A Vertebrate Biotic Survey of Nusa Tenggara and Southeastern Maluku, Indonesia

95 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2013

56.1 Ms. Tania Edith Romero Gonzalez

Warga Negara : Panama Jabatan : Master Student Institusi : Center for Tropical Marine Ecology ZMT No. SIP : 426SIPFRPSMXI2013

57. A Vertebrate Biotic Survey of Nusa Tenggara and Southeastern Maluku, Indonesia

Tujuan Penelitian : Melakukan dokumentasi keanekaragaman hayati Indinesia, menemukan spesies baru, serta mempelajari spesiasi dan biogeograi yang mempengaruhi keanekaragaman hayati Bidang Penelitian : Biologi Zoologi Daerah Penelitian : Jabar Bogor dan Bandung; Banten Timjil dan Deli; Bali Bali,Penida,Nusa Lembongan; NTB Lombok dan Sumbawa; NTT Komodo, Rinca, Flores, Solar, Adonara, Pantar, Lembata, Alor, Timor, Semau, Sumba, Sabu dan Roti; Maluku Wetar, Kisar, Romang, Damar, Leti, Moa, Sermata, Babar, Tanimbar, Seram laut dan Kei Lama Penelitian : 8 delapan bulan mulai 1 Juli 2013 Mitra Kerja : Puslit Biologi - LIPI Dr. Evy Ayu Arida Abstrak There is substantial need for large-scale vertebrate biotic survey work on Java, Bali, in Nusa Tenggara, and in Maluku. The current document is submitted as part of our request for permits to perform biodiversity inventory work in this region. Our plan is to have a team in place for an 8-10-week period between October 1 and December 15, 2012 during which we will sample amphibians and reptiles. Three students will remain in Indonesia for two additional months to sample amphibians and reptiles only on three island groups in Maluku Province: the 96 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2013 Kai, Aru, and Tanimbar Islands. We seek permission to conduct herpetological and ornithological transect surveys on the following islands: Java Jawa Barat, Bali Bali, Lombok and Sumbawa Nusa Tenggara Barat, Flores, Adonara, Solor, Lomblen, Pantar, Alor, Atauro, Timor, Savu, and Sumba Nusa Tenggara Timur. We seek permission to sample amphibians and reptiles only in the Kai, Aru, and Tanimbar Islands Maluku. Because it is not possible to conduct all molecular work in Indonesia, it is imperative that we be permitted to collect and export genetic samples to our institutions each sample will be split with an Indonesian Institution as required by law. Our ield team will include numerous participants from the United States and Indonesia.

57.1 Dr. Jimmy Adair McGuire