village official in charge of security. 2. see NENEK.\n

kecik Coll. see KECIL.\n kecil 1 small. 2 little, young. 3 minor, insignificant, trivial.\n kecimpung ber-kecimpungan 1 splash around. 2 plunge into an activity.\n kecimus scorn. meng-kecimus show scorn with the lips.\n kecindan see KECANDAN.\n kecipak sound of splashing water.\n kecipir k.o. four-sided bean eaten as a vegetable.\n keciput k.o. small cake sprinkled with sesame seeds.\n kecit see KECIL.\n keciut whistling, whizzing of bullets.\n kecoak see KACOA.\n kecoh spit s.t. out. kecoh-an cuspidor.\n kecomak-kecemik 1 for the mouth to move with out uttering anything. 2 chew slowly with lots of food in the mouth.\n kecrek Java pieces of metal on strings which are made to rattle for sound effects in the wayang.\n kecrekan 1 Java instrument used by an itinerant welder to attact the attention of would-be customers. 2 Coll. handcuffs.\n kecres Java meng-kecres 1 strike a match. 2 slash.\n kecu Java robber, bandit.\n kecuak see KACOA.\n kecuali 1 except. 2 aside from, besides.\n kecubung 1. 1 k.o. poisonous plant with large trumpet-shaped flowers, the jimson. 2 cone-shaped. 2. see BATU.\n kecuh-kecah make a fuss.\n kecumbung see BATU.\n kecumik ber-mumble, mutter.\n kecundang see CUNDANG 1.\n kecup sound of a kiss. kecup-an kiss.\n kecut 1. 1 wrinkled, shriveled, shrunken. 2 seared from flames. 3 afraid. coward. 2. sour of taste, face. 3. ber-kecut-kecut screak, squeak,screech of a wheel that needs lubricating.\n keda see KEDAH.\n kedabu k.o. tree producing firewood.\n kedadak choleric diarrhea.\n kedah open wide of mouth, spread wide of legs.\n kedai shop, small place that sells s.t. or serves food.\n kedal fungoid disease of the hands and feet.\n kedaluwarsa 1 superannuated. 2 barred by statute of limitations.\n kedang 1. 1 outstretched of hands, arm, etc.. 2 extension opposite of flection of limbs. 2. meng-kedang drain, pour water off rice.\n kedangkai k.o. plant, the leaves of which are used as medicine.\n kedap 1 hermetical, impermeable, watertight. kedap-abu dustproof. kedap- air waterproof, watertight. kedap-suara soundproof. 2. closemeshed, tighly woven of cloth, wickerwork, etc.. ke-kedap-an 268 kedar see KADAR 1.\n kedasih Java k.o. cuckoo.\n kedaton see KERATON.\n kedau meng-kedau scream for help.\n kedaung kedawung k.o. large forest tree, the bark, leaves and seeds of which are used medicinally.\n kedek ter-kedek-kedek 1 stagger. 2 waddle, toddle.\n kedekai a myrobalan, a tree and its fruit, used medicinally\n kedekak-kedekuk not moving freely, stopped up here and there.\n kedekar miserly.\n kedekeran Jakarta be agitated, kick the feet in agitation.\n kedekut stingy.\n kedelai kedele soybean.\n kedempung 1. sound of s.t. falling into water. 2. wormy, worm eaten of fruit, etc..\n kedengkang sound of a gong being struck.\n kedengkik very thin, thin as a rail, skin and bones.\n kedengkung sound of a deep gong being struck.\n keder Jakarta confused, lose o.\s way.\n kedera k.o. small mullet.\n kederang spiny bush, the roots of which are made into dye.\n kedi 1 transvestite. 2 a preadolescent girl. 3 lacking sexual power.\n kedian see KEMUDIAN.\n kedidi k.o. plover or sandpiper.\n kedik bent slightly backward of body.\n kedip 1 wink of an eye. 2 flicker.\n kedirgantaraan aerospace affairs.\n kedok 1 mask. 2 guise, cover. ber-kedok wear a mask, masked.\n kedombak 1 k.o. forest tree. 2 k.o. fish.\n kedomprengan sound of metal objects clattering.\n kedondong kedongdong k.o. tree with edible, but fibrous, sour, plumlike fruit sometimes eaten cooked.\n kedosenan having to do with lecturers.\n kedubes [Kedutaan Besar] Embassy.\n keduduk 1. see SENDUDUK. 2. seeDUDUK.\n keduk Java a scoop. meng-keduk 1 scoop. 2 rake in a profit.\n kedumel grumble, complain under o.\s breath.\n kedung 1 pool. 2 center of information.\n kedurjanaan evil, crime.\n kedut 1. 1 fold, crease. 2 wrinkled, crumpled of paper. 2. a twitch.\n kedutaan embassy.\n keeper kiper Sport goalie.\n kegat bite hard.\n kegatalan 1 itchiness. 2 irritation.\n kegemukan too fat, overweight.\n kegencaran 1 too fast, too often. 2 rapidity.\n kegendutan 1 corpulence. 2 too fat.\n kegenitan coquettishness.\n kegerahan 1 suffer from sultry weather. 2 mugginess.\n kegerejaan ecclesiastical, concerning the church.\n kegetolan industry, industriousness, diligence.\n kegiatan 1 energy, ardor. 2 activity.\n kegigihan persistence, perseverance.\n kegoblokan stupidity, folly.\n kegombrongan too large, too loose.\n kegoncangan 1 jolt, jarring. 2 shock.\n kegundahan depression, dejection, despondency.\n kehadiran presence, attendance.\n kehampaan 1 emptiness. 2 disappointment. 3 vacuum.\n kehancuran destruction.\n keharuman 1 fragrance. 2 fame, renown.\n keharusan 1 necessity, requirement. 2 imperative, must.\n kehausan 1 suffer thirst, be thirsty. 2 thirst, thirstiness.\n kehel 1 crooked, twisted, deformed. 2 off course of ship, plane, etc.. 3 sprained, twisted ankle, etc..\n kehendak wish, desire.\n keheningan 1 clarity, purity. 2 stillness, silence, quietness.\n keheranan 1 wonder, miracle. 2 be amazed.\n kehewanan pertaining to animals.\n kehilangan 1 suffer from a loss. 2 loss.\n kehukuman legal, juridical.\n kehutanan forestry, silviculture.\n keibu - ibuan feminine, motherly.\n keimaman Catholic priesthood.\n keimigrasian matters pertaining to immigration.\n keindividuan individuality.\n keinflasian suffer from inflation.\n keistimewaan 1 peculiarity, peculiar feature. 2 special treatment, s.t. better than the normal.\n kejadian 1 bib creation,genesis 2 incident , event , occurrence 3 ffair,party,get together 4 case .\n kejahanaman acused experience.\n kejahatan 1 evil, wickedness. 2 felony, misdeed, crime.\n kejai k.o. tree producing rubber. ber-kejai stretch after sleeping.\n kejaksaan 1 office of the counsel for the prosecution. 2 attorney general. 3 judiciary.\n kejam 1. closed of eyes. 2. 1 cruel, brutal. 2 Coll. stingy, miserly.\n rice stalks have been immersed.\n kejang 1 stiff. 2 in convulsions, seized with a camp or spasm.\n kejangkitan 1 conatminated, infected, smitten by virus, germ, disease. 2 smitten by.\n kejap a wink of the eye, blink. se-kejapmata a second.\n kejar 1. ber-kejar-kejar-an 1 chase e.o. 2 race e.o. 3 compete in achievement. pursuing of. 2. [kelompok belajar] study group.\n kejasmanian materialism.\n kejasmanian materialism.\n kejat 1 stiff, rigit. 2 firm, sturdy, tight.\n kejauhan 1 distance, distant place. 2 too far.\n kejawen 1 mysticism associated with the Java view of the world. 2 general Java knowledge.\n kejayaan 1glory, fame. 2 prosperity, wealth.\n kejeblos see JEBLOS.\n kejelian carefulness of observation or work.\n kejelitaan kejelitaan\n kejen plowshare.\n kejengkang see JENGKANG.\n keji despicable, shameful, contemptible deed.\n kejip see KEDIP, KEJAP.\n kejiwaan spiritual, psychic, psychological.\n kejora morning star.\n kejot seeKEJUT.\n keju cheese. keju-kacang peanut butter.\n kejuju meng-kejuju flowing, streaming ceaselessly.\n kejumudan 1 obstinancy, unbendingness. 2 being old-fashioned, resistant to change.\n kejur stiff, unbending, inflexible of bristles in a brush, hair, fibers, etc..\n kejuruan 1 vocational. 2 vocation, trade.\n kejut 1 frightened, scared. 2 startled. kejut-an jolt, shock.\n kek 1. you could have... or you could have s.t. else, it does not matter if it is....or if it is... 2. see KAKEK.\n keka kekah see AKEKAH.\n kekacauan confusion, disorder.\n kekafiran infidel state, paganism.\n kekah long-tailed leaf monkey.\n kekal 1 eternal, everlasting. 2 durable, lasting. 3 colorfast.\n kekalapan confusion, bewilderment.\n kekalutan confusion.\n kekam scum, plankton or algae floating on surface of water.\n kekanak - kanakan puerile, childish.\n kekandasan failure.\n kekang 1 bridle, reins. 2 restraint, curb.\n