The Definition of Task

b Learners are interactors and negotiators who are capable of giving as well as taking. c Learners are listeners and performers who have little control over the content of learning. d Learners are involved in a process of personal growth. e Learners are involved in social activities, and the social and interpersonal roles of learners cannot be divorced from psychological learning processes. f Learners must take responsibility for his or her own learning, developing autonomy and skills in learning-how-to-learn. 5 Settings According to Nunan 2004: 70, settings refer to the classroom management specified or implied in the task. It is also requires consideration of whether the task is to be carried out wholly or partly outside the classroom. Based on this argument, it can be said that settings include the seating arrangement such as U-shape, semi-circle, or classic arrangement. Besides, the way the tasks are being done by students, whether individually, in pairs, in small group, or the big group is also included in the settings.

c. Task Types

As stated by Richards 2006: 31, regarding the TBLT, there are two types of tasks, namely: 1 Pedagogical Task Pedagogical task refers to specially designed classroom tasks that are intended to require the use of specific interactional strategies and may also require the use of specific types of language such as skills, grammar, and vocabulary. 2 Real-world Task Real-world task refers to the tasks that reflect the real-world uses of language and that might be considered a rehearsal for real-world tasks. In addition, Nunan 2004: 56-57 proposes three principal of task types namely information gap, reasoning gap, and opinion gap. 1 Information-gap Activity It involves a transfer of given information from one person to another or from one form to another, or from one place to another, generally calling for the decoding or encoding of the information from or into language. 2 Reasoning-gap Activity It involves deriving some new information from given information through processes of inference, deduction, practical reasoning, or a perception of relationships or patterns. 3 Opinion-gap Activity It involves identifying and articulating a personal preference, feeling, or attitude in response to a given situation.