Mrs.\n nya see NYONYA.\n nyabun see SABUN 1.\n nyadran see SADRAN.\n nyah 1 see ENYAH. 2. see NYONYA.\n nyaho Jakarta 1 know, understand. 2 find out the hard way.\n nyai 1 term of reference and address for concubine of european or China in colonial period. 2 Java respectful term of address to older woman.\n 1. Jakarta term of address and reference for o.\s mother. 2. see nyala flame.\n nyalang clear of vision.\n nyalangwadi Java arousing suspicion, having s.t. secret about it.\n nyale see SALAI.\n nyali 1 gall, bile. 2 guts, daring o. shows in a crisis situation.\n nyaman pleasant, comfortable.\n nyambi see SAMBI.\n nyamikan nyamii\an 1 Java sweet anacks, candy. 2 Coll. mistress.\n nyampang in case, just in case, by chace.1 supposing that, if 2 Lit. although.\n nyampoh k.o. tree.\n nyamuk mosquito. nyamuk-pers newspaper reporter.\n nyana expect, presume, think.\n nyandu see CANDU.\n nyang Coll. see YANG 1.\n nyangkut nyangkut\n nyanyah Java me-nyanyah chew.\n nyanyi sing.\n nyap-nyap Jakarta angry.\n nyaring 1 high-pitched, piercing. 2 Ling. sonorant.\n nyaris nearly of s.t. unpleasant.\n nyaru disguised.\n nyasar see SASAR.\n nyata 1 obvious, evident. 2 real, tangible.\n nyatut see CATUT.\n nyawa life-sustaining principle, soul.\n nyawang Java look.\n nyekar see SEKAR.\n nyelang see NYALANG 1, SELANG 1.\n nyelekit Java offensive, tending to hurt o.\s feeling.\n nyelonong see SELONONG.\n nyelonong see SELONONG.\n nyemek-nyemek become soggy.\n nyemplak go to a prostitute.\n nyengir turn up o.\s nose, make a wry face due to s.t. distasteful.\n nyengir-nyengir see CENGIR.\n nyeni see SENI 1.\n nyeni see SENI 1.\n nyentrik 1 eccentric, act in such a way that o. stands out as different. 2 Coll. stick out, be different from every o. else.\n nyenyai loosely woven.\n nyenyak be sound of sleep.\n nyenyeh Java suppurating, not healing well of wound.\n nyenyep very quiet.\n 486 nyepor see SEPUR.\n nyepret see CEPRET.\n nyepur Coll. go by train.\n nyeri painful, sharp pain.\n nyerimpung see SERIMPUNG.\n nyerocos see CROCOS.\n nyetek see SETEK.\n nyi Java respectful title for women.\n nyilu see NGILU.\n nyinyir talkative, fond of chatting.\n nyiplak see CIPLAK 1.\n nyiru k.o. flat basket.\n nyiur Lit. coconut.\n nylentik see SLENTIK.\n nylon see NILON.\n nyok Jakarta see AYO.\n nyolnyolan Coll. unladylike of coarse, mannish behavior.\n nyolok see COLOK 2.\n nyolong see COLONG.\n nyolot be blazing with anger.\n nyong 1 Ambon young man. 2 Ambon polite term of address for males younger than speaker. 3 Jakarta term of address among intimate male friends.\n nyontek cheat on exams.\n nyonya 1 Mrs. esp. of non-Indonesian, i.e. China, foreigners. 2 lady. 3 Coll. wife. 4 term of address esp. as nya or nyah for China and Western women.\n nyora E. Indonesia term of polite address for certain women of high status e.g. minister\s wife, etc..\n nyrempet see SEREMPET.\n nyruput sip noisily, slurp.\n nyungsep fall or slip down in mud headfirst.\n nyureng see CURENG.\n nyut sensation of stabbing pain.\n nyutnyut Java be soggy of s.t. that was crisp..\n o 1. the 15th letter of the alphabet. 2. 1 Oh, interjection expressing surprise. 2 oh that, interjection expressing perception or remembering. 3 interjection expressing strong emotional feeling. 3. Lit. oh, vocative marker.\n o. [Otomat] Tel. dial telephone.\n oase oasis.\n obah see UBAH.\n oban see UBAN.\n obar see KOBAR.\n