Conclusions DRINKING HABITS AND HYDRATION STATUS AMONG TEENAGERS AND ADULTS IN TWO DIFFERENT ECOLOGICAL AREAS (Kebiasaan Minum dan Status Hidrasi pada Remaja dan Dewasa di Dua Wilayah Ekologi yang Berbeda)

44 is due to the safety factors, namely 63.1 in the highland area and 80.4 in the lowland. 6. About half of teenage and adult subjects 42.4 – 49.7 both in the highland and the lowland having lack of knowledge on healthy drinking water. The two subject groups are mostly inadequate knowledge on the aspect of the function of water, food as source of water, and dehydration symptoms. 7. Dehydration for both teenagers and adults in this study is categorized as mild dehydration. The prevalence of the teenagers with mild dehydration is 24.75 in the highland area and 41.67 in the lowland. Meanwhile, the mild dehydration for the adult group is 15.40 and 24.05 respectively. The prevalence of mild dehydration in the two groups of subjects is higher in the lowland compare to the highland area.

5.2. Recommendations

1. About half of the teenagers and adults having low knowledge on healthy drinking water. Therefore, all stakeholders including the government, education institution and also the related industries should be actively promote or educate the public on healthy drinking water. 2. The government and education institutions such as schools and universities could increase the student’s knowledge on healthy water drinking through the class meeting or extra-curricular activities. 3. The private industries could educate the consumers through various commercial advertisement of the product in the mass-media, campaign, seminar, workshop, and also by exposing related information in the product packaging on healthy drinking water. 4. Further similar studies are required in other regions of Indonesia on the same age groups teenagers and adults and other age groups child, elderly, and pregnant woman. 5. A study on school based approach for preventing dehydration among students is also required. 45 REFERENCES AFIC. 2002. Fluid the forgotten factor. Singapore. Ahrens CD. 2007. Meteorology Today: An Introduction to Weather, Climate, and the Environment. 8 th Ed. Canada: Thomson BrooksCole. BPS. 2000. Indikator Kesejahteraan Rakyat. Jakarta. Indonesia. Cian C, Barraud PA, Melin B, Raphel C. 2001. Effect of fluid ingestion on cognitive function after heat stress or exercise dehydration. In J Psychophysiology 42 3 : 243-51 Cian C, Koulmann N, Barraud PA, Raphel C, Jimenez C, Melin B. 2000. Influence of variations in body hydration on cognitive function: effect of hyperhydration, heat stress, and exercise-induced dehydration. J Psychophysiol 14:29-36 Departemen Kesehatan Depkes. 2006. Buku Saku Gaya Hidup Sehat. Jakarta Departemen Kesehatan Depkes. 1995. Panduan 13 Pesan Dasar Gizi Seimbang. Departemen Kesehatan Republik Indonesia. Jakarta. FNRI. 2002. Recommended Energy and Nutrient Intakes. Phillippines. Ganong WF. 1992. Fisiologi Kedokteran. Ed ke-14. Petrus Andrianto,penerjemah; Jakarta: Penerbit Buku Kedokteran EGC. Terjemahan dari: Review of Medical Physiology. Gopinathan PM, Pichan G, Sharma VM. 1988. Role of dehydration in heat streed-induced variations in mental performance. Arch Environ Health 43 1:15-17 Grandjean AC, Grandjean NR. 2007. Dehydration and cognitive performance . Journal of American College of Nutrition 26 90005 : 549S-554S. Grandjean AC, Reimers KJ, Haven MC, Kurtis GL. 2003. The effect on hydration of two diets, one with and one without plain water. Jour of Am Coll of Nutr, vol 22, no 2, 165-173. Hardinsyah. 2007. Gizi, Pangan dan Sistem Ekologi Manusia. Di dalam Ekologi Manusia. S. Adiwibowo. Fakultas Ekologi Manusia, IPB. Bogor. Harper LJ, Deaton BJ dan Dreskel JA. 1985. Pangan, Gizi dan Pertanian. Suhardjo, penerjemah. Jakarta: UI Press. IOM. 2004. Dietary reference intakes for water, potassium, sodium, chloride, and sulfate. National Academic Press. USA. Kleiner S. 1999. Water: an essential but overlooked nutrient. Jour of Am Diet Ass; Feb 1999;99,2.

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