1 father form of address. 2 older man. 2. see BABAH, ALI

bagas 1 robust, sturdy body. 2 strong wind.\n bagasi 1 baggage, luggage. 2 luggage rack. 3 Auto. trunk. 4 R.R. baggage car.\n bagea Amb a brittle cake made of sago flour and coconut or kenari nut.\n bagero see BAGERO.\n bagi 1 for. 2 divide.\n bagia see BAHAGIA.\n bagimana see BAGAIMANA.\n baginda His Majesty for royalty. 2 Islam a respectful term of reference for Muh. 3 M title of nobility.\n bagong 1. 1 pot-bellied, portly. 2 cumbersome, ponderous. 3 name of a pot-bellied clown in a wayang performance. 2. Sunda, Jakarta 1 wild boar. 2 willing sexual partner.\n bagor k.o. coarse plaitwork of palm leaves.\n baguk see BEGUK.\n bagur hulking, ponderous, massive.\n bagus 1 fine, good. 2 good, exemplary.\n bah 1 inundation, flooding. 2 exclamation of disgust or denigration. 3 see BABAH.\n bahadur 1 knight, hero. 2 bold, courageous.\n bahaduri heroic, chivalrous, knightly.\n bahagi see BAGI.\n bahagia happy.\n bahagian see BAGI.\n bahagiawan blessed o.\n bahak 1 burst of laughter. 2 white-bellied sea eagle.\n bahala see BALA 2.\n baham Anat. molar.\n bahan 1 matter, substance, material, cloth. 2 material for producing s.t. 3 object of criticism, etc..\n bahana 1 loud noise, din. 2 echo.\n bahar 1 large body of water such as river, sea, large lake. 2 a measure of weight about 400 lb.. 3 see AKAR.\n bahara see BARA BAHARA.\n bahari 1. 1 antique, ancient. 2 charming. 2. maritime, nautical.\n bahariwan,bahariawan seaman.\n bahariwati,bahariawati female sailor.\n baharu see BARU 1.\n bahas 1 research, investigation, study. 2 criticism.\n bahasa 1. 1 language. 2 speech. 3 good manners. 2. that. 3 a little, slightly.\n bahasawan linguist.\n bahasi see BAGASI.\n bahath see BAHAS.\n bahawasa see BAHASA 2.\n bahaya danger, peril, jeopardy\n bahela see BAHEULA.\n bahenol nicely shaped, sexy, voluptuous.\n baheula 1 old-fashioned, antiquated. 2 ancient.\n bahkan 1 in fact, even. 2 moreover, on top of that. 3 on the contrary, in fact. 4 indeed.\n bahna Jakarta, Sunda on account of.\n bahri see BAHARI2.\n bahtera 1 Bib. ark. 2 boat, ship.\n bahu 1shoulder. 2 Java hamlet headman. 3 see BAKHU. 4 see BAU 2.\n bahubahasa Ling. multilinguism.\n bahureksa see BAUREKSA.\n bahwa that.\n bahwasanya Lit. 1 that. 2 truly, indeed.\n baiat Islam oath.\n baid distant of relatives.\n baiduri opal and other semiprecious stones.\n baik 1 good, fine, kind. 2 carefully. 3 yes, all right.\n baikut China spare ribs.\n bait 1. abode, house often used in names of mosques. 2. 1 distich, couplet. 2 Islam verse.\n baitul-makdis see BAITUL-MUKADDIS.\n baitul-mukaddis Islam the holy city of Jerusalem.\n baitullah the holy mosque in Mecca.\n baitulmal Lit. treasury.\n baja 1. 1 steel. 2 armor. 2. fertilizer, manure. 3. Java 1 mixture of oil and burnt coconut shell for blacening teeth. 2 dentifrice.\n bajag k.o. sweet and fried chili-spiced condiment.\n bajaj two-passenger pedicab with motor scooter engine.\n bajak 1 plow. 2 bandit.\n bajan 1 basin. 2 see WAJAN.\n bajau Samal-speaking sea nomads off the coasts of E. Kalimantan, Sulawesi, and elsewhere in E. Indonesia.\n baji 1 wedge. 2 peg.\n bajigur k.o. hot drink made of coconut milk and spices.\n bajik good, wholesome, virtuous life.\n bajing squirrel.\n bajingan 1 scoundrel, gangster. 2 thief.\n baju 1 jacket, blouse, shirt. 2 clothing, apparel.\n bajul Java 1 crocodile. 2 scoundrel, rascal. 3 pick-pocket.\n bak 1 Lit. like, as. 2. 1 basin, vessel. 2 large container. 3. China ink. 4. sound of a thud.\n bak-bak-kur 1 sounds of birds and chickens. 2 k.o. childrent\s game.\n 40 origins.\n bakal 1 future, prospective.2 in the making. 3 shall, will.\n bakaloreat baccalaureate.\n bakantan see BEKANTAN.\n bakap k.o. fish, murral.\n bakar 1 burn, set on fire. 2 roasted. 3 bake, roast.\n bakarat baccarat.\n bakat 1 trace,trail. 2 sign, omen. 3 crest, head. 4 talent, aptitude, propensity.\n bakau k.o. mangrove tree.\n bakcang see BACANG 1.\n bakda 1 after. 2 Java the celebration at the end of the fasting month.\n bakelit Bakelite plastic.\n bakero Japanese idiot, imbecile.\n bakhil stingy, miserly.\n bakhsyis see BAKSIS.\n bakhu China thin strip of spiced, fried pork.\n baki 1 small tray. 2. remainder, residue, balance.\n bakiak wooden clog.\n bakik betel vine leaves are chewed with areca and other ingredients.\n bakikuk,bakiluk see MAIN.\n bakin Badan Koordinasi Intelijens Negara State Intelligence Coordinating Agency.\n bakmi China noodles flavored with meat.\n bako 1 the relation on the paternal side. 2. see BAKAU. 3. see BAKU 2.\n bakpao steamed bun stuffed with meat or other ingredients.\n bakpuder baking powder.\n baksi mizzen sail.\n baksil bacillus.\n baksis tip, gratuity, bribe.\n bakso 1 China meatballs. 2 soup with meatballs, sliced cabbage and bean threads\n baktau China madam of a brothel, procuress.\n bakteri bacteria.\n bakteriologi bacteriology.\n bakti 1 homage, devotion. 2 service. 3 faith, loyalty. 4 filial piety. 5 staunch, loyal, faithful, devoted.\n baku 1. 1 standard. 2 fullfledged teacher, etc.. 3 basic. 2. Coll. mutual, reciprocal.\n bakul 1. basket. 2. Coll small tradswoman.\n bakung 1 1 wild lily. 2 k.o. onion.\n bakup red and swollen of the eyes.\n bakwan 1 corn fritter sometimes with shrimp. 2. soup with China meatballs.\n bal 1. 1 ball. 2 ballon. 2. bale.\n bala 1 troops, army. 2 disaster, catastrophe.\n balah ber-balah argue, quarrel.\n balai 1. 1 public hall or building. 2 office or bureau, association. 3 house of parliament. 2. see BURUNG.\n balai-balai wooden or bamboo couch or sleeping platform.\n balairung 1 royal audience hall. 2 market shed or stall.\n balam 1 turtledove, banded ground dove. 2 ber-balam, mem-balam be barely visible.\n balanak k.o. fish, gray mullet.\n balang 1 long-necked bottle. 2 see HULUBALANG. 3 see BELANG.\n balans 1 Coll. weighing scales. 2 bank balance.\n balansir mem-balansir balance wheel, scales, etc..\n balantara see BELANTARA.\n balap race, racing.\n balapecah Java crockery.\n balar 1albino. 2 with white spots of cattle.\n balas reply, response.\n balatentara troops.\n balau confused, in disorder.\n bale-bale see BALAI-BALAI.\n balela rebellion.\n bales see BALAS.\n balet ballet.\n balgam,balgham mucus, phlegm.\n bali 1 placenta. 2 culinary style characterized by large quantities of chili, tamarind, and other spices.\n balian 1 shaman, traditional medicine practitioner. 2 transvestite medium among the Ngaju Dayak.\n balig,baligh be of age, attain o.\s majority, mature.\n baliho billboard esp. for movies.\n balik 1 return. 2 the reverse side, behind. 3 the reverse, the contrrary. 4 again.\n baling baling-baling 1 propeller. 2 ship\s screw. 3 weathercock. 4 toy windmill.\n balir see BALIG.\n balistik 1 ballistic. 2 ballistics.\n balita Bawah Lima Tahun anak-balita children under five.\n balkanisasi Balkanization.\n balkon 1 balcony. 2 R.R. platform.\n ballada ballade ballad.\n ballpoin ballpoint pen.\n balmaski masquerade ball.\n balok 1 beam of wood. 2 crossbar, joint, girder. 3 bar as in military balolo barisan lonte lanang line-up of male prostitutes. Sl.\n balon 1 balloon. 2 Java prostitute.\n balong 1 pond, pool. 2 fishpond. 3 puddle, mud hole.\n balsa balsa.\n balsam,balsem balsam, ointment.\n balu widow.\n baluarti fortress, bastion.\n baluhan 1 wooden frame for seat on elephant. 2 wooden frame for drum.\n balui Sport draw, tie.\n balun 1 mem-balun beat with a stick. 2 mem-balun fold, roll up.\n balung 1. 1 cockscomb. 2 cockscomb plants. 2. bone. 3 k.o. snakelike fish that swims near water surface.\n balur 1. 1 jerky, dried meat. 2 thick skin around neck of certain animals. 2. see HABLUR.\n balut 1.bandage, dressing, wrapping. 2. red and swollen of eyes.\n bam 1. cross beam to hold rudder. 2. sound of a drum. 3. Coll. gun.\n bambang 1 vast, extensive. 2 se-bambang elope.\n bambo bamboo.\n bambung,bambungan Java squatter, street people.\n bami see BAKMI.\n bamper see BUMPER.\n ban 1. 1 tire. 2 ribbon. 3 sash, belt. 4 tire tread. 2. 1 tennis, badminton court. 2 train track. 3 race track. 3. see BAND2.\n banal banal, trite.\n banat mem-banat whip, thrash, defeat.\n bancakan 1 Java k.o. ritual feast. 2 victim of mob attack.\n bancang tether an animal.\n bancar Java flow copiously.\n bancet k.o. small frog.\n banci 1. 1 effeminate or transvestite homosexual. 2 hermaphrodite. 3 effeminate. 4 powerless. 2. China or Hindu census. 3. k.o. large ax.\n bancuh mixed up, confused.\n bancut protruding of eyes.\n band 1 ben band. 2 ban radio band. 3 see BAN 1.\n bandal see BANDEL.\n bandang large.\n bandar 1 harbor, port. 2. 1 water course, channel, duct. 2 ditch, drain. 3. 1 croupier. 2 o. who directs or finances illegal or underhand activities.\n bandara bandar udara airport.\n bandel 1obstinate, stubborn, recalcitrant. 2 undisciplined, disobedient of children.\n bandela bale.\n 43 banderek 1 k.o. ginger drink served hot. 2. master key, any device used to pick a lock.\n bandering slingshot.\n banderol 1 strip of paper verifying payment of tax on package of cigarettes, revenue stamp. 2 official price, controlled price.\n bandes 1 bantuan desa village assistance program. 2 pembangunan desa rural development body.\n bandikut bandicoot.\n banding 1 equivalent, equal. 2 consederation, appeal.\n bandit 1gangster, bandit. 2 scoundrel, villain.\n banditisme 1 banditry, higway robbery. 2 mentality characterized by thoughtless commercial exploitation of the public.\n bando k.o. large headcraft, us. silk.\n bandong see BENDUNG.\n bandos a sweet tidbit made of cassava.\n bandosa see BENDOSA.\n bandot 1 billy goat. 2 lascivious old man. 3 womanizer, ladies\man.\n bandrek see BANDEREK1.\n bandrol see BANDEROL.\n bandul 1 pendulum. 2 hanger.\n bandung pair, set, duo.\n bandut cord, string, twine.\n bang 1. sound of a bang. 2. 1 muezzin\s call to prayer. 2 call others to prayer, 3. see BANK. 4. see ABANG.\n bangai ter-bangai 1 neglected. 2 given up.\n bangar see BANGER.\n bangat 1 fast, quick, soon. 2 see BANGET.\n bangau white egret, tufted heron.\n bangbong sound of an empty barrel when struck.\n bangdes pembangunan desa rural development.\n banger stinking, rotten odor.\n banget Java very, excessively.\n bangga rightfully proud.\n bangir Java pointed of nose.\n bangka tough and stiff of rug, etc..\n bangkahulu see BENGKULU.\n bangkai 1 carcass, carrion. 2 Derog. corpse. 3 Av. fuselage of a crashed plane.\n bangkang mem-bangkang rebel, resist, oppose.\n bangkar 1 tough and stiff, coarse. 2 rigid. 3 rigor mortis, rigidity. 4 rough to the touch.\n bangkerut see BANGKRUT.\n bangkes see BANGKIS.\n bangket 1 banquet. 2 k.o. fancy cookie.\n bangking see BUNGKANG.\n bangkir see BONGKAR.\n bangkir see BONGKAR.\n bangkis sneeze.\n bangkit 1 get up from seated or prone position. 2 come up.\n bangkong k.o. large frog.\n bangkot,bangkotan Java 1 old, advanced in age. 2 old and cantankerous.\n bangkrut bangkrupt.\n bangku bench, seat.\n bangkuang,bangkuwang k.o. juicy tuber.\n banglas vast, extensive of a view.\n bangle see BENGLE.\n banglo see BUNGALO.\n bango see BANGAU.\n bangor naughty, annoying.\n bangsa 1 nation, people, race. 2 family, breed, category, sex. Biol. order.\n bangsai 1 rotten. 2 fragile, brittle. 3 thin, frail.\n bangsal 1 shed, warehouse of wood. 2 public building. 3 market stalls. 4 ward in hospital. 5 emergency housing, learn-to.\n bangsat 1 Derog. scoundrel, rascal. 2 Jakarta poor person, pauper. 3 bedbug.\n bangsawan 1. 1 noble, of nobility. 2 nobility. 3 o. who is not punctual, comes late to work. 2. k.o. drama, often with singing based on European or Arabian themes.\n bangsawati noblewoman.\n bangsi k.o. bamboo lute.\n bangun 1 wake up. 2 get up. 3 rise of dough. 4 structure, form. 5. model, type.\n bangus Java snout.\n bani Rel. children of, descendants of.\n baning k.o. tortoise.\n banir buttress root\n banjang Java fishing platform.\n banjar 1. 1 line, row, series. 2 train of events. 2. Bali hamlet association, neightborhood organization.\n banji lattice work as in wall decorations, motif in form of a swastika.\n banjir 1 flood, deluge. 2 flood, overflow.\n banjur sprinkle, pour.\n bank bang bank, financial body.\n banket see BANGKET 2.\n banpol Pembantu Polisi auxiliary police.\n banpres Bantuan Presiden special precidential aid.\n bansai Japanese long live \n bantah say in disagreement.\n bantahan 1 protest, objection. 2 contradiction. 3 back talk. 4 protestation.\n