Background of the Study Identification of the Problem

expected to be able to help the tenth graders of automotive engineering study program in improving their communication skills in English.

D. Formulation of the Problems

Based on the limitation of the problems above, the formulation of the problems are as follows. 1. What are the target needs of the tenth graders of automotive engineering study programme at SMK YAPPI Wonosari? 2. What are the learning needs of the tenth graders of automotive engineering study programme at SMK YAPPI Wonosari? 3. What are the appropriate English materials for the tenth graders of automotive engineering study programme at SMK YAPPI Wonosari?

E. Objectives of the Study

The objectives of the study are formulated as follows. 1. To describe the target needs of the tenth graders of automotive engineering study programme at SMK YAPPI Wonosari. 2. To describe the learning needs of the tenth graders of automotive engineering study programme at SMK YAPPI Wonosari. 3. To develop the appropriate English materials for the tenth graders of automotive engineering study programme at SMK YAPPI Wonosari.

F. Significances of the Study

This study is expected to be useful for: 1. English Education Department This research can be a reference in conducting the Research and Development study and developing materials in English for Specific Purposes. 2. English Teachers of Vocational High School This research can be a motivation for the teachers of vocational high school to develop the specific materials relevant with the study programs. 3. Students of automotive engineering study programme at SMK YAPPI Wonosari The English materials developed in this research are expected to fulfill the students’ needs in learning English and to improve their communication skills in English. 4. Other Researchers This research is expected to be a reference for the other researchers in conducting their Research and Development study. 6


FRAMEWORK Based on the research objectives, this chapter presents some theories of English in Vocational High Schools, English for Specific Purposes, The Theory of Learning: ZPD, Task-based Language Teaching, Materials Development, Unit Design Development, Task Design Development, Materials Evaluation, and Assessing the four skills. This chapter also presents the relevant studies and at the end of the chapter, the whole process of materials development will be summarised in conceptual framework.

A. Literature Review

1. English in Vocational High School

a. English in Vocational High School

As stated in Badan Standar Nasional Pendidikan 2006: 384, English in Vocational High School is an adaptive lesson aimed to equip students with communication skills, both spoken and written, which match with their program skills in daily life context based on the global demand. There are two main objectives of English in Vocational High School as follows: 1 Mastering the basic knowledge and skill to support the competency attainment of the program skills, and