Technique of Data Analysis Validity and Reliability

the data. The researcher used triangulation stated by Burns 1999:163. It is a way of arguing that if different methods of investigation produce the same result then the data are likely to be valid. It was aimed to gather multiple perspectives on the situation being studied. Burns 1999: 164 proposes four forms of triangulation. They are time triangulation, space triangulation, investigator triangulation, and theoretical triangulation. This research used investigator triangulation in which there are more than one observer is used in the same research setting. This helps avoid observer bias and provides checks on the reliability of the observations. The observer involved in this research was not only the researcher but also the collaborator who assisted the students in doing group works in the teaching of reading. Overall, those validities and the triangulation were used to verify that the research was valid and reliable from the beginning till the end.

H. Procedure of the Research

1. Determining the thematic concern-reconnaissance Firstly, reconnaissance was conducted to know the concern of the students in reading. Based on the interviews to English teacher, and some students, the researcher found some problems during the teaching and learning process. Some students who were interviewed said that they had difficulties in finding topic, spelling, generating idea, and finding the meaning of new words. The English teacher also said the same thing. Then, based on the observation in the classroom, the researcher found that there were just a few of reading comprehension activities in the teaching and learning process. Therefore, the researcher thought that CIRC was one of appropriate ways to improve the students’ reading comprehension ability. 2. Planning After the problems were found in the teaching and learning process, the researcher and the collaborator made some plans. They discussed and decided the technique and the equipments used in the actions to collect the data. The collaborator here is the English teacher of class VIII H. The actions are presented below. 1. Applying cooperative integrated reading and composition CIRC in the form of sharing and discussion a. Reading the text one by one in each group b. Identifying topic and some detail information of the text in each group c. Doing the group tasks d. Word meaning activities e. Giving “star” as a reward for students who are active during the lesson and the active group 2. Applying cooperative integrated reading and composition CIRC in the form of competitive games a. Giving competitive games for students in the form of arranging puzzle of text, matching questions and answers, and guessing the correct order of the text puzzle. b. Giving group competition in the form of retelling story. c. Giving reward for the winner of the game the best three groups and students who are brave to retell the story in the text in front of the class. 3. Action and observation After the planning was approved, some actions were conducted in the classroom. Two cycles were done. The first cycle consisted of 3 meetings, and the second cycle consisted of 2 meetings. Then, the observation of the classroom activities and taking a note of the activities were done by the researcher and the English teacher as the collaborator. Based on the observation, the implementation of the actions to the students was discussed. 4. Reflection The reflection of the actions was done after the cycles were completely done. The researcher invited the collaborator ’s insight to reflect whether the action was effectively used, and whether the action improved the reading comprehension or not. If the action could make