Assessing Writing Assessing the Four Skills

As vocational high schools have different aim from other schools, they need the specific English materials which match with their study programme. Materials are presented in the form of tasks with the clear instruction, so that it can function properly. The tasks should be related with their study programme, needs, and close to their real life situation. This kind of materials can help the vocational high school students to master their English to face their work life. Based on the problem stated earlier and the good advantages of using tasks by some people above, the researcher decides to do a research on Developing Task-based English Materials for the Tenth Graders of Vocational High School. They are developed based on the principle of effective tasks that have been proposed by some experts such as Nunan 2004, Hutchinson and Waters 1989, Tomlinson 1998, and other experts. If these English materials can be developed successfully, they will be very useful for both students and teachers. Students can get enough input to improve their mastery of English skills which match with their study programme. Teachers can teach with the little preparation because the materials are ready to use. 37


The relevant studies of this research have been discussed in the previous chapter. This chapter describes the type of the research, research setting, research subjects, data collection techniques and instruments, data analysis techniques, and research procedure.

A. Type of the Research

As stated in previous chapter, this research is aimed to develop task-based English materials for the tenth graders vocational high school students majoring in automotive engineering. Therefore, it is categorised into educational research and development. Gall, Gall, and Borg 2003: 569 define educational research and development as the process of developing and validating the educational products and procedures.

B. Research Setting

This research was conducted in one of the vocational high school SMK in Wonosari, namely SMK YAPPI Wonosari. This school is located in Bansari, Kepek, Wonosari, Gunung Kidul. SMK YAPPI Wonosari is a private school under Nahdatul ‘Ulama NU foundation. Beside automotive engineering study programme, there are three other study programmes namely electrical engineering, informatics engineering, and industrial automation study programme.