see SUDAH. 2 see BUNGSU.\n

subtil subtle.\n subtropis subtropical.\n subuh 1 dawn, daybreak. 2 Islam the early morning prayer.\n subur 1 fertile. 2 thriving, prosperous. 3 healthy.\n subur 1 fertile. 2 thriving, prosperous. 3 healthy.\n suburban suburben k.o. automobile formerly used for interurban passenger transportation.\n subversi subversion.\n subversif subversive.\n subyek 1 subject, topic of discussion. 2 Ling. subject.\n subyektif subyektip see SUBJEKTIF.\n subyektivisme see SUBJEKTIVISME.\n suci 1 pure, purified. suci-hama sterile, aseptic. 2 holy.\n suci 1 pure, purified. suci-hama sterile, aseptic. 2 holy.\n suda bamboo spikes sticking upward to form a mantrap.\n sudah 1 already, as of a certain point in time. 2 past, last. 3 done, finished. 4 Good-bye. 5 All right, I agree. 6 never mind, don\t. sudah-nya finally. se-sudah after.\n sudah 1 already, as of a certain point in time. 2 past, last. 3 done, finished. 4 Good-bye. 5 All right, I agree. 6 never mind, don\t. sudah-nya finally. se-sudah after.\n sudah 1 already, as of a certain point in time. 2 past, last. 3 done, finished. 4 Good-bye. 5 All right, I agree. 6 never mind, don\t. sudah-nya finally. se-sudah after.\n sudahnya finally.\n sudara sudare see SAUDARA.\n sudetan 1 incision. 2 waterway diversion.\n sudetan 1 incision. 2 waterway diversion.\n sudi 1. 1 acquiesce, be agreeable. 2 please formal. 2.M sudi-siasat interrogation.\n sudi 1. 1 acquiesce, be agreeable. 2 please formal. 2.M sudi-siasat interrogation.\n sudip k.o. used for mixing culinary ingredients.\n sudit see SODET.\n sudra Lit. lowest Hindu caste.\n sudu 1 goosebeak, duckbill. 2 k.o. large spoon. 3 convex blade, of machine, etc..\n suduk see SODOK 2.\n sudung 1 hut, esp. in agricultural field. 2 polite self-deprecating term for o.\s own house.\n sudut 1 corner. 2 Math. angle. 3 direction. 4 point of fiew.\n sudut 1 corner. 2 Math. angle. 3 direction. 4 point of fiew.\n suf wool cloth.\n sufi 1 mystical, esp. related to Sufism. 2 a Sufic mystic.\n 673 sufisme Sufism.\n sufrah floorcloth or carpet on which ceremonial meals are spread out.\n sugesti power hypnotic, etc. to direct another\s actions.\n sugesti power hypnotic, etc. to direct another\s actions.\n sugestif 1 having the power to direct another\s actions. 2 suggestive of lewd dances, etc..\n sugi 1. toothpick. 2. M tobacco quid, esp. chewed with betel.\n sugi 1. toothpick. 2. M tobacco quid, esp. chewed with betel.\n sugih Java wealthy.\n suguhan s.t. presented e.g. food served to guests, a drama performance, etc..\n suguhan s.t. presented e.g. food served to guests, a drama performance, etc..\n sugul Coll. see MASYGUL.\n sugun Lit. tangled, tousled of hair.\n suh 1. Schoo exclamation to drive away animals, esp. chickens. 2. 1 Java broom binding of plaited rattan, etc.. 2 a binding factor which keeps diverse elements together.\n suhanura [suara hati nurani] the voice of o.\s inner heart.\n suhu 1 temperature. 2. 1 teacher of the art of self-defence. 2 China healer.\n suhu 1 temperature. 2. 1 teacher of the art of self-defence. 2 China healer.\n suhuf Islam scriptures inspired by God.\n suhuf Islam scriptures inspired by God.\n suikher see SEHER.\n suit sound of whistling.\n suitan a whistle, whistling.\n suitan a whistle, whistling.\n sujadah see SAJADAH.\n sujen Java skewer for meat.\n sujian embroidery.\n sujian embroidery.\n sujud Islam 1 bow from kneeling position so that forehead touches floor, a part of prayer ritual.\n suka 1 happiness, joy, pleasure. 2 like, be fond of. 3 be willing, would like. 4 be apt to.\n sukaan 1 sweetheart, darling. 2 favorite.\n sukaan 1 sweetheart, darling. 2 favorite.\n sukaan 1 sweetheart, darling. 2 favorite.\n sukaan 1 sweetheart, darling. 2 favorite.\n sukacita 1 happy, glad, merry. 2 joy, happiness.\n sukamandi Java k.o. dark cotton cloth.\n sukar hard, difficult.\n sukarela voluntary.\n sukarelawan a volunteer.\n sukarelawati woman volunteer.\n sukaria 1 happy. 2 delight, pleasure.\n sukat 1 unit of measure of four gantang or 12.6 liters. 2 measure.\n sukatan measure.\n sukatan measure.\n suklih Coll. searchlight.\n sukma life spirit, soul.\n sukses 1 success. 2 be successful.\n sukses 1 success. 2 be successful.\n suku 1. 1 a quarter, one-fourth. 2 a part. 3 extended family, ethnic group. 4 Biol. family. 5 Lit. 50 cents. 2. Java leg. 3. Ling syllable.\n sukuisme communalism, ethnocentricity.\n sukun 1. breadfruit. 2. Java toothless gum. 3. diacritical mark in Arabic script to indicate presence of a vowel.\n sukur see SYUKUR.\n sukwan [sukarelawan] volunteer.\n sukwati [sukarelawati] female volunteer.\n sula sharp vertical stake for impalement or for husking coconuts. sula- an sharp stake.\n sula sharp vertical stake for impalement or for husking coconuts. sula- an sharp stake.\n sulaan sharp stake.\n sulah Lit. bald, hairless.\n sulaiman Bib., Islam Solomon.\n sulak a feather duster.\n sulalat 1 descent, lineage. 2 family tree.\n sulam embroidery.\n sulaman embroidery, embroidered goods.\n sulang lampblack, soot.\n sulang lampblack, soot.\n sulap 1. conjuring, sleight of hand. 2 Java dazzled as if by magic.\n sulat-salit Lit. irregular of teeth.\n sulawesi Celebes, Sulawesi.\n sulbi Anat. the vertebrae.\n sulfa medicinal powder containing a sulfanilamide drug.\n sulfa medicinal powder containing a sulfanilamide drug.\n sulfur sulphur.\n sulih Java a substitute.\n suling 1.flute. 2. suling-an 1 distillate. 2 refinery.\n suling 1.flute. 2. suling-an 1 distillate. 2 refinery.\n sulit 1 difficult, hard, complicated. 2 Lit. secret, hidden, secluded.\n sulselra [Sulawesi Selatan dan Tenggara] S. and South East Sulawesi.\n sultan sultan.\n sultanat sultanate.\n suluh 1 torch. 2 Lit. scout, spy.\n suluh 1 torch. 2 Lit. scout, spy.\n suluk 1 mysticism. 2 Java recitation of a wayang narrator.\n sulung oldest, first-born.\n sulur 1 spiraling upward of plants.\n sulur-bulur confused, incohernt of speech.\n sulur-bulur confused, incohernt of speech.\n suluran climbing plant.\n suluran climbing plant.\n sulut [Sulawesi Utara] North Sulawesi.\n sulutteng [Sulawesi Utara dan Tengah] North and Central Sulawesi.\n sum. [Sumatera] Sumatra.\n sumang feverish, esp. of children.\n sumangat see SEMANGAT.\n sumarak see SEMARAK.\n sumba see KESUMBA.\n sumbang 1. 1 incestuous. 2 illicit esp. in sexual matters. 3 out of tune, discordant. 2. contribution.\n sumbangan contribution.\n sumbangsih contribution.\n sumbar Java boast, brag.\n sumbar Java boast, brag.\n sumbat stopper, plug.\n sumbat stopper, plug.\n sumber 1 well. 2 source. 3 resources.\n sumber 1 well. 2 source. 3 resources.\n sumbi rod used in weaving to hold edge taut.\n sumbing jagged, dented, chipped. bibir-sumbing harelip.\n sumbu 1. 1 wick. 2 fuse. 2. 1 wagon axle. 2 pivot, axis. 3. horn of a rhinoceros.\n sumbul Java k.o. basket with a lid.\n sumbul Java k.o. basket with a lid.\n sumbul Java k.o. basket with a lid.\n sumbut Java in balance with the efforts or costs, worthwhile.\n sumilir see SEMILIR.\n sumir short, brief, succinct.\n sumirat Sunda beam, glowing.\n sumpah 1 oath. 2 curse.\n sumpah 1 oath. 2 curse.\n sumpah-sumpah k.o. flying lizard.\n sumpalan s.t. obstructing a passage.\n sumpalan s.t. obstructing a passage.\n sumpek Java 1 crowded. 2 feel stifled, have o.\s head in a whirl because of problems.\n sumpel see SUMPAL.\n sumping Java k.o. ear ornament worn in classical dance.\n sumpit 1. chopsticks. 2. blowpipe. 3. k.o. coarse, plaited storage bag, esp. for rice or salt.\n sumpit-sumpit k.o. coarse, plaited storage bag, esp. for rice or salt.\n sumpitan sumpitan\n sumsel [Sumatera Selatan] South Sumatra.\n sumsum Anat. marrow. sumsum-tulang belakang spinal cord.\n sumteng [Sumatera Tengah] Central Sumatra.\n sumuhun-dawuhisme mentality characterized by sycophancy.\n sumur well.\n sumurung outstanding.\n sumut [Sumatera Utara] North Sumatra.\n sun kiss on the cheek.\n sunah see SUNAT2.\n sunah see SUNAT2.\n sunan 1. title for the holy men who first brought Islam to Java. 2. Java ruler of Surakarta.\n sunan 1. title for the holy men who first brought Islam to Java. 2. Java ruler of Surakarta.\n sunan 1. title for the holy men who first brought Islam to Java. 2. Java ruler of Surakarta.\n sunat 1. circumcision. 2. sunat rasul Islam optional, but meritorious if performed of pious deeds, prayers, etc..\n sunat 1. circumcision. 2. sunat rasul Islam optional, but meritorious if performed of pious deeds, prayers, etc..\n sunbulat Zod. Virgo.\n sunda Sundanese, the Sunda area West Java.\n sundai see LIMAU.\n sundai see LIMAU.\n sundal sundel 1 prostitute. sundal-bolong k.o. evil female spirit with a hole in her back. 2 lewd, immoral. 3 Vul. Whore , a strong exclamation of disapproval.\n sundul see SONDOL.\n sundut M generation, descent.\n sundut M generation, descent.\n sungai river, stream. sungai-mati 1 driver river. 2 road full of holes and stones.\n sungga Lit. spike or sharp stake implanted at angle to impede enemy\s progress.\n sungga Lit. spike or sharp stake implanted at angle to impede enemy\s sungga Lit. spike or sharp stake implanted at angle to impede enemy\s progress.\n sungging painting, decoration.\n sungging painting, decoration.\n sunggit see SUNGKIT 1.\n sungguh 1 true. 2 really, truly. 3 actually, in fact.\n sungguh-sungguh seriously, wholeheartedly.\n sungguhan Coll. serious, in earnest.\n sungguhan Coll. serious, in earnest.\n sungguhpun see SUNGGUH.\n sungkal Lit. sungkal-bajak plowshare.\n sungkan Java reluctant to approach or take action toward s.o. of higher status.\n sungkawa see BELASUNGKAWA.\n sungkem 1. Java show respect by kneeling and pressing o.\s face to another\s knees. 2. Lit. prop up.\n sungkit 1. embroidered with bits of gold or silver thread. 2. pry out.\n sungkit 1. embroidered with bits of gold or silver thread. 2. pry out.\n sungkup concave cover or shelter.\n sungkupan k.o. basket.\n sungkupan k.o. basket.\n sungkur spade, shovel.\n sunglap see SULAP 1.\n sungpia see SONGPIA.\n sungsang 1 upside down. 2 against the grain.\n sungsang 1 upside down. 2 against the grain.\n sungsang 1 upside down. 2 against the grain.\n sungsum see SUMSUM.\n sungu Java horn of animal.\n sungut 1. 1 Biol. a specialized organ of touch in an animal or insect e.g. tentacle, antenna, feeler, etc.. 2 moustache. 2. sungut-an grumbling complaint.\n sungut 1. 1 Biol. a specialized organ of touch in an animal or insect e.g. tentacle, antenna, feeler, etc.. 2 moustache. 2. sungut-an grumbling complaint.\n suni Islam pertaining to the Sunnite movement.\n sunjam Lit. head downward.\n sunnah see SUNAT 2.\n sunni see SUNI.\n sunti knob on gingger root.\n sunti knob on gingger root.\n suntikan injection, vaccination.\n suntil chewing tobacco.\n suntil chewing tobacco.\n sunting 1. ornament or flower worn behind the ear. 2. sunting-an editing.\n suntuk 1 too late. 2 be overtaken by events or time. 3. entire length of time.\n sunyata Lit. true.\n sunyi 1 lonely. 2 quiet. 3 deserted, desolate.\n sunyi 1 lonely. 2 quiet. 3 deserted, desolate.\n sup see SOP.\n supaya 1 so that. 2 please, particle introducting a polite command.\n supel 1 flexible. 2 sociable.\n super 1 high-octane of gasoline. 2 Coll. superior.\n super 1 high-octane of gasoline. 2 Coll. superior.\n superioritas superiority.\n supermi instant noodles.\n supersemar [Surat Perintah Sebelas Maret] document handing over the gvt. power from Sukarno to Suharto.\n supervisi supervision.\n supir see SOPIR.\n supir see SOPIR.\n supit see SUMPIT.\n suplai supply.\n suplai supply.\n suplemen supplement.\n suporter Sport enthusiast, fan.\n supra-alami supernatural.\n supremasi supremacy.\n sur see SYUR 1.\n sur see SYUR 1.\n sura see ASYURA.\n surabi see SERABAI.\n surah Islam division of the Koran, a sura.\n surai Lit. dressed or parted of hair, animal fur, etc..\n surai Lit. dressed or parted of hair, animal fur, etc..\n surakarta Solo, city in central Java.\n suralaya Lit. dwelling of the gods.\n suram 1 vague, hazy. 2 gloomy, dark, dull.\n suram 1 vague, hazy. 2 gloomy, dark, dull.\n surat 1 letter, epistle. 2 certificate, receipt, document.\n surat 1 letter, epistle. 2 certificate, receipt, document.\n suratan 1 writing. 2 fate, destiny.\n surau Islam prayer-house, communal building suitable for any devotion except Friday prayer.\n suren see JALAK. sure`n Java see SURIAN.\n surga heaven. surga-dunia an earthly paradise.\n surgawi heavenly, pertaining to heaven.\n suri-teladan good example, model.\n suriah Syria.\n surian k.o. tree.\n surih M a scratch or line.\n surih M a scratch or line.\n surjan Java long-sleeved man\s jacket us. of woven, striped material.\n sursak see SIRSAK.\n suruh 1 Coll. be ordered to. 2 order s.o. to do s.t.\n suruhan 1 message, order. 2 messenger, delegate.\n suruhan 1 message, order. 2 messenger, delegate.\n surukan 1 hiding place, shelter. 2 Coll. drawer.\n surukan 1 hiding place, shelter. 2 Coll. drawer.\n surung see SORONG.\n surup Java fitting, proper, appropriate\n surup Java fitting, proper, appropriate\n surut 1 withdraw. 2 lessened, subsided.\n surut 1 withdraw. 2 lessened, subsided.\n survai survei 1 research. 2 to survey.\n surya Lit. sun.\n suryahi Lit. Syrian.\n suryakanta magnifying glass.\n sus 1. see KUE. 2. see ZUS.\n susah 1 troubled. 2 hard to get. 3 difficult, bothersome.\n susah 1 troubled. 2 hard to get. 3 difficult, bothersome.\n susastera literature.\n susi sister, term of address to Catholic nun.\n susila 1 decent, well behaved. 2 decency, morality.\n susila 1 decent, well behaved. 2 decency, morality.\n susis see SOSIS.\n suspensi 1. Leg. suspension, adjournment. 2. Phys. suspension.\n suspensi 1. Leg. suspension, adjournment. 2. Phys. suspension.\n suster 1 Catholic nun. 2 term of reference and address for a female nurse. suster-an convent.\n susu 1 breast. 2 milk.\n susu 1 breast. 2 milk.\n susuan Java nest.\n susuh 1 large projecting thorn or hook. 2 spur.\n susuhunan Java title of the ruler of Surakarta.\n susuk 1. 1 small piece of gold or diamond inserted in the face as a magical charm to improve o.\s beauty. 2 pin, nail. 3 Med. implant. 2. Java surplus change after payment. 3. seeSOSOK 2.\n susuk 1. 1 small piece of gold or diamond inserted in the face as a magical charm to improve o.\s beauty. 2 pin, nail. 3 Med. implant. 2. Java surplus change after payment. 3. seeSOSOK 2.\n susulan 1 appendix, supplement. 2 continuation.\n susulan 1 appendix, supplement. 2 continuation.\n susun 1 stack, orderly pile. 2 row, series. 3 arranged in a stack.\n susunan 1 composition, compilation. 2 formation, structure.\n susunan 1 composition, compilation. 2 formation, structure.\n susur 1. edge, fringe, margin. 2. Java quid of tobacco, often mixed with betel ingredients.\n susur 1. edge, fringe, margin. 2. Java quid of tobacco, often mixed with betel ingredients.\n susuran edge, margin, fringe.\n susut shrink, decrease.\n susutan reduction.\n susutan reduction.\n sut flapping sound, sound of s.t. thin jerked rapidly.\n sutan 1 title of Minangkabau nobility above the rank of marah. 2 term of address to o. of this rank, us. as tan.\n suten see BERSUT.\n sutera silk.\n sutera silk.\n sutil Jakarta, Java frying spatula.\n sutra see SUTERA.\n sutradara film or play director.\n sutradara film or play director.\n sutradara film or play director.\n sutuh see SOTOH.\n suun see SOHUN.\n suvenir souvenir.\n suwar-suwir Java k.o. sweetmeat.\n suwiran shred.\n suwukan healing by blowing.\n suwukan healing by blowing.\n sw. [subhanahu wa taala] Islam the Almighty and most worthy of praise, written after God\s name.\n swa- self-, a prefix in formal neologisms.\n swadaya innate strength or effort, self-supporting.\n swadaya innate strength or effort, self-supporting.\n swadesi Gandhian movement of swadeshi, the confining of consumption to goods of village production.\n swadesi Gandhian movement of swadeshi, the confining of consumption to goods of village production.\n swak Coll. 1 sickly and weak, exhausted. 2 weak of batteries.\n swakarsa o.\s own will.\n swakarya self-developing of projects without gvt. funding.\n swakelola self-management i.e. community construction of public buildings.\n 681 swapraja autonomous area or region.\n swara see SUARA.\n swarga see SURGA.\n swarnadipa Lit. the Golden Isle, Sumatra.\n swartepit k.o. card game of Dutch origin.\n swasembada self-supporting, self-sufficient.\n swasiswa an autodidact.\n swasta private.\n swat. [swatantra] autonomy.\n swatantra autonomy, autonomous.\n swatantra autonomy, autonomous.\n swedia Sweden, Swedish.\n swembak Coll.swimming pool.\n swempak swimming suit.\n swi [Sumbangan Wajib Istimewa] k.o. motor-vehicle tax levied in the 1960s.\n swt. 1. [subhannahu wa taala] Islam the Almighty and most worthy of praise, written after God\s name. 2. [swatantra] autonomy, autonomous. 3. [swasta] private not public, of businedded, etc..\n sy- seealso entries with s-.\n syaban sya\ban Islam the eighth month of the Arabic calendar.\n syabas [in some regions only] good well done.\n syafaat 1 Rel. mediation, intercession in communication with God. 2 blessing.\n syafakat 1. indness, sympathy. 2. see SEPAKAT.\n syah 1. Lit. ruler. 2. see SAH 1.\n syah 1. Lit. ruler. 2. see SAH 1.\n syahadat 1 confession, testimony. 2 Islam the profession of faith : there is no God other than Allah, and the Prophet Muh. is His massenger.\n syahbandar harbormaster, port officer.\n syahbandar harbormaster, port officer.\n syahdan Lit. so it happened, the next thing in the story.\n syahdu 1 eminent, excellent. 2 serene, calm.\n syahdu 1 eminent, excellent. 2 serene, calm.\n syahid Islam martyr or warrior killed while fighting for Islam principles.\n syahid Islam martyr or warrior killed while fighting for Islam principles.\n syahmat see SEKAKMAT.\n syahwat 1 lust, voluptuous feeling. 2 orgasm.\n syair 1 story related in verse form using o. -end-rhyme quatrains. 2 poem. 3 rhyme containing clues to the lottery.\n syair 1 story related in verse form using o. -end-rhyme quatrains. 2 poem. 3 rhyme containing clues to the lottery.\n syaitan see SETAN.\n syak suspicion, doubt, distrust.\n syal shawl, muffler.\n syalat see SOLAT.\n syaleh syalih see SALEH.\n syalwat see SELAWAT.\n syam Lit. Syria.\n syaman shaman.\n syamanisme shamanism.\n syampo shampoo.\n syaraf see SARAF 1.\n syarahan Lit. edition.\n syarak Islam canon law.\n syarat condition, prerequirement, requisite.\n syarat condition, prerequirement, requisite.\n syariah syari\ah, syariat, syari\at Islam law.\n syariah syari\ah, syariat, syari\at Islam law.\n syarif Islam title of a male descendant of Muh.\n syarifah 1 title of a female descendant of Muh. 2 Coll. Arab women.\n syarikat see SERIKAT.\n syasis see SASIS.\n syatriya see KESATRIA.\n syawal Syawwal Islam the 10th month of the Arabic calendar.\n syekh Islam 1 sheikh. 2 title of a Islam scholar.\n syelawat see SELAWAT.\n syeti in some regions only moneylender of Indian descent.\n syiar syi\ar Islam magnigicience, greatness of God and religion.\n syiir see SYAIR.\n syinkek see SINGKEH.\n syirik syirk Islam 1 belief in more than o. God, polytheism. 2 s.t. to be avoided on religious grounds.\n syit see SIT.\n symposion symposium, simposion, simposium see SIMPOSION.\n syok 1. 1 very attractive. 2 very absorbed in s.t., interested and excited. 2. syok Med. shock. 3. see SOK 1.\n syolat see SOLAT.\n syor see SYUR 1.\n syorga see SURGA.\n syubhat s.t. dubious.\n syuco Japanese administrator of a residency.\n syuhada 1 Islam persons who died for Islam martyrd, warriors in religious war, etc.. 2 heroic martyrs of a just cause.\n syuk see SYOK 1.\n syukur 1 thank God, thanks be to God. 2 happily, fortunately.\n syukur 1 thank God, thanks be to God. 2 happily, fortunately.\n syukuran expression of gratitude to God.\n suggestion.\n syur

1. 1 exciting, absorbing. 2 sexually arousing. 2. Lit. advice,

suggestion.\n syurga see SURGA.\n syuriah advisory.\n syuur see SYUR 1.\n t te t, the 20th letter of the alphabet.\n thoa. [Tionghoa] Chinese.\n t. [tanpa] without.\n t.p. [tanpa penerbit] no indication of publisher in bibliographies, etc..\n t.s. Teman Sejawat colleague used in professional correspondence by doctors.\n ta 1. see TO 1. 2. see TAK 1.\n talim see TAKZIM.\n tarif see TAKRIF.\n tazim see TAKZIM.\n taajal see TAKJAL.\n taajub see TAKJUB.\n taala see ALLAH.\n taalim see TAKZIM.\n taart see TART.\n taassub fanatical, dogmatic, bigoted.\n taat 1 obedient. 2 loyal.\n taat 1 obedient. 2 loyal.\n taawuz Islam prayer recited before reading the Koran.\n tabah

1. 1 determined, resolute. 2 able to endure hardship, etc.. 2. see

TEBAH.\n tabah

1. 1 determined, resolute. 2 able to endure hardship, etc.. 2. see

TEBAH.\n tabak k.o. tray used to present s.t.\n tabal 1. k.o. drum used at royal installations. 2 formal installation ceremony.\n tabal 1. k.o. drum used at royal installations. 2 formal installation ceremony.\n taban the gutta-percha tree.\n tabanas [Tabungan Pembangunan Nasional] savings for national development, a gvt.-insured savings account program.\n tabas see TEBAS1.\n tabe see TABIK.\n tabe see TABIK.\n tabeat see TABIAT.\n tabek see TABIK.\n tabel table, list. tabel-tegakan Fin. yield table.\n tabernakel Rel. tabernacle.\n