Shade trees in cacao agroforestry systems: inluence on rootsand net primary production

187 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2013

116. Shade trees in cacao agroforestry systems: inluence on rootsand net primary production

Tujuan Penelitian : Membandingkan perkebunan coklat dengan tutupan pepohonan yang berbeda Bidang Penelitian : Ekologi Daerah Penelitian : Sulteng TN Lore Lindu, Cagar Alam Morowali, kompleks hutan Polahi-Marissa Lama Penelitian : 6 enam bulan mulai 29 Juli 2013 Mitra Kerja : Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Tadulako Henry N. Barus Abstrak This subproject is a central management project and not a “research project”.The Project Management Unit has no scientiic goal of its own but will coordinate the diferent research activities and serve as interface between the individual research projects, the administration body of the University of GSttingen as well as partners and other institutions in Indonesia. Diferent administrative and legal norms apply in both collaborating countries -Indonesia and Germany. The Project Management Unit works closely together with the Centre for Tropical Forest Margins CTFM of Tadulako University in Palu to ensure that:  Research activities run on mutual trust and in line with regulations  Research activities will get support from all levels including the sensitive village level -Administration will be eicient and reduce the burden of each researcher  Researchers will spent only a minimum of time to get the research activities started  Communication and exchange of knowledge out of recent activities will be as eicient possible  Valuable knowledge out of former collaboration of STORMA will be available  Synergetic efects of interdisciplinary approach can be maximised  Research results will be mutually shared with the research partners and stakeholder in Indonesia. 188 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2013 In particular the PMU will be responsible for:Organisation of permits, Support of ieldwork in the study region, Facilitation of scientiic exchange, Management of scientiic data, and Administration of Project Website. Description of study ield Interdisciplinary and international research projects require a broad range of tasks to maximize cooperation and to optimize administration. To facilitate synergies, interdisciplinary research requires a very signiicant level of coordination and administration. International research always involves additional challenges associated with intercultural communication. The projects involve cooperation between researchers from several faculties of the University of Gottingen, the Bogor Agricultural University IPB and Tadulako University UNTAD in Palu on Sulawesi, as well as the Indonesian Institute of Science LIPI, Bogor, Cibinong and Jakarta, Java. In addition, there is informal partnership with the Southeast Asian Regional Centre for Tropical Biology SEAMEO- BIOTROP. In addition to scientiic partnerships, an important role is played by the interaction with authorities at local, regional and national level. These range from national governmental administrative bodies that facilitate and enable research of German scientists in Indonesia e.g., research permit procedures to regional immigration oices and local traditional village representatives. For communication to be.upheld and facilitated across divides of culture - both in national and organisational terms - and language, the low of information needs to be appropriately bundled. The project management unit PMU tackling these essential issues for the success of the.proposed research activities. The research activities take place In Central Sulawesi in the vicinity of the Lore Liridu Park. Most of the research activities are outside of the National Park. However, the project keeps close contact to National Park authorities. The research infrastructure and networks to stakeholders and local authorities has been established already in cooperation with the Tadulako University, .Palu, during previous research activities under the umbrella of STORMA. The CTFM oice at the Tadulako University Palu manages the former research infrastructure of STORMA, like the vehicle park, the laboratory unit, the climate network and small scientiic equipment as well as the oice and student work places. Researchers are provided with a workplace equipped with PC. The CTFM oice runs a house in the village of Toro for researchers staying overnight and a shelter at the rainforest site of the Sulawesi Throughfall Displacement Experiments. 189 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2013 116.1 Ms. Jasmin Joana Monna Abou Rajab Warga Negara : Jerman Jabatan : Research Assistant Institusi : Dept. of Botany, University of Hohenhaim No. SIP : 275SIPFRPSMVII2013 117. Stock, turnover and functions of carbon in heavily weathered soils under lowland rainforest transformation systems Tujuan Penelitian : Meneliti perubahan stok, jumlah, dan kualitas karbon di tanah yang sudah rusak setelah terjadinya konversi hutan hujan dataran rendah, serta mengkaji perubahan fungsi simpanan karbon dengan mengevaluasi aktivitas mikrobial Bidang Penelitian : Ekologi Daerah Penelitian : Jambi TN Bukit Dua Belas dan Hutan Harapan Lama Penelitian : 12 dua belas bulan mulai Mei 2013 a. Puslit Tanah Indonesia - IPB Edi Husen 117.1 Mr. Thomas Guillaume Warga Negara : Swiss Jabatan : Ph.D. Student Institusi : Georg-August-University of Göettingen No. SIP : 144SIPFRPSMV2013

118. Sustainable Management of Bio-resources in Lowland Tropical Forests in the West Kalimantan