Prospective analysisof oil palm development in Riau and Jambi Propinces

147 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2013 Abstrak Pollination by wild animals, especially insects, can be important for crop production but is threatened by agriculture intensiication and land conversion. However, gaps in knowledge of pollinator community and species-speciic efectiveness to contribute to the overall pollination services impede efective management planning. Many studies argue that not all lower-visiting-species are efective pollinators and some taxonomic guilds efectively pollinate some plant species but not others. We therefore study the efectiveness of diferent pollinator guilds on two annual crops with distinctive lower morphology and selected cucumber Cucumis sativus and carrot Daucus carota as commonly grown crop species in traditional Indonesian housegardens. The efectiveness of ive pollinator taxonomic guilds will be measured by single pollinator visits to virgin lowers and the thereof resulting fruitseed set and fruitseed quality e.g. weight and shape. It is expected to show a diference in the pollination efectiveness of the diferent pollinator guilds for the two crop species. Flies and beetles are expected to be more efective to pollinate carrot while bees are expected to be more efective to pollinate cucumber. This study is of general interest to local farmers, the international research community and policy makers, because of its contribution to ill gaps in the knowledge of species-speciic pollinator efectiveness. The results will contribute to a better understanding of this ecosystem service. Eventually it may contribute to new management possibilities, which could raise the net production of the crops on the one hand and protect the Indonesian biodiversity on the other hand.

90.1 Mr. Sascha Benjamin Achhammer

Warga Negara : Jerman Jabatan : Master Student Institusi : University of Bayreuth No. SIP : 069SIPFRPSMIII2013

91. Prospective analysisof oil palm development in Riau and Jambi Propinces

Tujuan Penelitian : Mendeinisikan skenario dan evolusi sektor kelapa sawit termasuk sistem produksi, mata rantai perdagangan dan tata kelola sektor ekonomi tersebut oleh ototitas publik dan para pemangku kepentingan 148 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2013 Bidang Penelitian : Pertanian Daerah Penelitian : Bogor CIFOR, Prov. Riau dan Prov. Jambi Lama Penelitian : 6 enam bulan mulai 5 Juni 2013 Mitra Kerja : Fak. Pertanian - Universitas Lampung Prof. Dr.Jamalam Lumbanraja Abstrak Oil palm is one of the most productive and proitable tropical crops for food and biofuel production. In some regions, such as Southeast Asia and more speciically Indonesia, oil palm is a major driver of economic development. On the other hand, the increasing demand for palm oil induces expansion of plantations, and raises issues of environment conservation as well as competition for land. Therefore, promoting a sustainable growth of the production is a signiicant challenge to the Indonesian government and industry. In this context, a prospective analysis of oil palm development will help local stakeholders to communicate and organize themselves to tackle issues of sustainability and productivity of the sector in there province.The ield work will be conducted in Riau and Jambi provinces in Indonesia and the aim is to deine scenarios of evolution of the oil palm sector possible futures - including the production systems, the trade chain and the governance of this economic sector. Furthermore, the analysis will be conducted in three steps:i technical-economic analysis of oil palm cropping systems, ii stakeholder analysis, and iii participatory prospective analysis. First, the research will focus on the proitability of oil palm plantations and palm oil production. Second, the study will investigate the organization of stakeholders within the oil palm sector in the two provinces, including: oil palm companies, smallholders, middle-men, public services and civil society. Finally, a participatory prospective analysis will be conducted to work with these stakeholders on any issue that they are interested in such as access to seedlings, organization of technical trainings for smallholders, land use planning at village scale, etc…. The subject of the prospective analysis will be further deined based on the stakeholder analysis and the issues raised by the stakeholders during the discussions and interviews. 149 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2013

91.1 Ms. Soytavanh Mienmany