Research Members Instruments of the Research

students’ reading during the implementation of CIRC in the teaching and learning process.

F. Technique of Data Analysis

The data were acquired from the actions conducted in the field. First, the data were gained from interview transcripts, field notes, and the students’ reading test to know whether there is an improvement or not after the actions done. Then, the data were analyzed. The triangulation was used to avoid subjectivity and to get trustworthiness. It was done by doing interviews with the collaborator.

G. Validity and Reliability

This research used five criteria of validities proposed by Anderson in Burns 1999: 161-162 to get the validity of the data. They were explained in the following explanation. 1. Burns 1999:161 stated that democratic validity is to ensure that the research is really collaborative also respects and accepts multiple views. It could be performed by interviewing the students and the collaborator to get their thought and suggestions of the actions. The researcher used the interview transcript in each meeting to evaluate and make improvement in the next meeting. 2. The outcome validity is related to the outcome of the research which is “successful” in the researcher’s view Burns, 1999:162. In this research, this validity was fulfilled by conducting reading comprehension test after the actions. The score of post-test was the proof of the action’s result that the students’ reading comprehension ability could improve. 3. Based on Burns 1999:162, the process validity is about the dependability and the competency of the research. It was assessed by conducting two cycles and each cycle consists of planning, actions and observations, and reflection steps. Those were the process that should be done to avoid subjectivity in concluding the result of the research as every improvement should be appeared from the legal process. 4. The catalytic validity is related to the research gives opportunity to its participants to deepen their understanding of the realities and how they would make changes of it Burns, 1999:162. This kind of validity was fulfilled by giving chances to the students and the collaborator to respond the changes happened after the actions. It could be seen from the interview transcripts which showed their interpretation of the actions done by the researcher in the teaching process. 5. Finally, dialogic validity was fulfilled by inviting the English teacher to be a collaborator. This is important to involve the English teacher as collaborator because the collaborator is able to make reflection and evaluation to the actions. Comments and suggestion are useful for the successful of the research. Besides the validity, the reliability of this research is also important to get the trustworthiness of the data and to avoid the subjectivity in analyzing