Planning The Report of Cycle 2

understand how the plot is? S: Iya,Yes R: Tadi kan metode cooperative di kelompok kan berbentuk competitive game, kayak lomba gitu, gimana menurut adek?How about the cooperative method in group in the form of competitive game which you practiced before? S: Seneng, kan bisa berlomba-lomba gitu, rebut-rebutan yang jadi juaraYeah, it was enjoyable because we could compete and snatch away with other groups … … R: Researcher S: Student Interview 10.2, Appendix B The interview transcripts above show that the students seemed delighted with the lesson. Although they were rather confused with the sentences arrangement, they could enjoy and understand the story of the text. The students were pleased because they competed with their friends in the game. The implementation of CIRC in the form of discussion group and competitive game was still effective in improving students’ reading comprehension because the combination of them could help the students in learning reading. Moreover, the interview with the collaborator was also done to know the benefits and lacks of the teaching reading process. This is the interview transcript with English teacher as the collaborator. … … R: Tadi kan ada penerapan “competitive games” dalam kelompok, menurut ustadzah bagaimana?Ustadzah, how about the implementation of competitive games in group? C: Kalau kerja kelompok mereka kan mau nggak mau harus saling support satu sama lain ya, misal ada satu atau dua siswa dalam satu kelompok itu yang belum paham, kerja kelompok itu jadi membantu mereka untuk bisa paham dan mengikuti pelajaranA group work made them supporting each other in a group, for example there were one or two students in a group who didn’t understand, the group work could help them in understanding and joining the lesson R: Tadi kan ada aktivitas menyusun kalimat-kalimat acak menjadi satu kesatuan teks yang utuh dalam kelompok, menurut ustadzah bagaimana?Ok, what about the activity of arranging jumbled words became a good text in group? C: Kalau menurut saya cukup menarik ya bagi mereka, dari awal mereka penasaran dengan ceritanya, kemudian mereka tidak langsung dikasih tahu teksnya jadi bikin mereka antusias menyusun kalimat-kalimat itu menjadi teks. Ada semacam usaha dulu untuk mendapatkan jawaban, isi teksnya itu sebenarnya apa.In my opinion, it was very interesting, from the beginning they were curious with the story then they were not given the text directly. It made them enthusiastic to arrange the sentences became a text. There was an effort to get the answer what the story was. … … R: Researcher C: Collaborator Interview 9, Appendix B In connection with the transcript above, the teacher did the teaching well. The students enjoyed the lesson and their ability in comprehending the text was better than before. It was because of the implementation of group work and the game which forced them to support their friends in a group. The interesting activity also helped them in doing the game well as the teacher made them curious with the story through arranging jumbled sentences. Based on the collaborator, there was no complicated problem during the lesson.

b. Meeting 2

In this meeting, the game was used again to help the students in comprehending the text easily. The texts used were the texts in the third meeting of Cycle 1. There were four recount texts that each