silent, quiet, sudden silence. 2. see CP.\n

cerek 1 kettle. 2 watering can.\n ceremai see CERMAI.\n cerempung see CELEMPUNG.\n cerenah see CERNA.\n ceret diarhea.\n cerewet 1 fussy, finicky, hard to please. 2 sharp-tongued.\n cergam cerita bergambar story in comic strip form.\n cergas enterprising, active, energetic.\n ceri cherry.\n ceria

1. 1 pure, clean, cleaned. 2 cloudless. 3 cheerful. 2. Lit. oaths

and formulas read at the installation of a king.\n cericip sound of chirping or chatter of birds.\n cericit sound of chicks.\n ceriga see CURIGA.\n ceringis wide grin.\n ceriping see CRIPING.\n cerita ceritera story, account, narrative, tale, yarn.\n ceriwis talkative when o. should not talk, open o.\s big fat mouth.\n cerkas see CERGAS.\n cerkau men-cerkau grab at. cerkau-an a grab, snatch.\n cerkrim cerita kriminal detective story, murder mystery.\n cerlang bright, gleaming.\n cerlih see TUPAI.\n cerling men-cerling 1 ogle. 2 look at from the corner of the eye.\n cermai k.o. small red fruit often candied.\n cermat 1 accurate, precise, punctilious. 2 careful, prudent, cautious, frugal. 3 neat, orderly, conscientious.\n cermin 1 mirror. 2 shining example, examplar\n cerna 1 disgested, absorbed, assimilated. 2 dissolved.\n cernak cerita anak children\s story.\n ceroboh 1 improper, indecent, immoral. 2 cruel, merciless. 3 untidy, careless, sloppy, messy.\n cerobong 1 chimney, smokestack. 2 ship\s funnel.\n cerocok 1. funnel, spout. 2. 1 palisade at sea\s edge, landing stage, berthing area. 2 breakwater.\n cerocos see CROCOS.\n cerompong see CEROPONG.\n ceronggah see CERANGGAH.\n ceropong muzzle of gun, mouth of cannon.\n cerpelai mongoose.\n cerpen cerita pendek short story.\n cerpenis short story writer.\n cerpu k.o. sandal.\n cersil cerita silat martial arts stories.\n cerucuk see CEROCOK 1.\n cerucup pointed, tapering, funnel, shaped.\n cerucut cone.\n ceruh completely milled rice.\n ceruk 1 hole, cleft, niche. 2 cranny, nook. 3 compartment in drawer, etc.. 4 shaft in a mine. 5 lane, path.\n cerup 1 sound of sucking in water. 2 sound of a small object falling.\n cerurut see CELURUT.\n cerut wind around tightly, squeeze, constrict as of a snake.\n cerutu cigar, cheroot.\n cespleng cure instantly, provide instant relief.\n cet see CAT 1.\n cetak mold, form, cast, matrix.\n cetakan edition or printing.\n cetar-ceter sound of gunshots, fireworks.\n cetek 1. 1 shallow river. etc.. 2 superficial, shallow. 2. sound of a click. men-cetek-an click on a switch.\n ceteng men-ceteng carry by hand.\n ceter see CETAR-CETER.\n cetet see CETEK.\n ceti 1. Indians, often merchants, from Coromandel or Malabar. 2. 1 moneylender often at high rate of interest. 2 pimp, procuress.\n cetiao cetiau Jakarta, China o. million, in commercial transaction.\n cetit small pinch, impression made on skin by a rough surface.\n cetok 1. 1 k.o. large China hat. 2 European style hat, pith helmet. 2. sound of a valve in an engine.\n cetrek sound of a switch, a clicking noise.\n cetus 1 sound of s.t. being struck against stone. 2 say s.t. unexpected, unrelated to previous discourse\n ceuk see ACEUK.\n cewang not clear, clouded.\n cewek Sl. girl, gal.\n cewir see CEBIR 1.\n cewok see CEBOK.\n cgmi Central Gerakan Mahasiswa Indonesia left wing student organization pre-1965.\n chrom, chroom see KHROM.\n chrysant krisan chrysanthemum.\n chudancho Japanese military rank in Indonesian auxiliary units during Japanese occupation.\n chusetsu Japanese submission to the fatherland.\n ci 1 110 of a tahil or 215 of an ounce. duit-ci k.o China coin with a square hole in the middle. 2 a measure of weight used in illicit drug deals.\n 114