96.25 62.5 The Results of Need Analysis

Based on Table 4.13, the length of the input for writing skill that the students want is around 50 to 100 words. 2 Procedures The next point in learning needs is procedure. Nunan 2004: 52 defines procedure as what the learner will do with the input that forms the point of departure for the learning task. The tables below will present the result of the need analysis related to the procedures that the students want. Table 4.14: Learning Activities for Listening Skill No. Statements Scale 1 2 3 4 SUM SUM Kinds of tasks or learning activities for listening skill that you want are … 63 discussing the content of monologues or dialogues 25 75 64 identifying keywords in monologues or dialogues 20 80 65 identifying expressions in monologue or dialogues

21.25 78.75

66 answering questions orally based on the monologues or dialogues 25 75 67 answering questions in writing based on the monologues or dialogues 15 85 Table 4.14 shows that 85 of students want answering the questions in writing based on the monologues or dialogues as the learning activities for listening skill. Meanwhile, as the result of the interview with the English teacher, it stated that the effective activities for listening skill were listening to audio and then completing the incomplete dialogue. After that, students were given the more complex tasks. The excerpt can be seen as follows. Therefore, it can be said that the activities for listening skill are listening to the monologues or dialogues and then answering the questions or completing the dialogues. Table 4.15: Learning Activities for Speaking Skill No. Statements Scale 1 2 3 4 SUM SUM Kinds of tasks or learning activities for speaking skill that you want are … 68 practicing dialogues in pairs 16.25 83.75 69 having discussion in groups

3.75 96.25

70 role playing 27.5 72.5 71 giving opinions 25 75 72 telling about the daily life 30 70 Table 4.15 shows that most students want having a discussion in groups as the learning activity for speaking skill. Moreover, they also want to practice dialogues in pairs as the speaking activity. Related to the result of the interview with the English teacher, it stated that the effective activities for speaking skill R : Menurut Ibu, bagaimana input dan activities yang baik dan efektif dalam mengajarkan listening skill? What do you think about the appropriate or effective input and activities for mastering the listening skill? T : Mendengarkan audio sederhana, kemudian mengisi incomplete dialogue, baru lanjut ke soal yang lebih kompleks. Listen to simple audio, then, complete the dialogue, and continue to more complex tasks. Appendix D