Dr. Eric Nelson Smith Mr. Carl James Franklin Mr. Elijah Wostl Mr. Gabriel Andres Barraza Mr. Kyle O’connell Dr. Michael Brown Harvey Prof. Haruo Katakura Dr. Shinsaku Koji Dr. Kei Matsubayashi

83 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2013

50.1 Dr. Eric Nelson Smith

Warga Negara : Amerika Serikat Assosiate Jabatan : Professor Institusi : University of Texas at Arlington No. SIP : 149SIPFRPSMV2013

50.2 Mr. Carl James Franklin

Warga Negara : Amerika Serikat Jabatan : Biological CuratorResearcher Institusi : University of Texas at Arlington No. SIP : 150SIPFRPSMV2013

50.3 Mr. Elijah Wostl

Warga Negara : Amerika Serikat Jabatan : Ph.D. Student Institusi : University of Texas at Arlington No. SIP : 151SIPFRPSMV2013

50.4 Mr. Gabriel Andres Barraza

Warga Negara : Amerika Serikat Jabatan : Student Institusi : University of Texas at Arlington No. SIP : 152SIPFRPSMV2013 84 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2013

40.5 Mr. Kyle O’connell

Warga Negara : Amerika Serikat Doctoral Jabatan : Graduate Student Institusi : University of Texas at Arlington No. SIP : 153SIPFRPSMV2013

50.6 Dr. Michael Brown Harvey

Warga Negara : Amerika Serikat Jabatan : Assosiate Professor Institusi : Broward College No. SIP : 154SIPFRPSMV2013

50.7 Mr. Utpal Smart

Warga Negara : Amerika Serikat Jabatan : Doctoral Student Institusi : University of Texas at Arlington No. SIP : 155SIPFRPSMV2013

51. Modes of Speciation in Indonesian Terrestrial Arthropods

Tujuan Penelitian : Menjelaskan mekanisme keberagaman artropoda darat di bagian tropis Asia dengan penekanan pada seranggga dan beberapa artropoda non-serangga seperti tungau Bidang Penelitian : Biologi Daerah Penelitian : Jabar Kebun Raya Bogor, Jatim Surabaya, Sumbar Padang, Kaltim Balikpapan, Kalbar Pontianak, Kalsel Banjarmasin, Sulsel Makassar, Rantepao, Masamba, Bali Kebun Raya Bali, Lombok TN Gunung Rinjani, Sumbawa Bima, Sumbawa Besar 85 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2013 Lama Penelitian : 1 satu bulan mulai 15 Januari 2013 Mitra Kerja : Puslit Biologi LIPI Dr. Sih Kahono, Dr. Sri Hartini, Dhian Dwibadra, S.Si Abstrak Indonesia is attractive to the students of evolution for a number of reasons. It occupies a central part of the Asian tropics, which is known to harbor the world’s richest and most diverse fauna and lora. It has diverse climatic and vegetational environments. Furthermore, Indonesia consists of many islands that difer in their size and distance from other islands. These islands are distributed over two major biogeographic elements. With the high diversity of habitat conditions and biogeographic peculiarity, Indonesia provides a fascinating arena for various sorts of evolutionary studies, in particular those of speciation and related issues. This project aims to elucidate mechanisms generating diversity of terrestrial arthropods in Asian tropics, with particular emphasis on insects and some non- insect arthropods such as mites. Our methods include 1 ield collection of specimens, 2 gathering in-depth biological information of target taxa, and 3 rearing of insects in the laboratory. Modes of speciation in tropical organisms are still largely unknown, and our results will greatly contribute to enrich knowledge of this important ield of evolutionary biology.

51.1 Prof. Haruo Katakura

Warga Negara : Jepang Jabatan : Professor Institusi : Dept. of Natural History Sciences, Faculty of Science, Hokkaido University No. SIP : 011SIPFRPSMI2013 86 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2013

51.2 Dr. Shinsaku Koji

Warga Negara : Jepang Jabatan : Assistant Professor Institusi : Center for Regional Collaboration, Kanazawa University No. SIP : 012SIPFRPSMI2013

51.3 Dr. Kei Matsubayashi

Warga Negara : Jepang Jabatan : Postdoctoral Research Fellow Institusi : Faculty of Environmental Earth Science, Hokkaido University No. SIP : 013SIPFRPSMI2013 52. Species discovery, evolutionary relationships, and conservation of Indonesia’s small terrestrial mammals Tujuan Penelitian : Melakukan survey mamalia darat kecil sepanjang Jawa dan Sulawesi untuk mendapatkan perkembangan informasi mengenai diversitas, hubungan dan ekologi dari fauna Indonesia yang khas Bidang Penelitian : Biologi Daerah Penelitian : Jabar Gn. Salak, Sulteng Gn. Sojol, TN Lore Lindu, Palu dan sekitarnya, Sulut Gorontalo, Manado Lama Penelitian : 12 dua belas bulan mulai 11 Februari 2013 Mitra Kerja : Puslit Biologi LIPI Anang S. Achmadi, M.Sc. Abstrak The small terrestrial mammal and bird faunas of Indonesia represent remarkably species-rich and morphologically diverse groups of animals. Indonesia’s shrews 87 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2013 and rats, for example, are very poorly known in terms of their diversity, geographic distributions, ecologies, evolutionary relationships, and conservation statuses. We propose to inventory small terrestrial mammals and birds along elevational gradients on Java and Sulawesi to provide improved information on diversity, relationships, and ecology of Indonesia’s unique fauna. Our new surveys will almost certainly result in the discovery of new species and contribute to in- progress research on the phylogenetic relationships and diversiication patterns in Southeast Asian vertebrates. -Anticipated products include seminars and peer-reviewed publications on the taxonomy and evolutionary relationships of Indonesian mammals and birds, which have direct implications for the preservation of Indonesian biodiversity. Indonesian collaborators are intimately involved in every stage of this research, including authorship of peer-reviewed publications. Objectives: a Inventory small mammals and birds on mountains in Java and Sulawesi, speciically in the provinces of Bogor, Sulawesi Selatan, Sulawesi Tengah, Sulawesi Barat, Sulawesi Tenggara, Sulawesi Utara, and Gorontalo. b Describe new species in scientiic publications. c Investigate phylogenetic relationships and biogeography and publish results in peer-reviewed scientiic journals. d Expand Indonesian collaborators’ and students’ expertise in biodiversity science. e Improve assessments of conservation priority areas by providing inventories of small mammals and birds Mammalian diversity in Indonesia is staggeringly diverse at over 500 species, with more than 60 of these taxa endemic to the country Wilson Reeder 2005. In addition to this high diversity, Indonesia’s fauna remains poorly known, especially on the large islands east of Java—new species and genera of mammals are still being described frequently e.g., Musser Durdert 2002; Bates et al. 2007, suggesting much diversity remains to be discovered Reeder et al. 2007; Esselstyn et al. 2009. ini merupakan lanjutan dari 2012 88 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2013

52.1 Dr. Kevin Cristopher Rowe