The Process of Reading Comprehension Types of Reading Comprehension

6. Teaching Reading Comprehension in Junior High School

a. Aims and Objectives Curriculum

Reading comprehension is a required component of all middle school language arts curriculum. Middle school students should have adequate decoding skills by the time they reach middle school or junior high school. However, many students would not fully and accurately understand what they read. Reading comprehension skills are necessary for being successful in understanding English as a foreign language. Thus, reading comprehension strategies should be taught and practiced diligently. Teaching reading to Junior High School students in Indonesia is reasonable. Based on the curriculum of English for Junior High School students, there is a standard competency with some basic competencies in it related to reading skill. Here are the competencies stated by Depdiknas 2006 which should be learned by students:  Standard Competency Understanding the meaning of simple short essays in the form of descriptive and recount to interact with the social circumstances.  Basic Competencies 1. Reading aloud and meaningful functional text and simple short essay in the form of descriptive and recount with acceptable expression, extrusion, and intonation which is related to the social circumstance. 2. Responding the meaning of simple short functional text accurately, fluently, and acceptable which is related to the social circumstance. 3. Responding the meaning and the rhetoric step of simple short essay accurately, fluently, and acceptable which is related to the social circumstance in the form of descriptive and recount text In short, in the first semester there are two forms of texts namely the descriptive and recount texts. They are taught to the students at junior high schools Depdiknas, 2006: 278. That is why reading comprehension needs to be improved because it has stated in the English curriculum for Junior High School in Indonesia.

b. Characteristics of Teenagers

The learner here is students of Junior High School or middle school. They are considered as teenagers. It should be different about the way to teach English to them because the characteristic of teenagers is different from adults. Some experts have different opinion about the characteristic of teens. Based on Brown 2001: 92, t he “terrible teens” are an age of transition, confusion, self-consciousness, growing, and changing bodies and minds. Teens are between childhood and adulthood, and therefore a very special set of considerations applies to teaching them.