Java broker, middleman in livestock. 2. see BELANTIK \n

bluwok k.o. bird.\n bn. batalyon battalion.\n bni Bank Negara Indonesia, 1946 the 1946 National Bank of Indonesia a national bank.\n boat bo\at Sl. drugs.\n bob bouffant.\n boba Ambon ulcerations caused by frambesia.\n bobo bobok 1. sleep of young children or in children\s speech. 2. Java mem-bobok 1 pierce, break open. 2 forge a way through. 3. Java k.o. soothing powder.\n bobol give way, collapse.\n bobos breach, crack, tear.\n bobot 1 heavy. 2 weight, heaviness. 3 integrity, quality of literature, persons, etc..\n bobrok 1 dilapidated, shoddy, ramshackle. 2 rotten, degenerate.\n bocah kid of prepuberty age.\n bocel chipped.\n bocong jug.\n bocor 1 leak. 2 leak, be leaky. 3 Coll.. urinate frequently. 4 Coll.. suffer from diarrhea. 5 Coll. bleed.\n bodo 1. see BAJU. 2. bodoh stupid, dumb, dull-witted.\n bodok initial stages of leprosy.\n bodol 1. windfall. 2. Jakarta, Java torn or with holes.\n bodong protruding, bulging of navel.\n bodreks k.o. patent medicine for colds.\n bof swollen thyroid glands.\n bogel see BUGIL.\n bogem bogem-mentah blow with the fist.\n bogenvil see BUGENFIL.\n bogi 1 bogey in golf. 2. seeKERETA 1.\n bogot see HITAM.\n boh curve, arch as in pipes, etc..\n bohong 1 lie, falsehood. 2 lie, prevaricate.\n bohorok a seasonally strong wind in E. Sumatra.\n boikot boycott.\n bojo Java spouse.\n bok 1. playpen. 2. see MBOK 1,2.\n boke 1. see BUKET. 2. bokek destitute.\n boket see BUKET.\n bokong 1 buttocks. 2 hindpart first, the wrong way around. 3 back.\n bokor 1 copper or silver bowl with wide rim. 2 Sport loving cup, trophy.\n boks 1. box on a newspaper or magazine page. 2. see BOK 1.\n boksen Coll. boxing.\n boksit bauxite.\n bol 1. Java anus. 2.Coll. testicles. 3. see BENANG. 4. see JAMBU.\n bola 1 ball. 2 globe. 3 spherical object.\n bolak-balik 1 to and fro, back and forth. 2 frequently, again and again. 3 contradictory.\n bolang-baling 1. 1 propeller. 2 weathervane, whirligig. 2. k.o. fried sweet roll.\n bolbal bolak-balik back and forth.\n boleh 1 be permitted, may. 2 Lit. be able, can.\n boling bowling. pe-boling bowler, o. who bowls.\n bolong 1 perforated, pierced. 2 precisely.\n bolos 1. 1 penetrated, with a hole. 2 Coll. truant. 3 escape from captivity. 2. see BULUS 2.\n bolot mem-bolot wrap up.\n bolpen, bolpoint ballpoint pen.\n bolsak see BULSAK.\n bolsyewik Bolshevik.\n bolu k.o. spongecake..\n bom 1. 1 bomb. 2 Coll. fart. 2. 1 boom at a barrier, gate, bar. 2 customs. 3 wagon tongue. 4 Naut. boom.\n bombardemen bombardment, bombing.\n bombardir mem-bombardir 1 bombard, shell, bomb. 2 appoint without regard for qualifications. 3 shower, bombard.\n bombasme bombast.\n bombastis bombastic.\n bombon bonbon.\n bomo bomoh medicine man, native practitioner, shaman.\n bon 1. 1 check, bill. 2 alliance, league.\n bonafide bonafit bona fide, without fraud.\n bonafiditas reliability, genuineness.\n bonang gamelan instrument consisting of row of tuned inverted bronze bowls.\n bonbon candy.\n bonceng get a ride on a two-wheeled vehicle.\n boncol see BONJOL.\n bondo Java goods, capital.\n bondong group, throng, crowd.\n bondot bundle, bunch.\n boneka 1 doll. 2 puppet, marionette. 3 figurehead, front.\n bonet Leg., Acad. cap, mortarboard.\n bong 1. China grave. 2. bang 3. professional circumciser.\n bongak 1 proud, arrogant. 2 stupid.\n bonggol 1. 1 hump. 2 outrowth. 3 knot on tree. 2. mem-bonggol strike over and over, hit repeatedly.\n bongkah numeral classifier for lumps, chunks, etc.\n 89 bongkar take apart.\n bongkar-bangkir scattered, spread about.\n bongkok see BUNGKUK.\n bongkol 1 knob. 2 hump. 3 head of lettuce.\n bongkong stupid.\n bongkot 1 tree trunk. 2 tree stump. 3 base of plant stem, etc.\n bongkrek Java inedible of misshapen, diseased tubers or fruits.\n bonglai see BENGLE.\n bongmeh mem-bongmeh 1 feel o.\s pulse. 2 note, observe.\n bongok short and fat.\n bongpai China tombstone.\n bongsang small fruit basket.\n bongsor 1 oversized, overweight. 2 big, tall.\n bonjol 1 lump. 2 projection. 3 protrude.\n bonjor fortification.\n bontak chubby, bulging of cheeks, etc..\n bontot 1. Java rice wrapped in leaves to eat away from home. 2.Java youngest child.\n bonyok bonyor 1 flabby of flesh. 2 soft, mushy of fruit. 3 tainted, rank of meat, fish.\n booking see BUKING.\n boom see BOM 2.\n boong see BOHONG.\n boorwater see BORWATER.\n bop see BOB.\n bopeng 1 pockmarked. 2 full of pot-holes of roads.\n boper buffer.\n bopet see BUFET.\n boplo construction unit or group.\n bopong mem-bopong hold s.o. up against o.\s chest. pem-bopong supporter.\n bor drill, brace and bit.\n borak Islam. winged steed that carried Muh. to heaven.\n boraks borax.\n boraq see BORAK.\n bordel see BORDIL 1.\n bordes balustrade.\n bordil 1. bordello, brothel. 2. bordir embroider s.t.\n bordu Naut. gunwale.\n boreg, boreh 1 guarantee, security, warranty, collateral. 2 guarantor.\n boreh medicinal powder mixed with water used as ointment or liniment.\n borek see BURIK.\n borg see BOREG.\n borgol handcuffs.\n