Ms. Ruayrin Pedsalabkaew Bidang ANTROPOLOGI BUDAYA

27 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2013 10 How are the experiences of families who are successful through education? The information obtained will be produced into the articles to be published via media online periodically.

14.1 Ms. Ruayrin Pedsalabkaew

Warga Negara : Thailand Jabatan : JournalistResearcher Institusi : Deep South Watch No. SIP : 087SIPFRPSMIII2013 15. The inluence of risk, time delays, and other factors on subsistence decisions in a traditional setting on the island of Seram, Maluku Province Tujuan Penelitian : Mengeksplorasi faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi keputusan untuk mencari nafkah di Ds. Masihulan Bidang Penelitian : Antropologi Budaya Daerah Penelitian : Maluku Kp. Masihulan, Kec. Seram Utara, Kab. Maluku Tengah Lama Penelitian : 12 dua belas bulan mulai 30 Mei 2013 Mitra Kerja : FISIP UI Dr. Tony Rudyansjah Abstrak I propose a project to explore how risk, time delays, and other factors inluence subsistence decisions in the village of Masihulan on the north coast of the island of Seram Kecamatan Seram Utara, Kabupaten Maluku Tengah, Propinsi Maluku. In Masihulan, households regular engage in four major subsistence activities – sago exploitation, swidden horticulture, hunting, and ishing – while cash cropping e.g., of cacao is increasingly important as a supplemental source of income used to purchase rice and other market foods and goods. Since these activities difer in 28 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2013 their inherent riskiness, production delays, and in other relevant factors, Masihulan provides a natural experiment in which to explore what drives subsistence decisions in a traditional setting by identifying how and why households allocate labor among viable subsistence alternatives in the way they do. I will collect three sets of data during the course of the study: 1 household level data on the amount of labor dedicated to alternative subsistence activities through time; 2 household level data on the production of alternative subsistence activities through time food calories for subsistence activities and monetary income for cash cropping; and 3 GIS and remote sensing data on household and resource locations, including imagery collected using an miniature unmanned air vehicle UAV owned and operated by colleagues at the Bandung Institute of Technology.

15.1 Mr. Michael Holton Price