Theirrelevance of Cosmological aspects of the human adaption to the nature environment

22 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2013 This question will be explored through qualitative methods that link discursive, material and phenomenological levels of HIVAIDS, gender and morality. These methods are, mainly: interviewing, participant observation, and focus group discussions. These methods will be complemented by an analysis of public debates on morality and HIVAIDS in local and national mass media. The study focuses on three key research populationsorganizations, namely: 1. people living with HIVAIDS 2. civil society organizations working in the ield of HIVAIDS and gender, and 3. policy makers concerned with issues of HIVAIDS and gender. Aceh and North Sumatra were selected as suitable locations for the research, because of their diverging public moral discourses and because these provinces have diverging numbers of HIV prevalence, which makes them extremely interesting for comparison. The largest part of this 12-month study will be spent in Banda Aceh nine months, with a smaller comparative study focusing on Medan three months. The researcher is hosted by the International Center for Aceh and Indian Ocean Studies ICAIOS, part of Syiah Kuala University, in Banda Aceh. This study has a high theoretical and societal relevance. Based on previous studies in other parts of the world, it can be expected that a better qualitative understanding of the relations between HIVAIDS, morality, gender and the body will provide recommendations for the containment of the epidemic. This research project is therefore committed to contributing insights that will help to ight HIV AIDS, in Aceh and North Sumatra, in Indonesia, and beyond.

11.1 Ms. Annemarie Samuels

Warga Negara : Belanda Jabatan : Postdoctoral Researcher Institusi : University of Amsterdam No. SIP : 308SIPFRPSMVIII2013

12. Theirrelevance of Cosmological aspects of the human adaption to the nature environment

Tujuan Penelitian : Mengkaji hubungan antara masyarakat dan aspek-aspek keagamaan dan lingkungan alam 23 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2013 Bidang Penelitian : Antropologi Budaya Daerah Penelitian : Jambi dan Sumbar Bukit Barisan dan G. Kerinci Lama Penelitian : 3 tiga bulan mulai 8 April 2013 Mitra Kerja : Jurusan Antropologi – FISIP, Universitas Andalas Lucky Zamzami, S.Sos, M.soc.Sc. Abstrak Indonesia is a unique nation regarding it’s cultural and environmental diversity, which attracted researchers since ever and still ofers a great potential for interesting investigations in diferent scientiic ields. The cultural diversity irst is relected through the religious pluralism according the pancasila and the diverse prevailing belief systems, which can be encountered throughout the whole archipelago. Second the diversity is represented through the diferent geological, geographical and climatic areas which characterizes the respecting parts of Indonesia. As such diferent people with their speciic culture live in diferent natural environments in one nation. In a globalized world where transmigration is facilitated through the increased mobility, people have to cope with new sociocultural and natural environmental situations. Also the increasing transformations of the nature itself due to diferent reasons may challenge people to live with such new conditions. In this respect the aim of my anthropological research will be to place the people around Gunung Kerinci in the highlands of the Sumatran Bukit Barisan into an interrelational web with special considerations of the religious aspects and of the natural environment. The human actions in the everyday are guided by their respective cosmology or what Geertz terms as worldview and Rappaport as cognized models. The term cosmology I prefer in my investigation because it is not an exclusive concept and includes many sociocultural aspects as religion, belief, ethic, norms and conventions. As we assume that the cosmologies are cultural speciic, we may expect diferent cosmological concepts in a heterogenic society. The human individual as also the society on the whole are linking the religious aspects with the natural environment. Hereby the relevance or irrelevance of the cosmological thinking of this people on their extractive or protective behavior toward the natural environment should be investigated. Questions as how they understand their natural environment and how they act upon it and especially what is the 24 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2013 role of the religions hereby will be of primary interests. A special focus I will put on the Islam as a religious institution and as a possible catalyst for the behavior of the people. This research is intended to a better understanding of diferent perspectives of diferent sociocultural groups upon their natural environment and their use of it. Also it should contribute to an enhanced understanding of how people with diferent ethnic and sociocultural backgrounds are living together and in this respect how Indonesia as a nation perceives itself under the slogan “Unity in diversity”.

12.1 Mr. Patrick Thuer