see BIKSU.\n kamus ID EN

bio Ch Confucian temple.\n biografi biography.\n biokimia biochemistry.\n biokimiawan biochemist.\n biokimiawi biochemical.\n biola violin.\n biologi biology.\n biologik, biologis biological.\n biologiwan biologist.\n biopsi biopsy.\n bioritme biorhythm.\n bioskop movie theater, cinema.\n bipang k.o. sugared, puffed-rice cake.\n bipolar bipolar.\n bipolarisasi bipolarization.\n bipoler see BIPOLAR.\n bir beer.\n birah 1 k.o. large aroid with edible tuber and sap that causes itching. 2 lascivious, salacious.\n birahi see BERAHI.\n birai 1 low wall, balustrade. 2 banister, railing. 3 curb, edge, border.\n biras 1 relationship between two men marrying sisters or between two women marrying brothers. 2 coreferent title between two persons in such situations.\n birat scar or scab arround mouth.\n biri-biri 1. sheep. 2. see BERI-BERI.\n birih see BIRAI.\n biring 1. k.o. extremely itchy skin disease. 2. yellowish red.\n birit buttocks, bottom, rear.\n biro office, bureau.\n birokrasi bureaucracy.\n birokrat bureaucrat.\n birokratis bureaucratic.\n birokratisasi bureaucratization.\n birokratisme bureaucratism.\n birput cesspool.\n birsam pleurisy.\n biru 1. 1 blue. 2 above average grades, C or better. 2. fold, hem, pleat.\n biruang see BERUANG 1.\n bis 1. bus. 2. 1 box. 2 post office box, mailbox. 3. 1 twice. 2 encore. 3 Leg. supplement, annex, codicil. 4. 1 tube, duct. 2 pipe. 5. 1 covering for ornamentation or protection. 2 piping, thin strip sewn on cloth, trimming. 3 Elect. bushing. bisa\n bisa 1. be able, can, could. 2. 1 poison. 2 poisononous.\n 85 bisik 1 whisper. 2 say in whisper.\n bising 1 noise, uproar, hullabaloo. 2 noisy. 3 buzzing in ear.\n biskit see BISCUIT.\n biskop bishop.\n biskuit biskwit 1 cracker. 2 Dutch rusk.\n bislah see BESLAH.\n bislit see BESLIT.\n bismillah Islam in the name of God recited at beginning of each surah.\n bismut bismuth.\n bisnis business.\n bistek, bistik rump steak, roast beef, beefsteak.\n bisu 1 dumb, mute. 2 quiet, noiselless.\n bisul 1 boil, abscess, ulcer. 2 tumor.\n bit beet.\n biting coconut leaf rib splinters sharpened to point, for pinning packets wrapped in leaves.\n biuku k.o. freshwater turtle.\n bius drugs.\n bivak bivouac.\n biyaya see BIAYA.\n biyuh Java oh no an exclamination of astonishment, pity.\n biyung Java 1 mother. 2 Mama exclamation of pain or emotional duress.\n bkpm Badan Koordinasi Penanaman Modal Coordinative Agency for Investments.\n bkr Badan Keamanan Rakyat Peaople\s Security Body forerunner of Indonesian national army.\n bl see also entries with bel-.\n bl., bln. bulan month.\n blacksweet Coll. dark and attractive.\n blaf Coll. bluff.\n blak-blakan outspoken, blunt.\n blam sound of explosion.\n blanco see BLANGKO.\n blandis pro-Dutch esp. during revolutionary period.\n blandong lumberjack.\n blang sound of explosion.\n blanggur Java large firecrackers, esp. to mark end of each fasting day during Ramadan.\n blangko 1 form to be filled in. 2 abstention in voting. 3 blank of paper.\n blangkon Java male batik headdress.\n blangwer blangwir Coll. fire engine.\n blantik 1. Java broker, middleman in livestock. 2. see BELANTIK 1.\n blarak dried coconut leaf.\n blasak mem-blasak make o.\s way through scrub or forest.\n blaster mem-blaster crossbreed.\n blasteran 1 crossbred of animals. 2 Derog. of mixed blood, mulatto.\n blau Coll. 1 blue. 2 laundry bluing. ke-blau-an bluish.\n bld. Belanda 1 Dutch. 2 Holland.\n blecas-blecos Coll. speak without thinking, talk off top of o.\s head.\n bledak-bleduk sound of objects randomly striking e.o. repeatedly.\n bledek thunder.\n blejet 1 strip s.o. of possessions. 2 strip of pretensions, expose a criminal.\n blek tin can.\n blekek see MBLEKEK.\n blekok k.o. heron.\n blencong Java oil lamp used in wayang performance.\n blendok see SAKIT.\n bleng 1. sound of explosion. 2. Java natural brine.\n blesek mem-blesek pushed in, be sunk in.\n bletok mud, muddy.\n blewa blewah k.o. melon.\n bleyer Coll. race engine, rev up.\n blinger Coll. very wrong, led astray.\n blingsatan 1 wriggle because of excessive heat. 2 feel awkward, be ill at ease.\n blobor blot, smear while writing of ink, water colors, paper.\n blok 1. 1 bolt, roll. 2 block, street block. 3 bloc, alliance. 2. Coll. obstruct.\n blokade blockade..\n blokir 1 blockade. 2 obstruct. 3 Fin. freeze account, stop check.\n bloknot note pad.\n blong 1 free from tension, relieved. 2 not properly tensile, not holding or catching of mechanical parts.\n bloon 1 stupid, idiotic, dumb. 2 wacky, crazy, loony.\n blorok motley of chickens.\n blorong Java 1 black and white striped. 2 k.o. viper.\n blouse see BLUS.\n bludag see BELUDAK 1.\n bludas-bludus Java go in and out whitout permission.\n bludrek hypertension.\n blujin denim trousers, blue jeans.\n bluk thump sound of heavy object falling on soft surface.\n blumkol cauliflower.\n blus woman\s blouse.\n blusuk Java go through place in which passage is difficult crowds, scrubs, bluwok k.o. bird.\n bn. batalyon battalion.\n bni Bank Negara Indonesia, 1946 the 1946 National Bank of Indonesia a national bank.\n boat bo\at Sl. drugs.\n bob bouffant.\n boba Ambon ulcerations caused by frambesia.\n bobo bobok 1. sleep of young children or in children\s speech. 2. Java mem-bobok 1 pierce, break open. 2 forge a way through. 3. Java k.o. soothing powder.\n bobol give way, collapse.\n bobos breach, crack, tear.\n bobot 1 heavy. 2 weight, heaviness. 3 integrity, quality of literature, persons, etc..\n bobrok 1 dilapidated, shoddy, ramshackle. 2 rotten, degenerate.\n bocah kid of prepuberty age.\n bocel chipped.\n bocong jug.\n bocor 1 leak. 2 leak, be leaky. 3 Coll.. urinate frequently. 4 Coll.. suffer from diarrhea. 5 Coll. bleed.\n bodo 1. see BAJU. 2. bodoh stupid, dumb, dull-witted.\n bodok initial stages of leprosy.\n bodol 1. windfall. 2. Jakarta, Java torn or with holes.\n bodong protruding, bulging of navel.\n bodreks k.o. patent medicine for colds.\n bof swollen thyroid glands.\n bogel see BUGIL.\n bogem bogem-mentah blow with the fist.\n bogenvil see BUGENFIL.\n bogi 1 bogey in golf. 2. seeKERETA 1.\n bogot see HITAM.\n boh curve, arch as in pipes, etc..\n bohong 1 lie, falsehood. 2 lie, prevaricate.\n bohorok a seasonally strong wind in E. Sumatra.\n boikot boycott.\n bojo Java spouse.\n bok 1. playpen. 2. see MBOK 1,2.\n boke 1. see BUKET. 2. bokek destitute.\n boket see BUKET.\n bokong 1 buttocks. 2 hindpart first, the wrong way around. 3 back.\n bokor 1 copper or silver bowl with wide rim. 2 Sport loving cup, trophy.\n boks 1. box on a newspaper or magazine page. 2. see BOK 1.\n boksen Coll. boxing.\n