Type and Method of Data Collection

19 3.4. Management of Data Quality 3.4.1. Control of Data Quality To gain high quality data to be collected, four procedures of data quality control applied during the study period. The four procedures are: 1 Expert meeting or consultation for improving the study design and method; 2 Pre-testing of questionnaire or instruments to be used; 3 Controlling variation of inter-observer; and 4 Supervision of data collection. To control inter-observer variation, training for field enumerators done prior to data collection. The enumerators for this study was graduated from S1 Bachelor in nutrition or public health. The training for all of filed enumerators conducted to explain the purpose and the method of the study, their tasks and responsibilities, and more importantly in how to collect data correctly using standardized procedures. The training includes class discussion and practices. Re-interview of the subjects was conducted by area coordinator and research team to re-check data collected by enumerators. The re-interviewed focused on data of water intake and sign of mild-moderate dehydration. Supervision done by the study team and filed coordinator with the purpose to solve problems that may rise in the period of data collection as well as checking for data collection efficiency, completeness of data collection, and facilitation needed by enumerator during the data collection.

3.4.2. Data Entry, Verification and Cleaning

Data management includes completeness of data, reliability check of data, data entry, data verification and data cleaning. Regularly inspection on the completeness of data in the questionnaire was carried out directly in the filed to verify whether the identification number was given to each questionnaire and to check a missing or an incomplete information or data in the filled in questionnaire. The field coordinator responsible for these tasks. The study also conducted reliability check of data to identify the consistency of all inter-related variables. The collected data will be coded on code book derived from questionnaire. All collected data then will be enter into computer using micro-soft excel software, which was done in study secretariat, after the completeness and reliability check done. Re-entry of ten percent record carried out. The re-entry data done and compared to those that had been enter to ensure that there is no mistake during data entry process. If there is a 20 different, the record is not match then rechecked. Data cleaning was conducted to check the completeness and the consistency of information that had been untried into the computer.

3.5. Data Processing and Analysis

Dehydration determine by criteria such as 1 urine specific gravity 1.020, 2 urine color yellow condensed, 3 eritrosit 1-5lpb, leukocyte 1-5lpb or positive cylinder hialin, and 4 light proteinuria. Subject who diagnosed has hydration if the subject fullfilled all of dehydration criteria and show two dehydration symptom such as thirsty, dry throat, headache, flushed skin, dry mouth and lip, rapid heart rate, dizziness, and high concentrated urine but low in volume. Index for normal category of BMI is range from 18.5 - 23,0 thin CED if less than 18.5 and overweight if more than 23.0 WHO, 2004. Physical activity categorized by US- DHHS criteria 2008. Low level if time allocation for the medium intensity activity less than 150 minuteweek, medium if the time allocation for medium intensity activity is 150- 300 minuteweek, and high if more than 300 minuteweek. The examples for medium physical activity are fast walk, bike and gardening. Health level obtained if accumulation of medium physical activity is minimum 30 minute per day WHO, 2003. The electronic file of entry data analyzed statistically by considering the extreme values to check the validity of entry data. Then the clean data will be analyzed statistically. The results of data analysis will be presented in the form of tables, diagrams and graphs in order to answer the objective of the study. Mean or proportion different test applied to asses whether the water intake, drinking habit, perception and knowledge, the magnitude of mild–moderate dehydration different among the two ecological areas, and sex-age groups.

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