Mr.Timo Markus Duile Ms. Ashley Shannon Robertson

42 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2013 In the villages, I interviewed mostly adat-experts about their perception of environment. I observed farmers and talked top them a lot, also about their perception of nature and environment, but mostly I did not record the interviews. Important information are noted down. I visited villages in Bengkayang regency three times during my stay and I went once to Sanggau regency with the stuf of Institut Dayakologi. During my stay in Sanggau regency, I was able to observe the preparation of the project if the institute. Often we could discuss topic concerted about environment. In Sanggau, the situation is quite diferent to those in Bengkayang: Many villages are dependent on palm oil and surrounded by palm oil plantations. I could discuss the efects of this environmental transformation with the local people and the stuf of Institut Dayakologi. In Bengkayang regency, I could learn about traditional ways of farming and about the meaning of Dayak culture and environment. Both locals and activists often stress the connection between “nature” and “Dayak culture”. On mayor aim will be to analyze how the construction of Dayak culture and its revitalization depends on speciic concepts about “nature”, because these term, as I assumed before the research, seems to play an important role for the perception of the own culture. In areas with many palm oil plantations, of instance, it was often empathized that it is important to save the environment, in particular the forest, as a base and important site for Dayak culture. In Sanggau regency as well as in Bengkayang regency, it was possible for me to visit community forests and to participate in rituals which are linked to nature. These gave me insight about the perception of the local people about nature; about the meaning of trees, animals and non-visible entities for them. With this information, I also will be able to analyze the diferences between local perceptions of natures and those western ones which also provide the base for the ecological transformation of West Kalimantan.

25.1 Mr.Timo Markus Duile

Warga Negara : Jerman Jabatan : Ph.D. Student Institusi : Bonn University, institute of Southeast Asian Studies No. SIP : 431SIPFRPSMXI2013 43 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2013 26. Coping with recurrent emergencies: The self-organization of civil society in Jakarta during looding Tujuan Penelitian : Menganalisa bagaimana masyarakat madanimasyarakat sipil bereaksi terhadap bencana, dalam hal ini banjir di Jakarta, serta bagaimana kelompok ini berinteraksi dengan administrasi kota dan LSM Bidang Penelitian : Antropologi Sosial Daerah Penelitian : DKI Jakarta Lama Penelitian : 3 tiga bulan mulai 14 Januari 2013 Mitra Kerja : FISIP UI Prof. Dr. Bambang S. Laksmono, M.Sc. Abstrak Almost every year, Jakarta is afected by severe looding. The international debate on global climate change has made the authorities and citizens aware of the risk that this plague may become even worse. This insight has triggered policies to improve sewages and canal systems as well as discussions about where people should live and more fanciful ideas about relocating the whole capitol. Media cable out pictures of people dealing with the water in their homes and on the streets and reports on how politicians plan to prevent looding from happening again. This project analyses the ways in which civil society organises itself in times of hazards and how it interacts with city administration and NGO’s. In Jakarta looding is a recurrent crisis which politicians as well as civil society and market forces have to deal with every year. This makes it a prime case study of global as well as local forces at play during times of crises and in urban risk management. 44 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2013

26.1 Dr. Jörgen Gunnar Bertil Hellman

Warga Negara : Swedia Jabatan : Associated Professor Institusi : Dept. of Global Studies, Gothenburg University No. Sip : 010SIPFRPSMI2013

27. The Synoptic City: Local Journalism and the Public Sphere in Bandung, Indonesia

Tujuan Penelitian : Mengkaji hubungan sosial dan pola budaya yang membentuk lingkungan perkotaan di Bandung, khususnya melalui praktik jurnalisme lokal di media cetak dan elektronik Bidang Penelitian : Antropologi Sosial Daerah Penelitian : Jabar Bandung Lama Penelitian : 12 dua belas bulan mulai 15 Agustus 2013 Mitra Kerja : Sekolah Arsitektur, Perencanaan, dan Pengembangan Kebijakan SAPPK ITB Ir. Teti A. Argo, MES., Ph.D. Abstrak In its studies of urban life, anthropology has often tended either to neglect or to critique synoptic views of cities. The history of neglect is well known. Most of the classic urban studies focused on communities and spaces that occupied small pockets within the broader urban experience. The Chicago School of urban sociology and anthropology famously focused on hobos Anderson 1923, gangs Thrasher 1927, the Jewish quarter Wirth 1928, the slum Zorbaugh 1929, and taxi-dance halls Cresey 1932. As Hannerz 1980: 54 has pointed out, these studies exaggerated the isolation of the social worlds they described and left it up to readers to develop a “wider-scope understanding” of the city as a whole. More recent scholarship that has focused on synoptic views of cities has tended to be suspicious of such a gaze. Michel de Certeau 1984, who applied Foucault’s 45 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2013 notion 1977 of panopticism to the city, contrasted the view of the city as seen from the skyscraper to the city experienced by the pedestrian. For de Certeau, the spatial practices of the pedestrian were creative and poetic, while the panoptic gaze was one that sought mastery and control. Similar contrasts are evident in a number of urban ethnographies, particularly those that focus on the practices and technologies of centralized urban planning Barker 1999a, Caldeira 2002, Davis 1992, Holston 1989, Low 1999, Mitchell 2002. The proposed research program seeks to provide a more nuanced analysis of how synoptic knowledge about cities is produced and what role it plays in urban life. It builds on empirical insights from recent research on activism in the urban peripheries of the global south Ali and Riker 2008, Appadurai 2002; Holston 2009. These studies have highlighted the fact that it is not just planners and state actors that produce synoptic knowledge; it is also marginalized groups. In the favelas of São Paulo, neighbourhood activists have established databases that contain detailed historical information about landholdings and land disputes. In the slums of Mumbai, activists have conducted their own censuses that count the number of residents, toilets, the size of dwellings, and so on. This kind of knowledge has been deployed efectively to make citizenship claims for land tenure, sewage services, etc. in the local and global arenas. This research builds on this work by looking more closely at the group of people that are most involved in creating a synoptic view of the city on a daily basis and who arguably have the greatest impact on urban dwellers’ understandings of the public life of cities: local journalists. It examines the changing social and cultural world of local journalists and their role in the construction of urban public life Bourdieu 1998. In examining these questions, the research draws from, and contributes to, theories about the emergence of what have variously been called “imagined communities” Anderson 1991, “publics” Habermas 1962, Warner 2002 and “social imaginaries” Taylor 2007. These theories seek to trace the conditions under which people come to see themselves as being part of an objectiied social whole that includes people beyond their immediate families and local communities. Media of various kinds— print and electronic—are central to this process, since it is through mediation that people are able to step outside of themselves and recognize themselves anew Mazzarella 2004. The study of the formation of social imaginaries and publics has thus come to be closely linked with the study of media worlds Appadurai 1996, Gaonkar 2002. 46 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2013 Although Anderson, Taylor, and Warner developed their theories to better understand print culture and its consequences for modern political life cf. Adam 1995, Moriyama 2005, they and others have also sought to apply their theories to newer media forms, such as the Internet Anderson 1998, Appadurai 1996, Axel 2006. Some of my own past research is a case in point. I have examined, for example, how electric and electronic media have provided the occasion for new social imaginaries about neighbourhood publics and imagined national communities in Indonesia Barker and Simon 2003, Barker 2003 2008. But this research taught me something surprising: the most important media for the construction of publics in Indonesia are still books and newspapers. Even Onno Purbo, whom many people call the Father of the Indonesian Internet, is very clear on this point. At virtually every workshop he gives he implores his young followers to write books and newspaper articles. He has come to believe this is the only way to build a public that will stand up for the interests of a “free” merdeka Internet. Thus, although this research program includes a focus on electronic media, the primary emphasis is on print journalism. It is in print where the most important struggles over publics are still being played out. This research builds on a tradition of ethnographic studies of journalism dating back to the 1970s Gans 1980, Golding and Elliot 1979, Schlesinger 1977, Tuchman 1978. Such studies examined the practices and ideologies of journalists as cultural producers, mainly in newsrooms in the United States and Britain. In more recent years, anthropologists have conducted ethnographic work on journalism in a variety of national contexts, including Nigeria Bastian 1993, 2003, Ghana Hasty 2001, 2005, 2005b, 2006, 2009, South Africa Fordred-Green 2000, Germany Boyer 2005, India Landsman 1987, Ståhlberg 2006, Rao 2009 Forthcoming, Vietnam Schwenkel 2009 and elsewhere. Some have also conducted ethnographies of global news production through studies of foreign correspondents Boyer 2001 2005, Boyer and Hannerz 2006, Hannerz 2005, Pedelty 1995 and their relations with local journalists Bishara 2006. This more recent wave of research, like much other work in the anthropology of media, has often focused not just on the culture and practices of journalists, but also on the meanings of news stories, how they circulate, and how they are interpreted in diferent contexts Askew and Wilke 2002; Ginsburg et al 2002. All these aspects of the production and dissemination of city news will be addressed by this research. 47 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2013

27.1 Ms. Emily Zoe Hertzman

Warga Negara : Kanada Jabatan : Ph.D. Candidate Institusi : Dept. of Anthropology, University of Toronto No. SIP : 297SIPFRPSMVIII2013

28. Female puppeteers and the changing tradition of Javanese and Balinese shadow puppet theatre

Tujuan Penelitian : Mengkaji bagaimana perubahan sosial dan budaya telah mempengaruhi peubahan tradisi wayang Jawa dan Bali, serta bagaimana perubahan-perubahan ini mencerminkan evolusi peran dan hierarki gender Bidang Penelitian : Budaya Daerah Penelitian : DI Yogyakarta, Jawa Tengah Sleman, Bantul, Surakarta, Klaten, Sragen dan Sukoharjo , Bali Lama Penelitian : 12 dua belas bulan mulai 4 Juni 2013 Mitra Kerja : Fakultas Budaya UGM Drs. Eddy Pursubaryanto, M.Hum Research Objectives : My project investigates the female puppeteer community of Central Java, focusing on the following objectives:  What are the social risks to which female dalang puppeteers are susceptible, how are these risks negotiated, and what afects may these negotiations have on the wayang kulit Indonesian shadow theatre tradition and the perception of female puppeteers as ‘good’ dalang‘good’ women?  How have cultural and societal shifts afected change within the shadow practice, and how may these changes relect upon the evolution of gender roles and hierarchies? 48 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2013  What are the main motivators behind the participation of women in wayang kulit practice?  What may be projected about the potential future of the female dalang career and wayang kulit tradition formal study enrolment, potential for popularity, etc? My ield of study incorporates two disciplines, social anthropology and Indonesian studies. To this point, I have developed my academic career around the study of traditional Indonesian practices and their associated material culture – focusing on form and function, social signiicance, and methods of display and interpretation within a museum context. Presently, I am concentrating my research eforts towards uncovering relatively recent developments within Indonesian shadow theatre due to changes in the socio-political climate – namely, the emergence of female puppeteers.

28.1 Ms. Ashley Shannon Robertson

Warga Negara : Amerika Serikat Jabatan : Ph.D. Candidate Institusi : University of Melbourne No. SIP : 188SIPFRPSMVI2013 49 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2013

Bab 3: Bidang ARKEOLOGI

Dalam bidang Arkeologi terdapat 10 proposal no. 29 sd 38, dan sebagian besar diantaranya merupakan Tim yang terdiri dari beberapa peneliti asing. 29. Chronology and palaeoenvironments of the Indonesian Palaeolithic period in Central and Eastern Java: the Punung and Solo areas Tujuan Penelitian : Mengurai sejarah keberadaan manusia Homo erectus dan Homo sapiens yang telah beradaptasi dengan tantangan kondisi iklim tropis sejak 1,5 juta tahun yang lalu sampai dengan terpencarnya kelompok-kelompok manusia di berbagai wilayah kepulauan Bidang Penelitian : Arkeologi Daerah Penelitian : Jateng Sangiran, Jatim Punung Lama Penelitian : 4 empat bulan mulai 9 Desember 2013 Mitra Kerja : Pusat Arkeologi Nasional Dr. Bambang Sulistyanto Abstract The long lasting cooperation between Puslitbang Arkeologi Nasional and Museum national d’ Histoire naturelle addresses, beyond its scientiic objectives, several development aspects intending to soundly anchor Indonesian archaeology in the society The studies concern the Quaternaoy period in Java Island, and aim at describing part of the history of humankind representatives Homo erectus and Homo sapiens that adapted to insuiar conditions in a tropical area since 1.5 million years ago up to the setting up of the extant mosaic of human groups scattered in the archipelagos. They are conducted in an interdisciplinary perspective that takes into account the complexity of the relationships between human societies and the ever changing climates and environments that took place in the area during the Pleistocene and the Holocene. Two main areas are considered in the present proposal: the Early and Middle Pleistocene record in the Sangiran dome Solo, Central Java and the cave