Network culture:social integration in Minangkabau communities

13 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2013 deining interactionsin terms of language development. The geographical focus of this research will be the coast of North Sulawesi and the area of the Celebes Sea that borders the region.

3.1 Elena Elisa Burgos Martinez

Warga Negara : Spanyol Jabatan : Ph.D. Candidate Institusi : Antopology Departement Durham University No. SIP : 206SIPFRPSMVI2013

4. Network culture:social integration in Minangkabau communities

Tujuan Penelitian : Mempelajari bentuk-bentuk variasi integrasi sosial dan menganalisis dampaknya terhadap kebudayaan dengan menganalisis jejaring sosial di dalam masyarakat Minangkabau Bidang Penelitian : Antropologi Daerah Penelitian : D.I.Yogjakarta dan Sumbar Bukit Tinggi Lama Penelitian : 10 sepuluh bulan mulai 22 Juli 2013 Mitra Kerja : Fak. Budaya UGM Dr. Setiadi Abstrak The aim of the planned research is to identify the variety of forms of social integration and to analyse their impact on culture. This question is explored by an analysis of social networks in Minangkabau communities in the context of cultural revitalization. Social relationships and cooperation in Indonesian communities have usually been explained in terms of kinship or conceptions of mutual assistance, e.g. gotong royong a javanese concept of mutual assistance or arisan a form of rotating savings and credit association. 14 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2013 Minangkabau society in particular has been explored in categories of kinship with a strong interest in their matrilineal organization. This study aims to give a new perspective on social relationship, taking into account Minangkabau in West Sumatra and the Minangkabau diaspora in Central Java. It will raise the question how cultural concepts of mutual assistance evolve during migration and in diferent cultural as well as socio-economic circumstances. On one side there is the “traditional” setting of the countryside in West Sumatra, where economy mainly depends on agriculture and small trade. On the other side there is a “modern” setting as represented by the city of Yogyakarta. The focus will be put on well-educated persons from the ields of academia and commerce. This study will raise the question if people within this “modern” setting refer to traditional conceptions of mutual assistance. One aim of the research will be to identify and analyse the cultural ties of social relationships and social networks in Minangkabau communities in diferent locations and socio-economic positions. The cultural basis of social integration in Minangkabau communities will be examined by ways of an ethnographic approach encompassing nine to ten months of ieldwork on Java and West Sumatra, namely in the cities of Yogyakarta, Padang and Bukittinggi as well as their rural surroundings.

4.1 Mr. Paritosha Kobbe