1. 2. Apakah ibu memiliki riwayat penyakit salah satu 1 Berapa kali ibu pernah melahirkan, termasuk 2


Pertanyaan Pilihan Jawaban


Apakah ibu memiliki riwayat eklampsipreeklampsi

b.2. Apakah ibu memiliki riwayat penyakit salah satu

dibawah ini : a. Hipertensi b. Diabetes c. Jantung d. Ginjal e. Lainnya, sebutkan….. 1. Ya 2. Tidak


Pertanyaan Jawaban

c.1 Berapa kali ibu pernah melahirkan, termasuk

kelahiran yang terakhir?


Berapa jarak antara kehamilan terakhir dengan kehamilan sebelumnya? ……………………………bulan tahun. Tglblnthn : ……… Persalinan terakhir Tglblnthn : ……… Persalinan sebelumnya Universitas Sumatera Utara


Pertanyaan Jawaban d. 1 Selama Kehamilan apakah ibu menjalani Pemeriksaan a. Timbang berat badan ukur tinggi badan b. Ukur Tekanan Darah c. Ukur lingkar lengan atas d. Ukur tinggi fundus uteri e. Presentasi janin dan denyut jantung janin DJJ f. Status imunisasi Tetanus dan pemberian Imunisasi Tetanus Toxoid TT g. Pemberian Tablet tambah darah minimal 90 tablet selama kehamilan h. Test Laboratorium rutin dan Khusus i. Tata laksana kasus j. Temu wicara konseling, termasuk Perencanaan Persalinan dan Pencegahan Komplikasi P4K serta KB pasca persalinan. 1. Ya 2. Tidak d.2 masalah yang dihadapi untuk mendapatkan perawatan kesehatan atau pengobatan. Apakah hal-hal berikut merupakan masalah atau tidak a. terlambat mengambil keputusan b. terlambat membawa ke fasilitas kesehatan c. terlambat mendapat pelayanan pelayanan kesehatan Bukan masalah Masalah d.3 Berapa kali ibu memeriksakan kandungan selama masa kehamilan? Kunjungan I : Kunjungan II : Kunjungan III : Kunjungan IV : Kunjungan Berikutnya : 1. 4 kali 2. ≥ 4 kali Universitas Sumatera Utara Lampiran 3. JADWAL PENELITIAN No. Kegiatan 2013 2014 Jan Feb Mar Apr Mei Jun Jul Agt Sept Okt Nov Des Jan Feb 1. Pengajuan Judul 2. Survei Pendahuluan 3. Pencarian Literatur 4. Penulisan Proposal 5. Kolokium 6. Perbaikan Proposal 7. Pengumpulan Data 8. Analisis Data dan Penulisan Tesis 9. Seminar Tesis 10. Ujian Tesis 11. Perbaikan Tesis Universitas Sumatera Utara 1 Universitas Sumatera Utara 1 Lampiran 5 HASIL UJI UNIVARIAT FREQUENCIES VARIABLES=a2 a3 b1 b2 b3 b4 c1 c2 d1 d2 d3 IV ORDER=ANALYSIS. Frequencies [DataSet1] C:\Users\ACER\Desktop\.sav Frequency Table Jumlah pendapatan rata-rata perbulan Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent Valid tinggi 33 45.8 45.8 45.8 rendah 39 54.2 54.2 100.0 Total 72 100.0 100.0 Pengetahuan Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent Valid baik 28 38.9 38.9 38.9 kurang 44 61.1 61.1 100.0 Total 72 100.0 100.0 BMI Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent Valid 25 33 45.8 45.8 45.8 25 39 54.2 54.2 100.0 Total 72 100.0 100.0 Riwayat Preeklampsieklampsi Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent Valid tidak ada riwayat 35 48.6 48.6 48.6 ada riwayat 37 51.4 51.4 100.0 Total 72 100.0 100.0 Riwayat hipertensi Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent Valid ada riwayat 25 34.7 34.7 34.7 ada riwayat hipertensi 47 65.3 65.3 100.0 Total 72 100.0 100.0 Universitas Sumatera Utara Riwayat diabetes Frequenc y Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent Valid tidak ada 55 76.4 76.4 76.4 ada riwayat diabetes 17 23.6 23.6 100.0 Total 72 100.0 100.0 Paritas Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent Valid 2 dan 3 51 70.8 70.8 70.8 1 dan 4 21 29.2 29.2 100.0 Total 72 100.0 100.0 Jarak antar kehamilan Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent Valid 2 tahun 38 52.8 52.8 52.8 2 tahun 34 47.2 47.2 100.0 Total 72 100.0 100.0 Pelayanan ANC yang didapat Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent Valid memenuhi kriteria 10 T 8 11.1 11.1 11.1 tidak memenuhi kriteria 10T 64 88.9 88.9 100.0 Total 72 100.0 100.0 Masalah dalam mendapatkan pelayanan kesehatan Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent Valid tidak ada masalah 28 38.9 38.9 38.9 ada masalah 44 61.1 61.1 100.0 Total 72 100.0 100.0 Universitas Sumatera Utara Jumlah Kunjungan ANC Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent Valid 4 kali 27 37.5 37.5 37.5 4 kali 45 62.5 62.5 100.0 Total 72 100.0 100.0 Kasus Kontrol Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent Valid Kontrol 36 50.0 50.0 50.0 Kasus 36 50.0 50.0 100.0 Total 72 100.0 100.0 Universitas Sumatera Utara Lampiran 6 HASIL UJI BIVARIAT CROSSTABS TABLES=a2 a3 b1 b2 b3 b4 c1 c2 d1 d2 d3 BY IV FORMAT=AVALUE TABLES STATISTICS=CHISQ CMH1 CELLS=COUNT COLUMN COUNT ROUND CELL. Crosstabs [DataSet1] C:\Users\ACER\Desktop\.sav Case Processing Summary Cases Valid Missing Total N Percent N Percent N Percent Jumla pendapatan rata-rata perbulan Kasus Kontrol 72 100.0 .0 72 100.0 Pengetahuan Kasus Kontrol 72 100.0 .0 72 100.0 IMB Kasus Kontrol 72 100.0 .0 72 100.0 Riwayat Preeklampsieklampsi Kasus Kontrol 72 100.0 .0 72 100.0 Riwayat hipertensi Kasus Kontrol 72 100.0 .0 72 100.0 Riwayat diabetes Kasus Kontrol 72 100.0 .0 72 100.0 Paritas Kasus Kontrol 72 100.0 .0 72 100.0 Jarak antar kehamilan Kasus Kontrol 72 100.0 .0 72 100.0 Pelayanan ANC yang didapat Kasus Kontrol 72 100.0 .0 72 100.0 Masalah dalam mendapatkan pelayanan kesehatan Kasus Kontrol 72 100.0 .0 72 100.0 Jumlah Kunjungan ANC Kasus Kontrol 72 100.0 .0 72 100.0 Jumlah pendapatan rata-rata perbulan Kasus Kontrol Crosstab Kasus Kontrol Total Kontrol Kasus Jumla pendapatan rata-rata perbulan tinggi Count 19 14 33 within Kasus Kontrol 52.8 38.9 45.8 rendah Count 17 22 39 within Kasus Kontrol 47.2 61.1 54.2 Total Count 36 36 72 within Kasus Kontrol 100.0 100.0 100.0 Universitas Sumatera Utara Chi-Square Tests Value df Asymp. Sig. 2- sided Exact Sig. 2-sided Exact Sig. 1-sided Pearson Chi-Square 1.399 a 1 .237 Continuity Correction b .895 1 .344 Likelihood Ratio 1.403 1 .236 Fishers Exact Test .344 .172 Linear-by-Linear Association 1.379 1 .240 N of Valid Cases 72 a. 0 cells .0 have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 16.50. b. Computed only for a 2x2 table Tests of Homogeneity of the Odds Ratio Chi-Squared df Asymp. Sig. 2- sided Breslow-Day .000 . Tarones .000 . Tests of Conditional Independence Chi-Squared df Asymp. Sig. 2- sided Cochrans 1.399 1 .237 Mantel-Haenszel .883 1 .347 Under the conditional independence assumption, Cochrans statistic is asymptotically distributed as a 1 df chi-squared distribution, only if the number of strata is fixed, while the Mantel-Haenszel statistic is always asymptotically distributed as a 1 df chi-squared distribution. Note that the continuity correction is removed from the Mantel- Haenszel statistic when the sum of the differences between the observed and the expected is 0. Mantel-Haenszel Common Odds Ratio Estimate Estimate 1.216 lnEstimate .563 Std. Error of lnEstimate .478 Asymp. Sig. 2-sided .239 Asymp. 95 Confidence Interval Common Odds Ratio Lower Bound .688 Upper Bound 4.481 lnCommon Odds Ratio Lower Bound -.373 Upper Bound 1.500 The Mantel-Haenszel common odds ratio estimate is asymptotically normally distributed under the common odds ratio of 1.000 assumption. So is the natural log of the estimate. Universitas Sumatera Utara Pengetahuan Kasus Kontrol Crosstab Kasus Kontrol Total Kontrol Kasus Pengetahuan baik Count 21 7 28 within Kasus Kontrol 58.3 19.4 38.9 kurang Count 15 29 44 within Kasus Kontrol 41.7 80.6 61.1 Total Count 36 36 72 within Kasus Kontrol 100.0 100.0 100.0 Chi-Square Tests Value df Asymp. Sig. 2-sided Exact Sig. 2-sided Exact Sig. 1-sided Pearson Chi-Square 11.455 a 1 .001 Continuity Correction b 9.877 1 .002 Likelihood Ratio 11.858 1 .001 Fishers Exact Test .001 .001 Linear-by-Linear Association 11.295 1 .001 N of Valid Cases 72 a. 0 cells .0 have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 14.00. b. Computed only for a 2x2 table Tests of Homogeneity of the Odds Ratio Chi-Squared df Asymp. Sig. 2- sided Breslow-Day .000 . Tarones .000 . Tests of Conditional Independence Chi-Squared df Asymp. Sig. 2- sided Cochrans 11.455 1 .001 Mantel-Haenszel 9.739 1 .002 Under the conditional independence assumption, Cochrans statistic is asymptotically distributed as a 1 df chi-squared distribution, only if the number of strata is fixed, while the Mantel-Haenszel statistic is always asymptotically distributed as a 1 df chi-squared distribution. Note that the continuity correction is removed from the Mantel- Haenszel statistic when the sum of the differences between the observed and the expected is 0. Universitas Sumatera Utara Mantel-Haenszel Common Odds Ratio Estimate Estimate 2.140 lnEstimate 1.758 Std. Error of lnEstimate .540 Asymp. Sig. 2-sided .001 Asymp. 95 Confidence Interval Common Odds Ratio Lower Bound 2.013 Upper Bound 16.715 lnCommon Odds Ratio Lower Bound .699 Upper Bound 2.816 The Mantel-Haenszel common odds ratio estimate is asymptotically normally distributed under the common odds ratio of 1.000 assumption. So is the natural log of the estimate. IMB Kasus Kontrol Crosstab Kasus Kontrol Total Kontrol Kasus IMB 25 Count 22 11 33 within Kasus Kontrol 61.1 30.6 45.8 25 Count 14 25 39 within Kasus Kontrol 38.9 69.4 54.2 Total Count 36 36 72 within Kasus Kontrol 100.0 100.0 100.0 Chi-Square Tests Value df Asymp. Sig. 2- sided Exact Sig. 2-sided Exact Sig. 1-sided Pearson Chi-Square 6.769 a 1 .009 Continuity Correction b 5.594 1 .018 Likelihood Ratio 6.883 1 .009 Fishers Exact Test .017 .009 Linear-by-Linear Association 6.675 1 .010 N of Valid Cases 72 a. 0 cells .0 have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 16.50. b. Computed only for a 2x2 table Tests of Homogeneity of the Odds Ratio Chi-Squared df Asymp. Sig. 2- sided Breslow-Day .000 . Tarones .000 . Universitas Sumatera Utara Tests of Conditional Independence Chi-Squared df Asymp. Sig. 2- sided Cochrans 6.769 1 .009 Mantel-Haenszel 5.517 1 .019 Under the conditional independence assumption, Cochrans statistic is asymptotically distributed as a 1 df chi-squared distribution, only if the number of strata is fixed, while the Mantel-Haenszel statistic is always asymptotically distributed as a 1 df chi-squared distribution. Note that the continuity correction is removed from the Mantel- Haenszel statistic when the sum of the differences between the observed and the expected is 0. Mantel-Haenszel Common Odds Ratio Estimate Estimate 1.271 lnEstimate 1.273 Std. Error of lnEstimate .498 Asymp. Sig. 2-sided .011 Asymp. 95 Confidence Interval Common Odds Ratio Lower Bound 1.046 Upper Bound 9.475 lnCommon Odds Ratio Lower Bound .297 Upper Bound 2.249 The Mantel-Haenszel common odds ratio estimate is asymptotically normally distributed under the common odds ratio of 1.000 assumption. So is the natural log of the estimate. Riwayat Preeklampsieklampsi Kasus Kontrol Crosstab Kasus Kontrol Total Kontrol Kasus Riwayat Preeklampsiekla mpsi tidak ada riwayat Count 26 9 35 within Kasus Kontrol 72.2 25.0 48.6 ada riwayat Count 10 27 37 within Kasus Kontrol 27.8 75.0 51.4 Total Count 36 36 72 within Kasus Kontrol 100.0 100.0 100.0 Chi-Square Tests Value df Asymp. Sig. 2- sided Exact Sig. 2-sided Exact Sig. 1-sided Pearson Chi-Square 16.068 a 1 .000 Continuity Correction b 14.233 1 .000 Likelihood Ratio 16.729 1 .000 Fishers Exact Test .000 .000 Linear-by-Linear Association 15.845 1 .000 N of Valid Cases 72 a. 0 cells .0 have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 17.50. b. Computed only for a 2x2 table Universitas Sumatera Utara Tests of Homogeneity of the Odds Ratio Chi-Squared df Asymp. Sig. 2- sided Breslow-Day .000 . Tarones .000 . Tests of Conditional Independence Chi-Squared df Asymp. Sig. 2- sided Cochrans 16.068 1 .000 Mantel-Haenszel 14.036 1 .000 Under the conditional independence assumption, Cochrans statistic is asymptotically distributed as a 1 df chi-squared distribution, only if the number of strata is fixed, while the Mantel-Haenszel statistic is always asymptotically distributed as a 1 df chi-squared distribution. Note that the continuity correction is removed from the Mantel- Haenszel statistic when the sum of the differences between the observed and the expected is 0. Mantel-Haenszel Common Odds Ratio Estimate Estimate 1.100 lnEstimate 2.054 Std. Error of lnEstimate .535 Asymp. Sig. 2-sided .000 Asymp. 95 Confidence Interval Common Odds Ratio Lower Bound 1.031 Upper Bound 22.274 lnCommon Odds Ratio Lower Bound 1.005 Upper Bound 3.103 The Mantel-Haenszel common odds ratio estimate is asymptotically normally distributed under the common odds ratio of 1.000 assumption. So is the natural log of the estimate. Riwayat hipertensi Kasus Kontrol Crosstab Kasus Kontrol Total Kontrol Kasus Riwayat hipertensi ada riwayat Count 17 8 25 within Kasus Kontrol 47.2 22.2 34.7 ada riwayat hipertensi Count 19 28 47 within Kasus Kontrol 52.8 77.8 65.3 Total Count 36 36 72 within Kasus Kontrol 100.0 100.0 100.0 Universitas Sumatera Utara Chi-Square Tests Value df Asymp. Sig. 2- sided Exact Sig. 2-sided Exact Sig. 1-sided Pearson Chi-Square 4.963 a 1 .026 Continuity Correction b 3.922 1 .048 Likelihood Ratio 5.048 1 .025 Fishers Exact Test .047 .023 Linear-by-Linear Association 4.894 1 .027 N of Valid Cases 72 a. 0 cells .0 have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 12.50. b. Computed only for a 2x2 table Tests of Homogeneity of the Odds Ratio Chi-Squared df Asymp. Sig. 2- sided Breslow-Day .000 . Tarones .000 . Tests of Conditional Independence Chi-Squared df Asymp. Sig. 2- sided Cochrans 4.963 1 .026 Mantel-Haenszel 3.867 1 .049 Under the conditional independence assumption, Cochrans statistic is asymptotically distributed as a 1 df chi-squared distribution, only if the number of strata is fixed, while the Mantel-Haenszel statistic is always asymptotically distributed as a 1 df chi-squared distribution. Note that the continuity correction is removed from the Mantel- Haenszel statistic when the sum of the differences between the observed and the expected is 0. Mantel-Haenszel Common Odds Ratio Estimate Estimate 2.372 lnEstimate 1.142 Std. Error of lnEstimate .522 Asymp. Sig. 2-sided .029 Asymp. 95 Confidence Interval Common Odds Ratio Lower Bound 1.126 Upper Bound 8.706 lnCommon Odds Ratio Lower Bound .119 Upper Bound 2.164 The Mantel-Haenszel common odds ratio estimate is asymptotically normally distributed under the common odds ratio of 1.000 assumption. So is the natural log of the estimate. Universitas Sumatera Utara Riwayat diabetes Kasus Kontrol Crosstab Kasus Kontrol Total Kontrol Kasus Riwayat diabetes tidak ada Count 30 25 55 within Kasus Kontrol 83.3 69.4 76.4 ada riwayat diabetes Count 6 11 17 within Kasus Kontrol 16.7 30.6 23.6 Total Count 36 36 72 within Kasus Kontrol 100.0 100.0 100.0 Chi-Square Tests Value df Asymp. Sig. 2- sided Exact Sig. 2-sided Exact Sig. 1-sided Pearson Chi-Square 1.925 a 1 .165 Continuity Correction b 1.232 1 .267 Likelihood Ratio 1.948 1 .163 Fishers Exact Test .267 .133 Linear-by-Linear Association 1.898 1 .168 N of Valid Cases 72 a. 0 cells .0 have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 8.50. b. Computed only for a 2x2 table Tests of Homogeneity of the Odds Ratio Chi-Squared df Asymp. Sig. 2- sided Breslow-Day .000 . Tarones .000 . Tests of Conditional Independence Chi-Squared df Asymp. Sig. 2- sided Cochrans 1.925 1 .165 Mantel-Haenszel 1.215 1 .270 Under the conditional independence assumption, Cochrans statistic is asymptotically distributed as a 1 df chi-squared distribution, only if the number of strata is fixed, while the Mantel-Haenszel statistic is always asymptotically distributed as a 1 df chi-squared distribution. Note that the continuity correction is removed from the Mantel- Haenszel statistic when the sum of the differences between the observed and the expected is 0. Universitas Sumatera Utara Mantel-Haenszel Common Odds Ratio Estimate Estimate 0.240 lnEstimate .788 Std. Error of lnEstimate .575 Asymp. Sig. 2-sided .170 Asymp. 95 Confidence Interval Common Odds Ratio Lower Bound .112 Upper Bound 6.793 lnCommon Odds Ratio Lower Bound -.339 Upper Bound 1.916 The Mantel-Haenszel common odds ratio estimate is asymptotically normally distributed under the common odds ratio of 1.000 assumption. So is the natural log of the estimate. Paritas Kasus Kontrol Crosstab Kasus Kontrol Total Kontrol Kasus Paritas 2 dan 3 Count 27 24 51 within Kasus Kontrol 75.0 66.7 70.8 1 dan 4 Count 9 12 21 within Kasus Kontrol 25.0 33.3 29.2 Total Count 36 36 72 within Kasus Kontrol 100.0 100.0 100.0 Chi-Square Tests Value df Asymp. Sig. 2- sided Exact Sig. 2-sided Exact Sig. 1-sided Pearson Chi-Square .605 a 1 .437 Continuity Correction b .269 1 .604 Likelihood Ratio .607 1 .436 Fishers Exact Test .605 .302 Linear-by-Linear Association .597 1 .440 N of Valid Cases 72 a. 0 cells .0 have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 10.50. b. Computed only for a 2x2 table Tests of Homogeneity of the Odds Ratio Chi-Squared df Asymp. Sig. 2- sided Breslow-Day .000 . Tarones .000 . Universitas Sumatera Utara Tests of Conditional Independence Chi-Squared df Asymp. Sig. 2- sided Cochrans .605 1 .437 Mantel-Haenszel .265 1 .607 Under the conditional independence assumption, Cochrans statistic is asymptotically distributed as a 1 df chi-squared distribution, only if the number of strata is fixed, while the Mantel-Haenszel statistic is always asymptotically distributed as a 1 df chi-squared distribution. Note that the continuity correction is removed from the Mantel- Haenszel statistic when the sum of the differences between the observed and the expected is 0. Mantel-Haenszel Common Odds Ratio Estimate Estimate .375 lnEstimate .405 Std. Error of lnEstimate .523 Asymp. Sig. 2-sided .438 Asymp. 95 Confidence Interval Common Odds Ratio Lower Bound .139 Upper Bound 4.178 lnCommon Odds Ratio Lower Bound -.619 Upper Bound 1.430 The Mantel-Haenszel common odds ratio estimate is asymptotically normally distributed under the common odds ratio of 1.000 assumption. So is the natural log of the estimate. Jarak antar kehamilan Kasus Kontrol Crosstab Kasus Kontrol Total Kontrol Kasus Jarak antar kehamilan 2 tahun Count 22 16 38 within Kasus Kontrol 61.1 44.4 52.8 2 tahun Count 14 20 34 within Kasus Kontrol 38.9 55.6 47.2 Total Count 36 36 72 within Kasus Kontrol 100.0 100.0 100.0 Universitas Sumatera Utara Chi-Square Tests Value df Asymp. Sig. 2- sided Exact Sig. 2-sided Exact Sig. 1-sided Pearson Chi-Square 2.006 a 1 .157 Continuity Correction b 1.393 1 .238 Likelihood Ratio 2.016 1 .156 Fishers Exact Test .238 .119 Linear-by-Linear Association 1.978 1 .160 N of Valid Cases 72 a. 0 cells .0 have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 17.00. b. Computed only for a 2x2 table Tests of Homogeneity of the Odds Ratio Chi-Squared Df Asymp. Sig. 2- sided Breslow-Day .000 . Tarones .000 . Tests of Conditional Independence Chi-Squared df Asymp. Sig. 2- sided Cochrans 2.006 1 .157 Mantel-Haenszel 1.374 1 .241 Under the conditional independence assumption, Cochrans statistic is asymptotically distributed as a 1 df chi-squared distribution, only if the number of strata is fixed, while the Mantel-Haenszel statistic is always asymptotically distributed as a 1 df chi-squared distribution. Note that the continuity correction is removed from the Mantel- Haenszel statistic when the sum of the differences between the observed and the expected is 0. Mantel-Haenszel Common Odds Ratio Estimate Estimate .854 lnEstimate .675 Std. Error of lnEstimate .479 Asymp. Sig. 2-sided .159 Asymp. 95 Confidence Interval Common Odds Ratio Lower Bound .768 Upper Bound 5.022 lnCommon Odds Ratio Lower Bound -.264 Upper Bound 1.614 The Mantel-Haenszel common odds ratio estimate is asymptotically normally distributed under the common odds ratio of 1.000 assumption. So is the natural log of the estimate. Universitas Sumatera Utara Pelayanan ANC yang didapat Kasus Kontrol Crosstab Kasus Kontrol Total Kontrol Kasus Pelayanan ANC yang didapat memenuhi kriteria 10 T Count 6 2 8 within Kasus Kontrol 16.7 5.6 11.1 tidak memenuhi kriteria 10T Count 30 34 64 within Kasus Kontrol 83.3 94.4 88.9 Total Count 36 36 72 within Kasus Kontrol 100.0 100.0 100.0 Chi-Square Tests Value df Asymp. Sig. 2- sided Exact Sig. 2-sided Exact Sig. 1-sided Pearson Chi-Square 2.250 a 1 .134 Continuity Correction b 1.266 1 .261 Likelihood Ratio 2.343 1 .126 Fishers Exact Test .260 .130 Linear-by-Linear Association 2.219 1 .136 N of Valid Cases 72 a. 2 cells 50.0 have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 4.00. b. Computed only for a 2x2 table Tests of Homogeneity of the Odds Ratio Chi-Squared df Asymp. Sig. 2- sided Breslow-Day .000 . Tarones .000 . Tests of Conditional Independence Chi-Squared df Asymp. Sig. 2- sided Cochrans 2.250 1 .134 Mantel-Haenszel 1.248 1 .264 Under the conditional independence assumption, Cochrans statistic is asymptotically distributed as a 1 df chi-squared distribution, only if the number of strata is fixed, while the Mantel-Haenszel statistic is always asymptotically distributed as a 1 df chi-squared distribution. Note that the continuity correction is removed from the Mantel- Haenszel statistic when the sum of the differences between the observed and the expected is 0. Universitas Sumatera Utara Mantel-Haenszel Common Odds Ratio Estimate Estimate 15.000 lnEstimate 1.224 Std. Error of lnEstimate .854 Asymp. Sig. 2-sided .152 Asymp. 95 Confidence Interval Common Odds Ratio Lower Bound .638 Upper Bound 18.132 lnCommon Odds Ratio Lower Bound -.450 Upper Bound 2.898 The Mantel-Haenszel common odds ratio estimate is asymptotically normally distributed under the common odds ratio of 1.000 assumption. So is the natural log of the estimate. Masalah dalam mendapatkan pelayanan kesehatan Kasus Kontrol Crosstab Kasus Kontrol Total Kontrol Kasus Masalah dalam mendapatkan pelayanan kesehatan tidak ada masalah Count 21 7 28 within Kasus Kontrol 58.3 19.4 38.9 ada masalah Count 15 29 44 within Kasus Kontrol 41.7 80.6 61.1 Total Count 36 36 72 within Kasus Kontrol 100.0 100.0 100.0 Chi-Square Tests Value df Asymp. Sig. 2-sided Exact Sig. 2- sided Exact Sig. 1-sided Pearson Chi-Square 11.455 a 1 .001 Continuity Correction b 9.877 1 .002 Likelihood Ratio 11.858 1 .001 Fishers Exact Test .001 .001 Linear-by-Linear Association 11.295 1 .001 N of Valid Cases 72 a. 0 cells .0 have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 14.00. b. Computed only for a 2x2 table Tests of Homogeneity of the Odds Ratio Chi-Squared df Asymp. Sig. 2- sided Breslow-Day .000 . Tarones .000 . Universitas Sumatera Utara Tests of Conditional Independence Chi-Squared df Asymp. Sig. 2- sided Cochrans 11.455 1 .001 Mantel-Haenszel 9.739 1 .002 Under the conditional independence assumption, Cochrans statistic is asymptotically distributed as a 1 df chi-squared distribution, only if the number of strata is fixed, while the Mantel-Haenszel statistic is always asymptotically distributed as a 1 df chi-squared distribution. Note that the continuity correction is removed from the Mantel- Haenszel statistic when the sum of the differences between the observed and the expected is 0. Mantel-Haenszel Common Odds Ratio Estimate Estimate 2.140 lnEstimate 1.758 Std. Error of lnEstimate .540 Asymp. Sig. 2-sided .001 Asymp. 95 Confidence Interval Common Odds Ratio Lower Bound 2.013 Upper Bound 16.715 lnCommon Odds Ratio Lower Bound .699 Upper Bound 2.816 The Mantel-Haenszel common odds ratio estimate is asymptotically normally distributed under the common odds ratio of 1.000 assumption. So is the natural log of the estimate. Jumlah Kunjungan ANC Kasus Kontrol Crosstab Kasus Kontrol Total Kontrol Kasus Jumlah Kunjungan ANC 4 kali Count 23 4 27 within Kasus Kontrol 63.9 11.1 37.5 4 kali Count 13 32 45 within Kasus Kontrol 36.1 88.9 62.5 Total Count 36 36 72 within Kasus Kontrol 100.0 100.0 100.0 Universitas Sumatera Utara Chi-Square Tests Value df Asymp. Sig. 2-sided Exact Sig. 2- sided Exact Sig. 1-sided Pearson Chi-Square 21.393 a 1 .000 Continuity Correction b 19.200 1 .000 Likelihood Ratio 23.057 1 .000 Fishers Exact Test .000 .000 Linear-by-Linear Association 21.095 1 .000 N of Valid Cases 72 a. 0 cells .0 have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 13.50. b. Computed only for a 2x2 table Tests of Homogeneity of the Odds Ratio Chi-Squared df Asymp. Sig. 2- sided Breslow-Day .000 . Tarones .000 . Tests of Conditional Independence Chi-Squared df Asymp. Sig. 2- sided Cochrans 21.393 1 .000 Mantel-Haenszel 18.933 1 .000 Under the conditional independence assumption, Cochrans statistic is asymptotically distributed as a 1 df chi-squared distribution, only if the number of strata is fixed, while the Mantel-Haenszel statistic is always asymptotically distributed as a 1 df chi-squared distribution. Note that the continuity correction is removed from the Mantel- Haenszel statistic when the sum of the differences between the observed and the expected is 0. Mantel-Haenszel Common Odds Ratio Estimate Estimate 3.254 lnEstimate 2.650 Std. Error of lnEstimate .634 Asymp. Sig. 2-sided .000 Asymp. 95 Confidence Interval Common Odds Ratio Lower Bound 3.087 Upper Bound 49.015 lnCommon Odds Ratio Lower Bound 1.408 Upper Bound 3.892 The Mantel-Haenszel common odds ratio estimate is asymptotically normally distributed under the common odds ratio of 1.000 assumption. So is the natural log of the estimate. Universitas Sumatera Utara Lampiran 7. HASIL UJI MULTIVARIAT LOGISTIC REGRESSION VARIABLES IV METHOD=ENTER a2 a3 b1 b2 b3 b4 c2 d1 d2 d3