Berarti paham ya alur ceritanya seperti apa?It means, you

S: Seneng banget…. I was very happy R: Tadi kan teksnya dipraktekkin dalam drama, jadi paham nggak isi teksnya?when you practiced the text in a drama, did you understand the story? S: Iya paham MissYes, I understood Miss R: Pahamnya seperti apa?Can you explain? S: Kalau teksnya dipraktekkan kan jadi yang sebelumnya nggak tahu arti kata ini jadi tahu artinya to…If the text was practiced, we could know the words meaning that before we didn’t know R: Sampai pertemuan ini, kemampuan memahami teks adek gimana? Udah merasa bisa memahami teks bahasa Inggris belum?Till this meeting, how about your ability in comprehending the text? Did you feel easy in comprehending English text? S: Ya bisa …Yes, I could R: Lebih suka belajar berkelompok atau sendiri-sendiri?Do you prefer learning in group or alone? S: kelompoklah…I prefer group of course … … R: Researcher S: Student Interview 12.1, Appendix B R: Maaf, namanya siapa dek? Mbak mau tanya-tanya pelajaran tadi boleh? Pardon me, what’s your name? May I ask you about the lesson today? S: Ganis, oh ya boleh banget Miss..Ganis, Oh Ok.. you may Miss R: Gimana tadi seneng ngga belajar sambil main drama?How about the lesson today by playing drama? S: Seneng banget…. I was very happy R: Tadi kan teksnya dipraktekkin dalam drama, jadi paham nggak isi teksnya?When, the text was practiced in a drama, could you understand the story? S: Iya paham Miss …yes, of course Miss R: Pahamnya seperti apa?Can you explain how? S: Pahamnya, jadi nambah pengetahuannya tentang teks dan vocab- vocabnya jugaI could know and understand the knowledge of the text and the vocabularies also R: Sampai pertemuan ini, kemampuan memahami teks adek gimana? Udah merasa bisa memahami teks bahasa Inggris belum?How about your ability in comprehending the text? Could you comprehend the English text? S: Ya lumayan…Yes, I quite could R: Lebih suka belajar berkelompok atau sendiri-sendiri?Do you prefer group or alone in learning? S: kelompoklah…Group certainly